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1 "^/t^A?. Snv. bearing return address of ! ~l addressed to FBI con- 

:>/5/5r. ;:^^;^°^^^;;^g tier env. b earing! return address of BENJAMIN H. FREEDMAI 

addressed to 
"Pact for PacF^ 

r enclosing one copy of the Jan. '57 issue of 

J7 /a/r/^ ^^W^ ^uU/et^^A^ 



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; Benjamin H, Freedman 







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f'*"Y"w/in's ifHN'-f*? 


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Feieral B^reaii of Ii 
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Foley Square 
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ASt. IlCTXyJltlCy CCWAI535J 

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I imptkwtM^ MMmtM tni M*t)M4, wiihMM I>im or ptti^tc*, by HMCNtlifN 
in mimatat MMu<h tmlyit. SubiftipnoM •Mikbl* i» (h* ptblk; far ft wtiiniwy tontribMiMM far Am |Mi(»a«e, ta 
fOUNDATKM rot AWMKMD HUBAKCH ANMLVtl^ 309 fiM AwMUi^ K«W Yoflt 17, N, %, V. I. A, <M« Iwcll fi>l«) 


Of T«l« *TATI O* DaLAWA«« 


"Intervention" by United States armed forces for "preservation" of Zionist puppet "state" 
in Palestine invites defeat for United States by Soviet Union in East-West "hot" World War 


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toVUDOk I94d, UCAGQX FOK )hCACB WiTX fotmct ht f AUUTOO 

Tbe Eisedbower MiddSo East t>octriDe tuis created Icf thjb tuttion 
i&«sca(>aUe and unavou^able obUgatioo ^ ecciploy ViiKedi States anoed 
lorces la the MiddOe East for *Ue preservatioot <tf tb« ioAeptodetc^ aod 
fotegrity" of tbe Zionist pctppet "state" jb» Falestbie. The ioterveotiQA ol 
United Statef anned lorc^ ia the Middle East for that Enjorpose sow will 
w jtbout ^joestibia Or 'i^bubt tr^er the ^breaded aS-<>ut and fMfl-scale 

To be lorewamed iis lo be forearmed. The nation has every right to be 
Jtorewarned that the day «ipoa whftA Vftited Sute« armed forcei intervene 
kk the Middle East loc "Ue presfervaboo of the iadepeadenoo and *>• 
legrfty^ of Che Ztoaist puppet Vtate" jto Palestine wiU also be the dav that 
w^ go down in history as the first day <^ the dreaded alUwt and fvu^cale 
East^Wcst "hoT WorW War from aS the todw«Son« at preswaavaaable. 
U wffi reqwre greyer w&dom than the li^ioa xxyvf displays ^ nrevent 
ecBpIoym^at of United States armed ^occei in the Miildle East testoer the 
oompiusoiy obligatioo of the Eisenhower Mii^ East Poctrine when 
fVesident jEisei^hower 'exercises his pefrogative to do so wpon jfeqwest of 
the Ztotm^'i^f^'it^^' of Xhe Zmj^ ^p«riww ^wtk*?" jww la^^f 

Jotot Resolution for the MiWle East approved a few days earlier by 
aaajority In boti^ houses of the Congress. tve^d^iBt Eisenho'weiri RtgD««wr« 
upon that Jotot Resolution on the Middle East by the Congress pves to 
the Eisenhower Middle East DocCrino the fuH force aiwl^^ffectof aS 
legiiJalioii enacted Ict^ Saw by the Confess. The sponsors bebtod th« 
Eisenhower Middle East I>octrftie have thus jSnally a^xieved the purpose 
they atteo^pted In va«a to accomplish lot other ways loi^«uiny. mtoy years. 
Ibe sponsors behind the Eisenhower Midd^ East Doctriae appeal 
satisfied that the language of the Eiseohowec Middle East Dodrtoe now 
conceals ratjwr thaa reveals Its reaj purpose, ft was planned that Way* 
Zt would have been qoM* ftoopossible POt ute Congress to enact Into law « 
J<ttnt Resolution <«n tjw MidiJle East which clearly ei^ressed fct simple 
liUksaage the primary purpose concealed ta tibe ambiguous ajCkd misleadmg 
language of $»e Eisenhower Middle East X>octrine to fts present locm. 

effect of every law ^ the United Sute» enacted by tjke Congress dealaog 
with cnmes of every description, 3^ is now a crftne to totertere with or 
c>bstruct the operation of the EisexJbower Middle East IXjctrine by deed 
or by word of jcaouth as wSih any other Federal, $tate or k)caj law today. 

The EiseisJtMwer Middle East iDoctrlne is unquestiona^y transfcorm' 
jbag the Middle East area of the world tiito tbe iocubator lor hatching out 
the dreaded all-out and full-scale East-West Ikof World War. The brood 
of that fe% wai prove the wo« catastrophic calamity t» all tike recorded 
.>ifi*r^ jf)f ma.'^MM T*^ oalamfty looms upon the horizons ib the Middle 
Task m theione^bie future. Ine natiOa must be touy alerted to the 
consequeoces of ignorance and todifferenoe to this threatened danger. 
Forewantted Is forarmedL and ft is mudbi later now than tjfeds nation tbaScs. 

It is an fncoQtestible fact that the sponsors behind the Eiseohower 
MiddDe East Doctrbe exercise a dJctatorial and totalitarian cotuyol ia 
the Vnfted States over the media of mass^ommunications lor shapong 
puWio opioutan, the new^Dapers, radio, television, motiott pictures and 
magaz&tes among others. The sponsorf behibd tl>e E^enhower Middle 
East JDoctrUite are titus able to conceal tsfitporUnt inf^mation from the 
udjoa and to brasuwash ti>e psiMm wSih the most extensive, mttMosive und! 
oxpensivetJtlti^oaigns ever conducted In the histcnry of piA/ba r«lationM and! 
propagaiCK^ The n*tioa is jt>i:aMwashed'Vtht £ctiaa and ihe facts are 
-WTOteeH The publio «fe iul&ha;ppily the captives of this la^wation and 
y-aad are »ot WW la any iwiCion to do ajiythsog about ft at ^ moxnent 

"'**TSattt^nd8r^g and Imminent t^eat to the peace of the world $a th« 
Middle East is entirety due to one single fact Ihat one simple fact is the 
'(mpenshahle resoly^'^f IjOOO.GOO J'aiestfloaan Arab expeUees to retura 
t6 their lawJM homes jot their ancient homeland, come beil or highwater. 
Thar hav« kiever recognized the nght of anyone on earth to deprive them i 
oC^heiK' JawfuJt bom^ m their anciet^ homeuuKJk They have not and wiul 
toot reoogn^ the right of anyone on earth to deny them their nght h>\ 
retutt fatuoediately to their homes |i> their ancient homeland of I'alestine. 


I ''M 


Hydrogen^bcrobs delivered by Interoontincatal baSEistic ., ^,^„ 

be introduced into use in the ftext wocldwar u tbo most destructwe of nations t^tfc 


readers that ~a surprise hy<bcogen-bomb attack may ](££ dSX of ^ popu^ 
latiott of big cjBties. Other e<iuaUy reliable authorities are corref^KwdmgJy 
peasimidtic regardiogth* jwspects of a surprise hydrogen-bomb attack 
upon the bdg cSties. There is Sno effective defense against hydrogen-bomb 
surprise attacks tipon big cities by ftiterconC^»entaJi baSistic misSilec a 
fleet of jtotercontipental strategic jet-bombers cr a fleet of submarines 
capable of deJKvering hydrogen-bomb long-range gaSded-massiles orii Wand 
and coastal cfties with their prior detection and destruction ^possible. 

The de^ destructioa and devastation of a natioarwide hy<^gen". 
bomb surprise attack upon the bag cfties of the Unfted States are b^^«d 
the £rasp of humaik comprehension. The magnitude of sudbt a catastiopbe 
pariJyzes the feoaginatwa. Massive retaUatioo of a»y kiod will offer poor 
consolatiott for survivtog victims, H any. There is no suitable or adequate 
compensation for tbe staggering loss of hves and great destructioa of 
property. Under these circusnstances, the dreaded idBU>ut and fuU-scale 
East-West "hot* W<tfW War must be jtealously (juarantfeied, not actively^ 
SncubatedL discouiraged in every, way. not esaoOoraged by J^dSfference to 
the danger of Its <irtm. destruction ^ow factog tbdis lucioi^ lor the first ttote. 

The Eisenhower Middle East Doctr:^ must not be confused wtth a 
declaration of a new foreign policy for the United Suics to the >iiddle 
East. The Eisenhower Middle East Doctrine presents a danger fo the 
Itfe and liberty of every man, woman and ol^ to the United States. 
It is the "law of ti«e laxKf to the Uftited States today, ft has tbe force and 

<TlMtwM<!bristian Asian^^£^ican SOIt of the world's total population, 
lour out ^ «v^ five human beings on the lace of this f»s^ reco^izes 
this God^en and toaiienablo nght of these 1/XX).000 f aiest^ Arab 
expelleM, The Christian Earcpeiuv Western HemiE^>here 202 of the world's 
total populadon does »ot concede this nght to these 1/XX}.000 falesttnian 
Arab expeS^. Th^ conJBU^tiag attitude ot the non<3bri6t^ 

this ^uestiott a jrespoosible f«r the.impendtog and tomment! , j : i -, it 

U May 194$, wifihout any cause or |ustificatioo whatever, 1^300,000 ,/l | 

haimlest and helpless, tonoceot I'aie&timan Arah meo. women and chil- 
dren were expoUod by force and vwlence tr<«a their lawful homes to 
ttMiir ancient hMoeland by the armed aggression of the organized miLMry 
foiCes of 650.(XX) Zioiust revOiuticaxists transplanted It^ Jt^alestme Ice 
that purpose by the totemational Zionist cou^irat^^s between the years 
l^m and J194& At that time to 1943, falestme was reoogmzed by.the 
Oafions of the world as the autonomous state of the Palestinian Arabs 
pursuant to the recogoltion of Palestine to Wf> by the teague of Natioos 
and aU countnes ot the world confirmiog palesunaan Arab ^pyereigoty.. 

Tbe Cod-given <md toalienable toherent rights of t;bese 1.000.000 
PalestuDoaA Arab expellees are to total ectgpse durtog the toternati^ 
conferences so frespi^c^ called to examine the question of "free passage 
throu^ the Suez Canal, •innocent passage through the Gulf of AQuaba" 
and 'status" of the Caza 'strip.* They are held ft seems only to validate 
crimioAl acts of the Zionist armed tosurrectionists who Voclaimed" the 
loot of their l«44.^rcvo*utioo ^ Palesttoe their Zionist puppet "state." 
The todicatxms at this time emphasize prevtous predictians that no per^ 
manent or peaceful sol^i^bon of any Middle East problem i» poss^ tmf^ 
and vnless the 1^X)0,000 f alesttoian Arab expeUees agi^ occupy thek^ 
Uwfol homei to their ancient homeland. That ouestioa should reo^Vej 
jaiorfty to every loteraational cotrfereoce on Middle East questions. tW^ 
sdution wiS greatly s&npUy the solution ol all other ^vestfoos «o the' 
benefit of aS concerned, to(^idtog the toteroational Zionist conspirators. 


' l..h 



;aiedia lor masMXHnaiunicttioDS i<it *liapin« jpuWic <^^saoo cwtyoU*! 
»ow toi tbe ir»K;ed St»t« fcy the jbaieroaJCraa»J ZiCftists coospira^ffs tjMa-e» 
Eveiy wiv^rsaay accepted staxwianS sowfce ^ jrefere^we <wa tlw sat- 
jecC eaomex'at^g fjbe ideotica) s«v«n requireoMnti sec^Daiy to <3uai^ jua 
aggregate ^ persona as a "aatioa," TSe «vea retj^jrejOQeoti eowneraced 
are (1) a jrwor^l d long associaciocw (2) » Jrecord U cosanooo etibaio 
ongi». (3) a record d spealotog titw saaae U»g«ago^ <4) a recwJ of ijie 

» ia£n» but^, (9) a record as a leparate pcU^af sUte. (Q) a record as 
a ^JSsttoct people, aod <7) a record c< ocdf^yvag a de&aie texx^iory. 

' Prior to trauasplaotkig O^eta toto f^atestioe fifOttt all corners of (^ world, 
the 1,800,000 ZioiMSts ito l*aJestiae *> 1^7 could absolutely never satisfy 
asiy o£ tiU seven requ)ire«)eots »ecessary to q^^y tbem collectively as 
a Vtioa" *)t the ho&est OplxsioDS cf iouble avthorities on that stttiject, 

Ttie cojy characteristic that all tie X,800,00O Zkwjists traapplaoted 
jtoto Palestine have io, coramoa wait each oilier, or w&3x other Z«c«usts, is 
their rehgious faith. Uoder no jtoterpretatioa of "oatKw" are xoembers <* 
tihe saxoe religious faitih,' scattered throughout the w^jrldand <ii many 
races and nabonalities, regarded as a "oatioa" solely by reason of that 
fact Jt is the heij^t ot <oUy to regard aljt ChnstiaxkS. scattered throughout 
the world and oTioany races and natJonalJbes, as the Christian "nation 
solely ty reasco o£ the fact that they all profess the Chribtxan f ajth, 
_ _ It would fee the height d jEoHy for tjhe sattw reason to regard *li 

astwanccs of futwe support by ^ noivChristian Asian^^iricfca 8^8 e#--*^ Catholics scattered throughoutj^ie world^and of JCoaey raws aod fcatiouaZf- 

the world's total pojruUtJon. Iney jhave been assured, tibat l^^ 

It is now sMiiiker unreasonable nor wreaitfftic to antici^te tjat tiw 
J;000.000 Palesttoian Arab expellees w* one day soon resort to the 
raeasures necessary to facilitate the Jretum of their stolen homes to theoot 
It is also nefther vJweasonWe nor vnrealistic to antic^ate that liho PaJes- 
tiiXiaa Arab expcUeek toay find it necesary to resort to the nse of methods 
to accomplish Oiat resujte sanilsue or *ie^«l to^ *f}^*^?^ adopted Jto 
ll^« by the organized armed forces of the «50,00O Zionist revolutionists 
to Palestine when they KteraUy rtole tJheaf homes from them Wee band^. 

The ^^id^ <ai<«t and full-scale East-West ^ioC World War wflj 
officially commence on the day Vmted 5W« «med fojcesue em 
in the Mvidle East to prevent the retttm of the 1.000.000 Palestmian ^ 
expellees to their JawfuT homes in their ancient bomdaad, a homeland j 
fertized by their ancestors tor over JTOO years wilJi theuf sweat and , 
t,lood. The XfiOQfiOO jfaiestmian Arab expellees are « th« tooe and have s 
Ss^^s tSn?hc lawful owners of «4.e» of the Mea >rocla^ 
630.000 ZiO(Dai.t armed iusurrectiomsts in i«4S the preseot Ziomst puppet 
•state' Sa Palestine. The ^.€« of the area of the present Ziomst puppet ^ 
•state" in Palestine, owned by Ove ijOOO,000 Palestwoan Arab eimeUees, 
w« JalSd « yS^sSlixiundred Milhon PoBars (♦S.eOO.OOO.SoOW) 
at tl* time IE was stoJ^ from tJhem, according to a survey made by 
a commission of Vnited ]Nat*ons e^qperts sent to Palestine for that purpose. 

Tbe J.O0O.O00 Palestinian Arab expellees have <^»??.^***^^*5 


will closely follow toe pattern of the sujpport supptSed by the Christian 
JEnropeanr-Westert Hemisj^kere SKW of the worSf s total powilabooto 
the internirtional Zionist conspirators responsible for the rape of PaleSttoe 
ia 1941 jto wh«;h the Uwted wites played the leading role, Wit^ the men, 
money and material fwthcoming nnder this arrangement the X.OO0.0OO 
Pales^nian Arab expellees wiB have the means to take possessioo of 
their lawful homes m their aoCient homeland H the same manner but 
jea reverse by which they lost them to the Sptemational Zionist conspirators 
as a result of ihe considerable material, money and men supplied to them 
gratuitously by the Christian European^Westem Hemisphere ^OX cf the 
world's population contrary lo aS canons of Christiaa dogma and doctrine, 

U i$ neither unreasonable nor ^mreahstic to anticipate that the Soviet 
Cnion wiU at that tane display the same feiterest to the future develoij*- 
menis Sa the Middle East that the Soviet Union recengv displayed m 
developments jh> Egypt in the month of Noven^t>er. In November X95^ 
tanprovofced and wajustified armed aggression »g^OSt tlw t^ifemu»»d 
sovereieniy of Egypt by Great l&ritaSo and >>ance ^e«*e^4fc^>rompt 
^^3 SSK^to thm by .the «<^' Waa Wi^t W or 
S^catici tender viteraatio6al law or the Vnfted Nations Charter, Creat 
&aia and fYauce reduced Port Said to a heap of rubble by rutWess and 
reckless bombardment from the air. with great civflian loss of Kfe. after 
bombardment of other cities in Egypt, port Said is an Egyptian city of 
ahnost 200,000 popiilation situated at the Med*erranean entrance to the 
Suez Canai iind the base of JEUritian's army of occupation from XS72 to 1^54. 

The Soviet Union by-passed United Nations jtot delivering the ulti- 
matums to Great EritaJi and Eranoe « Great Britain and Eitance had by- 
oassed United Nations to their armed aggjression agatost Egypt. The 
Soviet Union nkimaCums to Great Eiritam and France re<juested the 

fr^Egypt. Great JBrttato and Jf^ance were not^ed that faflure on their 
part to oomply "wouM resuJt to tbe bombardment of lx?ndon and Paris 
wai hig^Jy destructive guSded-missiles, Up*'* verification of this fact 
Great Britato and France did not hesitate fcng to comply wfth the nltir 
maCums of the Soviet Union. Great 3Britato and Finance wished to spare 
London and Paris the fate of Port Said. It was not "world opinion" which 
caused two of the great aftSStary powers to suddenly abandon their wett- 
prepared campaign for the oon(iuest of Egypt Without emphasisiing the 
fact * is obvious Great IBrftato and FJranoe were savtog jLondoo and Paris. 

The Eisenhower K*d«31o|lfast'l>octrtoe swqpplies Unfted States armed 
forces with no rftore authoca;^ under ^h« fttf ei;5«tiwall^^ 
Nations Charter, to totervene m the Middle East f<« "^OTpPfwerva^ ^ 


4: 1 

ties, as the Catholic "nation.' The same logic applies with equal force «(> 
Episccpaleans, Lwtheraos, Methodists. Presbytenand. »aptipts and all 
ooier Smi Protestant denomtoations. and to Moslems* Ufewvs. Buddhisto, 
Braluntos and other religious f a^. Zionists of many races and nationalir 
, ties were scattered tbofoughout the world before 1.800,000 were chosen 
to be transplanted Snto Palestine. Zionists throughout the world were 
never a "nation" to tay sense of the word solely because they allegedly pro; 
f cesed tbe same JcehgKWS belief, *or does that fact make them a nation 
today to Palestine, to spite of their many spuriouii ilaims to the contrary, 

It Is beyond comprdiension that the Christian EuropeaivWestem 
Hemisphere 20!t of the wof Ws total population acknowledge and accept 
the Zionist puppet "state" to Palesttoe as a "nation" to any sense of the 
word. The non-Christian Asia*Af rican 80% of the world's total population 
does not concede that 1,800,000 Zionists transplanted toto Palestine from 
^^ cottiers Of the worUl M'^dtog Asia and Africa, are a "nation" to the 
'^sense 'Of th* ^asSverSaSy ^aocepCe>$^*t«>dard sources of reference on the 
subject The toternational Ziomst conspirators cannot deceive them at a^L 

Th^ governments of tbe noi^Chrisban Asian^jrican SOS* ^ the world*! 
total pcjfiulation were compelled to extend poJsDcal and economic recog- 
nitiott to tbe ZiOiiirt puppet "state" to Palestme. The governmeots of the 
Christian Ewopean- Western Hemisphere 20% of tbe world's totaJt popu- 
Jatioo were to tbe position to compel i3:)e]» to do so foe obvious reasons 
hy the force of Ckcwnstances for tbe time being beyond their power to 
mo<^. The present jbc^ernational imbalance is a regreuWe fact which 
fortunat^ wjB nc* endure very much longer Judging by the evidence 
of tbe Asian-African economic emano^ation to follow pobtical i"beration. 

ta AffldJ 194$ fighting forces of the 650,000 transplanted Zionists 
to Palerfaoe slau^tered every Palestinian Arab man, woman and child 

May 15, 1*43 if they offered resistance to the 650.00Q transplanted Zionists \ \ , 

after the departure lor En^and of tbe High Commwisiooer for falesttoe ! = 

with tbe last rematotog rf 100,000 l^itihh occupation troops. Accordtog I 

to tbe International Red OfoS'S, the butchered bodies of the victims were 
tbrown toto the water wells of the city. In Apr4 l$4S the fighting force 
of tbe 650.000 transplanted Zionists demonstrated to 1,580,000 JPalestiman 
Arabs many Other bloody demoostratioos of what they coijdd then expect if | 

they offered any Resistance to the Zionist aggresscws after May W. 1948. * 

)En May 194S the fighting force o^ Zionists transplanted into fales- ' 

ttoe proceeded to drive 1.000,000 diJfarmed, helpless and hahnless, iimo- 
cent Palestinian Arab men, women and ohfldren out of 702 or the territory 
<^PalestfeiOijW:otl*e deserts of Syria, lordaj^ Saudi Arabia,* Ira<i,tebanofi , .»i 
and Egypt,, where tbey ar«jnow,,^x3sting to.4estii!otioft to fiUhy oamj>t f '*r*^^ 

Sao^eatSitian and France enjoyed wnder toternational law or the <aafte»#AQt vear§ oo' 7«- a day ioc food oontrtbuted by Un*ed Nation*, i*-. 

Charter of United Nations to totervene with their armed forces to Egypt 
Jal^^vent their spleen because EgyptJWtionahzed their Suez Canal 
Xt is neither reasonable nor reahsitc to anticipate thrt (^ Soviet 
iT«^ will verv ktfwr remato * dSsinterested spectator on the swe hnes 
I^U^edSut^^^Sfces totervene to dTM^Mle East to prevent 
eS^etiS «f these 1.000,000 Palestinian Arabs to th^ own hom« to 
S^J«^t Wand to Palestine. Nor is ft reasonable or realistic to 
Stfci^etbat^ Soviet Union wfll for very long *emato an onlooker 
SSy SSg develcT?ments to the Miijle last wh«> that takes 
l^to an w^5 the w^also toiportant today to the Soviet Uaioa 
' Nt« does the toevJtabiSfly of tbe tmr*e<i«*5Je predude the posrfr 
bai^ of ^between the Un^ State? and tt« Sovi^ 
SEiftiscalculation by eHher country, as much as each earaMtlv d«ir<« 


*«wl W«U War XI resulted from. miscalcutotions by tbe tot^regSjdpstfiefu.^ every clain advanced by tot<mQationaI Zionist coraoir 
SSS^SSTiSSJi^gamnowit greater care S«5«^exerci^ S^Sf.feSSP^S^ 

The sponsors behind tbe Eisenhower Middle fcai* Docbrtoe already 
are cclebrattog their victory resulting from tbeuf excellent choice of ^ 
tJSrS to^Un^ge of tilie Eisenh^er Middle East D«;trtne as ^Jy 
^Xd toto the Taw of the land" by the Conar^ss. The ^(anguageof Je 
EfcSSww MKiaie East I>octrtoe completely >ide» from ttie nation Jhe 
prSSypurpose for which ft was enacted. As aA exaAple, the EisenhowCT 
SSsie East Poctrtoe makes veiled reference to the Ziomst puppet fitote 
toS5e^^«one «f tbe "nation* of the Middle East* by toiptfcation. 
Kence and toonendo as though ft had fts historic *oots to that area, 

the Zionii.t puppet -state- to falesttoe is not a "nj^on" aooM^g 
to eith« totema^Tlaw, jtoteiligent nse, the Oxford En^ Pj^- 
i^rwebstej^s Vftiversal JOictionary awi every ^/«^«"«^/JS^J5 
JSdard source of reference on the eul^ect. )5espfte every *J^v^^ 
wjccpted standard source of reference on ^>^^^^J^^^^^^^^ 
Eise^er Middle East Doctnne^makes ^^,^,^^^*S^tF& 
-state" to Palestine as one of the "nations of tbe Middle EasTbytoW 
catiol toference and tonueodo M Sf that >y ft«lf w<j*ld m^ «rthat, 

Anv reference to the ZiO»i«t ^puppet "state" to pijesttoe as one of 
»v* nISvkS^^ Middle East" is completely contrary to fact and coon- 
^T^h^^ S^nbiased £id «il?retodic^ ^^^^J^.^ 
?SS5cS Ihe Zionist pupa>et "state" to |»alestine & a "nation 
JS^ ttJ^^ations of Zionist^I^wpagantots and *« <^.^S« 
SeptiwTtnSi wbject to their V^washtoj! ever stoco 194S to the 

chi^g the nations responsible f«f the tragedy. DaSy many die there of 
hunger, while 1,800,000 traa'splanted Zionists hve to luxury m their home? 
and now grow m«sth fatter, fresher and fiercer there wfth each passtog day. 

The toternational Zionist coaspirators ^isttfy tbeir puppet "state" to 
7031 of Palestine on the grounds that <1) all palesttoe was their "premised 
Land" fotf 8000 years, <2) all Palestine had been tbe "homeland" of the 
"Chosen Pec^ple' from time townemoriaX X3> Lord BaKour had "given" 
all Palestine to them by a letter written to Lord f^othschOd, (4) the 
defunct League of Nations somehow "gave" all Palesttoe to them, (5) ' 
Unfted Nations "created" their puppet state" by a "recommendation" to 
•partition" Palesttoe and gratuftously grant them SOS of all Palesttoe. and 
ft) Zionists throughout tbe world for 3000 years have all been "praytog" to 
return" to Palestine. A3 fftx «f ^ « ffl beheoed ^y many f<?oha\ Chrxatiafiel 

Without exceptions or <sualifications of any description lor any reason, 
' " " . — . .irfctOri inside Of ^)t*- 

Palesttoe have been proven completely false, fictitious or frandulant and i y^ j.^.. ,: 
to many cases all three, The toternational Zionist conspirators toside arid , * ' ' ' 
outside tbe Zionist puppet "sUte" of tbe Zionist spurious Ration m 7^ : 
of Palesttoe admit, and to many tostances boast, that tibeuf ac<3wftion M \ 
•m d Palestine is solely the t^s^ <& Zionist armed aggression widiott 
any legitimate historic, religious or racial lights tO possession by them. ? 

The dictatorial and totalitarian control exercised over tbe media of 
mass-commuKkications for shaptog puWic opinion to the Unfted States fy 
the toternational Zionist conspirators made ft ^possible for them to brato" 
wash the nation tbat these 1,000,000 . Palestinian Arabs expelled frc*n 
their homes toto disgraceful destitution to fii'*y/«»P*'.^3^*»iord4n 
Saudi Arabia. Iraq, Lebanon and E^ are '?«f^^-.U« ^*^SSS, 
f PalesttoSan Arabs m these camps are expellees artd«oC refugees. Ttos 
St^nTbcatowashed to re^ these 1/XX),000 PalestSaian Arabs M 
-refugees" tofitead of "expeJleie^ for a sinister reason, as wffl be explamod. , 

The Oxford Englli* Dictionary and everv olher nnSversaUy a<>cepfe^| '^^ 

standajcd source «f reference on the sub/ect^define? exper gener^ly; "JO i>,, 

drive out or tbrust twt, to eiert by forc^• and ?Pec^c^ 7}^.^ x M 

object a person, to e^ect, d«.lodge by force from a postoon; to banih ^lyR 

fiSTcoiiS^l to ^a; a place or country- The Oxford EnrftshDw^ M'^ 

and every otber nSivenaay acc^ standard source of xefereoce on ^e J ||.^t| 

^S defines "expenee-^ as: Ve . -who has been expened." Jo v^Vrj l:\ I. 

S&^definaiooj£j what occurred to Palestine to May 1$48 there cU r' 


t* »o ^mU^ that the 1,000.000 P*lestfoism MtU fa qwstiCMa W« we 
'cxpeUeei* ©n^if «7f "Vefwgeei" i^jpK^cr cwcwmstanwj the facts clearly jprove, 
TV Oxford Eo^h picUonaiy and every o<^ vadversafly accepted 
itandard wwcf of tef«react «n the w^bject ^efifie "xtfttgee' q>eciE<»Xty; 
'one wlttt, cwHjg i9 rel^g^OM persectttiwa o* pc^^itical troubles, seeks jrefug© 
in a loreigft country; <>ngin^y ftpplied to French Hvgenott who ca^oe to 
Eorfaod afler ^ revocatioa of vw Edid <4 Na»tes £a J6S5." ][« view 
CkE Uua 4<?&aajoiit and every ot^r «^versa]U!v acc^ed standard ttcwrce of 
reference oa the subject, the ocjy *r«f ctgee*' »i the Middle East are ^ 
1,800,000 traisjJan^ed ZiO^ijsts m rafestiae who sw^ •refoge" there. 

The 1,800,000 Zionists traospJaat*d Sato Palestw lef? their homes to 
their ancient homelands '^ovvlng to rel^&wd )?ersecvtioii aad political 
tWibtei" ^ cffder to 'seek i;efoge to « fwwspa country,' Ordinarily "ref** 
gees' do not 'peek refuge in a Icre^ coantty* and theft resort to 
conqvest of the loreig» cotmtry in which <lhey are seeJctag refuge Jfcom 
"rehgkwa toersecutton and political troubles" ta their homelands, as the 
T^omsi; "rdbgees" transplanted toto falestiQe actually <Jid there U X$4S. 

In ady event, (ihe* 1.000.000 expelted falestiniaa /^U to questiOQ 
cannot be regarded as "refugees " Firstly, they ^ not volvwtaray leave 
their homes in their ancient JbojnelaxwJ "owuig to relig&ws persecntion 
t* poUical tro^bJes," S\kch tihings d*l )oot exist fia jfajestoe vntM the arnVd 
of the transplanted Zionists. Secondly, they -did not voluntarily leave their 
^ tofterfirther'iDMd^T honaefenod w^^seek refuge in a foreiga land.* The* 
<Jescr^ptioo "refugees* octlV £t$ the transr^tanted Zionists la f alesttoe. The 
1,000,000 Palestinian Araos jto question are "expellees" beyond any pos- 
sible doubt f'Y the same token w transplanted Zionists mwst be "relfageeft." 

There U % method {o the madness" d the tetemationtJ Zionist con- 
sp&:a*>rs In braJnwashfeg the nation that the 1,000.000 3Palestiaian Arab 
"expellees" are "reftjigees." Jt Is a fact "refugees^ .seek to "resettle," lor 
the reasons stated, "in « foreiso country " ft is also a fa<^ "expellees" seek 
to "rehmn" t^ their home* tn their ancient homeland from which they have 
been "driven paf^ "thrust Out," "ejected by forces' "dislodged by *orc««," 
and 'competted to q«lt,' The 1.000,000 JPsOestcftSaa Arabs in question are 
"expellees awaS;tog "return" to their Jhomcs in their ancient homeland. 

The 1,000,000 f^alest^Bkian Arabs £9 Question are not "refugees" waiting 
10 be "resettled* at the convenience of the C3;a1stia» European-Western 
llemMTphere ^ cf the world's tc*aj popul^ioo somewhere in <3he wwVi 
"jta a foreigoi country* The <Uctaton«l and totstlitanaa cooCfoI «x«rct)sect ** 
ovef t3t>«« wvedm lo« unassoowweawicatiws !» the Vnited $titte«. by the 
Sntemational Zionists ^cojojrpir*^* wOl ^>ever «uooeed ^ tranrfoK*^^ th*;**. 
Ifi00,(m FiksmdaA Arat« iA <i««iftioa iatO '•refugees" Sn the SwodiTOf TSuT 
non-ChriStiaa AsuuKUrican iJO* of the worWi total population. To them 
the 1.000,000 Jpale>tflwaa Arabs toi ^ywstson w:^ always remas* "exgf^eUees." 

The sponsors jbehiJsd the Eisenhower Middle East I>octxine for *, 
very obvious reason lacjudod in the jomt JWsolutwo enacted totO law on 
March V» 1^7 the very wabiguous^ vague. <>bscure «»d e<iuivocai term: 
"armed aggression £roro any country controlled by ^otemational comm«^ 
*ism," I'here is not one person ** aSJ this wotM today who can fctelligently 
oaer ^ explanation o£ the Smplication. Soference or innuendo expjjcjd; or 
SmpUcit J6a the tena. "armed aggressnw from any country controlled ly 
iotemational commwiism." Tl>ere is not one person in »U this world today 
who can rationalize a pobcy or a course of action with the term; "armed^ 
aggressiwa trom any couciry controlled by intemayonsJ communism. 
The sponsors behind tihe Eisenhower Middio East t>octri3e evidently 
"planned i^ that way* f«« their purpose and wi^ a good reasott in mind 

VVhen the J6rst opportunfty <« occasion to <3o so presents ItscDE, the 
sponsors ^hma the iwi*nhower UxSoJ» East I>octr«« wUl mteipret 
'armed aggression txom any oous^ cootroiied by international commur 
uosm" to nwan jpiterventjoa by Vnjted &tates armed fiorcei jn the MiMfe 
Ea^ttor "the preservation d the independence and j^te^roy" of the Ziomst 
puppet "*Ute in Palestine, Tlie sponsors behind the fcu-enhower Middle 
East Doctrme have at aU tunes covertly planned to l^teipret "armed ag- 
gresi^ioo Ijcom any country controlled by totetoatiooal communSsm" as 
the t^aor^ atcemptr tf/ Jhuestmla* Arab rooounfi^odos* <« ,"suicid« s^uad^. 
10 cross the bor\?«sr inW ^alestkie feomitamps ift^wMdviiOOO.OWt*'! 
' tuwaa Arabs are ttving in exile *a Egypt, Syria. Jordan* Iraq, Lebanon 
SawU Arabia waitmg to recover ijvew home« ficom those who stole theis*. 

It is » universally accepted fact that 'aggresswn" accompanied by 
the nse of weapons becomes ^armed aggresswn," It is also a universaliy 
accepted fact that "aggression" <* "armed aggression" may be the act of 
one person or more than one person. The numt>ex partaking ta th« "aggres- 
sion C€ "armed aggrcssioo" vanes from One person to the entwre armies, 
»avie« and a^ lorce* ccJlectively c* the world's lea^Ung miStary j>owet. 

Both as a wSitary term and as a »c«wmilitary expression "aggressjoa" 
and "armed aggj-ession" are nsed in two ways firstly, "overt aggression" and 
'ov&ct armed aggression" and sewmdly, covert aggression and "covert 
anoed aggression,' The term "overt armed aggression" descr^wf toatances 
^ "armed aggression" which are open to th^ view of all tho world, are 
made j>ubiiCi are unconcealed and are <lufte apparent without further 
Snqu'iry <« investigation. The October 29^ 19S« attack upon Egypt by the 
army, tkavy and «r force of the Zionist puwpet "sUte" m Falestme is an 

■> ^ iar», tf l Jg^ r A lw d IWMrj : ^ ^IW^^^'^u^^J^^!^ 

mstanpe <^ "overt armed aggression." Vnder fotematic«ial law "overt 
am^ aggress«» is an olSciai act by (!he government of a sovereign state 
and it becomes overt armed aggression" iatematiODally when "armed ae- 
gression fa Open to the view oT&ie world. Ss made puHic, is wconceal^ 
and ts <^uae apparent wiUont need {<x jMher toquiy or loveBt^ation. 

There are two WiVersally recognized types of "armed aga-essioct" 
11*^ are ov«t armed aggression* and "covert armed a^ess^" 1^ 
are the oppofiitJes of each ether In an inportant respeCt '^vert «rm«^ 
gession Mcpen^theview<l5«worfi:&made^ 
and is quite apj^rent without further infjuiry or Jovescigaticux Xovm 
armed a«fression on the Other hand is secret, concealed, hidden, obscure! 
masked, disgwsed. caaKaaged. stealthy and « is Xiever cpen or exposed! 

IJal ^ig&«a <^aft of %is Joint Resolution on the MHdle East was 
JwS2*.^i'Sl?^ Ewenhower in person to the Toint^Sion <rf tS 
Congress c^ by hmi for that purpose <« January < 19S7. JCn jpresidet* 
Eifieohower^ January 5, 1^57 drafts h!s Joint JReiiJtion on^M^ 
East t^ wor^s -ov^rt armed aggressioa- appeared where («nly the %w3)i 

Mx^e^Eftf* enacted *.to1a* on March 9, l^^US eSXvw 

^J^^S^E^S^L?* W*^\*.i^ ^ the -revfeeFj^t SSS 
approved by both houses <^ the Congress a lew days ffi&r StweS 
January J. 1957 and March 9> 1957 PresiiieoC Efee^iowerV^tSS 
tiott on the Middle East was "revised" by the S^mUh£^F^ 
bower Middle Ea.^ JXxtdne to meet -^^ScKS^^^^tS^ ea^ 

It xousl he apparent to intefilgeut persons that the Palestinian Arab 
expellees witt <4 necessity |oe many reasooii be compelled to resort to 
"covert armed aggression when they cross the border ci f aJestbe to 
return to their lawful hornet in their ancient homeland of f alesti^ from 
the Arab Middle East cowi^ries where they are now temporariy in evile. 
.For numerous reasojoi whkJbk are too apparent to recfi* here the jPalestiniaa 
Arab expellees are not able to providf themselves wJ^ the weapons of 
offense reaped by tih^n to <luplac«Ce the "overt armed aggression" of 
the «50.000 translated Zionists wSh which to 194S th^ expelled lErom 
their bcwnes in their ancient homeland wiOwut cause or provocation 
1.000,000 disarmed helpless and harmless^ innocent JPalestinian Arab men. 
women and children )Xk collusion with the United States and other powers. 

The sponsors bebund the Eisenhower Middle East Doctrftie "revii>ed" 
the January 9, 1957 J<»int Eesolution on titw Middle East foe that very 
obvious and realistic reason by the suoapte substitution of "armed ag- 
gression" for "overt armed aggression" to the revised Joint Resolution on 
ttie Middle East which was enacted into law <m March 5; ISS?, The 
spMfiors behind the Eisenhower Middle East Doctaitoe were well aware 
<* the fact that the Palestinian Arab e>?p^lees cowld not Sn the forseeable 
future apply "overt armed aggression" against the Zionists puwet "sUte" in 
Palestine without armed forces more nearly e<iual to that of the* enemies. 

Consequently, if the phrase "overt armed aggression" was used in the 
JoioLSesolution on the Middle Ea.ft finaHv /inarfM^^ Uw, iJ>ft 7;rw.»>.., 
puppet "state" In Palestine tihen wM not demand United Sutcs armed 
forces to ioftervene U the Middle East for "the preservatwn of the iode- 
pendence and totegrtfy" d the Zionist puppet "state in Palestine, obviously 
W primary purpose of the Eisenhower Middle East Doctrtoe.- If ihe 
phrase "overt armed agression" was used Sn t3he Jotot Resciutiion on the 
Middle East enacted into law and the "overt armed aggression" aga&st the 
Zionist puppet "state" in PalesUne never arose, the Zioniits puppet "state" 
in Palestine could »(>^ demand Vnited States armed forces to mCcrvene 
IB the UtA^ East under the terms of the Eiiseciiower Middle East 
Doctrine. Therefor "armed aggression" replaced "overt armed aggression," 

The sponsors behind the Eisenhower Middle East Doctribe w^SI ask 
iotervention l^ l^ed States armed forces to the Middle East fcx "the 
reservation w the independence and totegrity" of the Zionist poppet 
Vate" in Palesttoe if jteiatively saaaH numbers of Palestinian Arab ex- 
pettee "wtoamandos" and "suicide stjuads" cross tjie border Soto Palestine 

'liOttfEgypt, Syria and Jordaa Any attempt by a relatively smaU number 
of f ale'Jtmian Arab expeUee "commandos" or "suicide squads" to <*oss 

o-mta, TalestKoe by the ^^se^^d^m^ aggression* w32 br&ag mterventson 
by tTftfted State* Mtaed forces m the MkWI* East xmder the Eisenhower 
MiJdIe East Doctrine as finaUy *0act*d fc*o law $ xe<3uested by the 
Zionist puf^ "state" in Palestme. Tft^ haee iKqvked t}m cuthotuyt 

The sponsors behind the Eisenhower Middle )East X>octrin« used the 
term 'country controlled by Satematiooal communfem" to the Jcant Beso»- 
hition on the Middle East which was finally enacted toto law on March 
^ 1$57 for a venr obvious reason which is not a secret any longer. There 
Ss no person to the world who & aUe to supply an totelhgeut explanation 
<rf wheJi is meant by "country controlled by totematK^ oommwi^'m.* 

nte sponsors b«htod the Eisenhower MvikEle JCast Doctrtoe selected 
the term "tiom any country" which was used to "armed aggression from any 
"' councry conaollea by totematicsaal comiwSttEm" for a very obvjow rca«a, 
Jtf the purpose of the Eisenhower Middle East I>octrine is "the preserva- 
tion ot the Independence ajod integrity" of "naCfons of the Middle Easf 
agatost "aftaed aggression" \fy other countries to the Middle East, <* from 
elsewhere to the world to<^udtog i3he Soviet Vnion. the Jo«rt JRiscdution 
on the Middie East enacted toto law should now read "hy any count 
instead of "from any country." jtn correct Eng^iirh the o©cial acts 
governments <Jt sovereign states are described as acts T>y any count , 
and not as acts from any country." ITiat choice of words was no accident 

"Armed aggresfflOoT agaijwt the Zionist puppet "state" t» PaJesttoe by 
^aleetSotoSrArao expellee "commandos" <fc *su*cide squads" is "armed 
swwk" to fact aod to eftect "trom any nation" because Palestmian 
commandos" and "suicide squads" are Pa;«tttoians, not Egyptians 
Syrians or J<tfdanians. The Palestawan Arab expellees are however to 
temporary exile to Egypt, Syria and Jordan. When Palestmian Arab 
e35>eUee» cross the boroer toto Palestine "from' Egypt, "trom" Syria or 
"trow Jordan they can be said to be crossiog the norder toto PaJestine 
"firom any country/' If Egyptians, ^o-ians or Joidanians cross the bender 
toto Palesteae iR thejr becomes an official act ty the gov€3mment of a 
sovereign state and "armed aggressior^" by Egypt, by Syna or by Jordan 
and correctly described as "armed aggression!^ any country." The retui* 
cf Palestinian Arah expellee "comaAndo^ or "suwide squads' to their 
homes to thev ancient homeland to Palesttoe is not "armed aggression" 
as aii official act by the government of Egypt, or of Syna or ol Jofdaa 
or of any sovereign Middle East ptate agamst the Zionwt pojpjpet 'sute." 

The nse of the phrase "from any country" tostead of "by any country* 
clearW tadicales the tolcntiooa of the sponsors behind the Eisenhower' 
Middle East Doctrtoe. They wished to make certato that the Joint H«s<h 
hrtjott on the Middle East enacted toto law provided thaf Vn^ed Stated 

SI^-Sf«?li^»Sf&5^L , . 

the Palestinian Arab expellee "commandos" and "suicide squads* crossed 
the border toto Palestine fr^aa Egypt, Syria or Jordan. Tnere they are 
waiting to temporary exile nntil Siey can xetum to their homes agato. 

There is.not any possibilSty at afl that Vn^ed Sutei armed forces 
wiQ ever be requested c« required ^ totervene to the Middle East f<rf 
Jhe preservation of the todependence and toCegrtty" of an Arab MiddlJ 
East country agatost "armed agression" by anv other Arab Middle E«« ' 
country, There is toot the remotest possiS>3Sty taat any Arab Middle East . 
country wiU Uvewed «o require or request United States armed f«^ 
«o totervene on their beha« f<« "the psreservabon of the todependen^ 
and totegr^y cf their country agatost Arab Middle East countnesTor an* 
country elsewhere foch*dtog the Soviet VnSoaThe Mutu^ Defense TreaS- 
of 1944 cf the League cf Arab States and the United Nations ChartJ 
elimtoate <v«ry necessfty for United States armed loroct to totervene to 
the Middle East under tihe Eisenhower Middle East Doctrine except 
to case of jfotur© aggression by the Zionist puppet "state" to Pafestine. 

1^.Ar»b S5®ell art coiabtei are certato tiiat United States armil 
jorcei wg ^r no circH«nstaooertotervene to the MiSte East a^^ ^ 
the armed forces of the Zionist puppet "rtate" to Palest ^«S^ 
national honor and totemational totSSy make such totCT%SSKoo a JS2! 
«d sacred OWig^ionrftheUm'tedffi.'^oSS^^^ 
Sye* prodaaned a Tripartil* Declaration for the MidSe^ Ewt The 
Tr^artite Dedaration warned the Middle East that the United Sta^ 

li ■■ 


would 'imfioediately taVe tctioo" fa the MidiSIe East jf the t>or4ers oj the 
Mii.j:< East WW 'vfcOatod.' llw Uafted Statei warned e» Arab MiASe 
East coui^trlei <« eaafty oocastofts fcetweeo October 25, 1^50 a»4 October 
29, IS5» wt to "vioiate" the borders o( the Middle East ct «o wiffcr the 
consequences jtf they did 8<X The Vafted State* threatened to "immediately 
take actJon" agafiwt any Arab Middle East country that "violated" Ihe 
J949 »o<a31ed ar^kistice hoes" of the ZiOMst pvffp^ 'ptate" to f alestine. 

But wheq the Zioftist puppet "state" to Palestine 'Violated" the 
borders of Egypt on October 29l X^5« tibe Uafted States did not "tomedi- 
ately Uke action" agaiast tbewi, The Arab Middle Sast countries are 
now certato that if the Zionist puppet "state" to Palestine agato attacks 
one or more Arab Middle East countries as Egypt was attacked that United 
States armed forces wiS wader no circumstances totervene to the Middle 
East agatosl the armed forces of the Zkwust puppet "state" to Palesttoe 
under the Eisenhower Middle East I>octrin« no ma^er how much tibe Ari^ 
Middle East countries ask the Vn^ed ^ates armed forces to totervene. 
The Arab Middle East countries are free from the cootamtoatioo of any 
"toteroational communism " In spite of that fact surely nobody can be 
so naive u lo totagine that United States armed forces wi)Ql vnder any 
circumstances totervene ia the Middle East agatost the armed forces of 
the Zionist iPyPP^l^ "sUte" to falesttoe vtnder existing pcJitical oonditiona. 
However, at the first opportunity to do so the sponsors behi)nd the Eiseo-^, 
bower Middle East Poctrfiae wSI supply the explanation that "country 
controlled by totereatio^al commttnism can only mean Egypt, Syria and 
Tordan and has always meant only Egypt, Syria and JwSan to the sponsors 
behtod the Eises^bower Middle East Doctrtoe and icnust be so construed. 

The Eisenhower MkJdSe lEast Doctrtoe emphasizes th^ United States 
artned forces will Intervene to the Middle East oc^y tf "armed aggression" 
is "from any countr/* whic& Is "controSed by international communism." 
The Zionist puppet "state" to Palestine cannot demand XJnited States 
armed forces to totervene in the Middle East on their behatf unless the 
Palesttoia* Arab expeOee "ccwnmandos* or "suicide s<juads" cross the 
^Mrder toto Palestine "from any countr/* which is "controlled by tote^ 
national commwusm." That pivvision wiS give this nation touch trouble. 

For that reason the <iictatc>riaS and totalStarian cootroJl exercised to 
the United States ^er the media of mass-communications for shaptos 
public optoioo fcy the tetemaUooal Zionist conspirators is used to "smeaT 
Egypt, Syria ajod Jordan as "countries conCiroUed by toteraational commu- 
Aism." Egypt, Syria axtd |ordan are pictured to the pation to the x^ediir 
for mass<!oromunicatK?ns as "countries ooc^folled by totew*ti0ip4r i^mmu^ 
ftism." Unless the iatemaUonaX Zwotet coo;*"*'*^^ '«** "sawaT Egypt 
Syria and Jordajot as "counoles cOiArolIed by totemationAl c<»cnmuntsm" 
the ZiOTust puppet "state" to Palesttoe cannot demand United States armed 
forces t» totervene to the Middle East oa thesf behalf whea Palesttoian 
Arab expctt^ "commandos" or "suicide squads" cross the bofder toto 
Palestine from Egypt, Syria or Jordan, "jErwa any country cotttrOHed by 
fotematiooal oommwwsm" as E^pt. Syria and Jordan are now "smeared. 

The term "totemationU conufiiunism" is very aibleadtog. The term 
"toteroational communism" does not Bocessarjly mean a CommunJBt 
country. The term "totemational communism" is very elastic and very 
£uid and can mean many thiactgs besides a Commvaoist country or a Com- 
m(jrfst govermneirt. The term "intertiatioaal cwnmunism" is loot, a synonym 
fOf Communism. There is actuaBy more "international communisaj* today 
to the United Statev. Creat Sritian, f)rance. Italy and to many other 
countries to the Christian European-Western Hemisphere 20X of the 
workTs total ipopulatioo tha» to Egypt, Syria, or Jordan or other countries 
among the Asian^African 500,000.000 ^Iosles^ populaticm of the world. 
"International commwusm" is \>em$ totroduced today to every country 
of the world by the same Marxist conspirators who totroduced ft suc- 
cessfully to the JEt^ssian Empve to 1893, "Internatiooal communism" is 
directed today tbroughout the world by the same Marxist conspirators who 
overthrew the IRusstoa government to J917, They have been less successful 
to E^pt, Syria and Joiw* than to any other three cou3(vtries to the workS. 

)Bgypt, Syria a^d Jordan are "smeared* today as oc^Wfe»jiwEk«Jer ^ 
control <* toteruationaJ communism" only because thev are now <>btas6tog 
weap0(ns for their defense from the Soviet Union. Under pressure from 
the mtematioaal Zionist coospirators with poetical tojRuenoe in the United 
Sutes these countries were unable t^ purchase from the United States 
what the Soviet Uniott is ww selltog to them. The Un*ed States ©fa- 
"state" wah the same equifproent 
wc^Je and defenseless they wJU 
not be 'smeaxea" as "couwnes coniroiied by toteroational cowmuftism," 

The Zionist puppet "sUte" to Palesttoe for many years formerly ob- 
tained from the Soviet U«ioa large quantities of the same weapons now 
bemg Bupphed by the Soviet Union to Egypt, Syria and Jordan. The 
Ziowst puppet "state" to Palesttoe was not then "smeared" as a "country 
imder the control of totematicwial commuftism." The Soviet Union ferried 
enough equipment to the Ziooost revolutionists to Palesttoe to 1943 to 
enabS^them ft9 drive IJOOOJXO Palestinia* Arabs out of thetr homeland 
and toto the deserts of E^Tpt,Syi:m tod Jorda:^ wJtJk that very equi^pmeot 

ooJy totervene to the Mid<^ East when called upon to do so by the Zionist 
puppet "state" to palesttoe. The sponsors b^tod the Eisenhower Middle 
JEast X>octrine unquestionably "planned Jt libat way" for th«&r own reasons, 

The Eisenhower Middle East Doctrtoe provides: "Furthermore, the 
United States regards as vital to the n^aonal mterest and world peace the 
prefcervatioa of the Independence and totegrity of the nations of the 
Middle East." It is d>$cuit to reconcile that sutement with reafcty. United 
States "national toterest" and "world peace" are both placed to Uve great- 
est danger to which they have ever been placed as the resu^ of tbe Eisen- 
hower Middle East Doctrine.-The obligation of United States armed forces 
to totervene to the Middle East fof "the preservation of the todependence 
and totegrity" of the Zionist puppet "state" to Palestme exposes the United 
Stales and world peace to the gravest threats to their exibteoces which 
could possibly face edjber cf them to the light <^ wcrld condAions today. 

There wfll toever be peace to the Middle East as k>ng as the Ziooist 
puppet "state" to Patestiie exists Judgtog from aS the evidence now 
available. As lockg as peace to the Midde East is to danger the peace of 
the world is correspondto^y to danger. The obligation cf the U«ited ' 
Sutes under the EisecAower Middle East Doctrine to intervene wiJh armed 
forces to the Middle East for "tHae jreservation ^ the todependence and 
tote^ity" of the Zionist puppet "state" to Palesttoe Is maktog enemies 
for the United States of the Arab Middle East countries. The Ar^b Middle 
East cou3C*ries are an toflueotial group among the counCries of the non- 
Christiaa Asian^Africa^ 80» c|f tjbe world's total popuJaUoo. The Arab 
Middle East Moslem countries are aJ^ an tofluentia] grov^ among the 
$00,000,000 Asian-African Moslems. The U&ited States tkeeds thm as 
good felends now 3f the UnSsd Slates Is to face <be future confidently. 

The natural resources of Asia and Africa and the futore markets among 
the non<5tfistian Asian-AJEricaa 803 of the world's total popiJation are 
*Vital to the national toterest* Both the natural resoi^es of Asia and 
Africa and the future markets of 80» of the world's total population wiU 
be tost permanerAl^ if Un^ed States armed forces totervene m the Middle 
East fw: the preservation d the todependence and totegrity" of the 
Zionist puppet state" to Palesttoe. If thai ever coaies to pass the ecoooowc 
futureand the political sUbil:ecv of the United States wiU suffer a set-back 
from which ft will be tootposs^ to emerge agato as a fbrst-class power^ 

->if^<JTh« lorei^ policy of the Soviet Union to the Uiddie East has woo 
' for ^-Soviet Union a» the loktmev (i^eixdis .of^the Un3:ed State* to the 
Middle East The Soviet Unioo will sooi> become the sole heir to the 
heritage of the Unfted States to Asia and Africa. The Soviet Union has 
no reason now to think to terms of "armed aegression" to the Middle East, 
That is the last thtog now to the mtods of those who di&rect the desttoies 
of the Soviet Union, The Soviet Union tnakes that fact very clear to the 
Arab Middle East countries. Soviet Ulaion "armed aggression" Is the fig- 
ment of overworked toiagtoations and wishful thinkmg. The toia^ary 
threat of Soviet Union "armed aggression" to Ihe Middle East afforded to 
the sponsOTs behtod the Eisenhower M*3<fie East Doctrine an excuse to 
obligate United States armed forces to totervene to the Middle East for 
"the preservrtka of the todependence and totegrity" of the Zioni^ puppet 
"sta^" to Palestine, Soviet Union "aisned aggressMDii" there gato» nothtog, 

TTie Eisenhower Middle East Doctrine wiU place the Soviet Union 
to the •dl^^ert'sear a the Middle Ease The UWted States wm be uftabte 
to remato to the Middle East if United Sutes armed forces intervene to 
the Middle East few "the preserv^ioa of the Independence and toto^r^" 
of the Zionist puppet "state* to Palestooe., That, should be « plain to 
everybody concerned as the nose co their .faces. The President of the 
United States should not advise the nation to effect thiA it is Vital «o the 
national toterest" for United States armed forces to totervene to the Middle 
East for "the preservation of the todepen<fcnce and totegrfty" of the 
Zionist pW5H>et state" to Palesttoe because he knows that is not the fact 

The sponsors behind the Eisenhower Mid(£te East Doctrine tocluded 
to it: *ro thas end. SE the President determines the necessty thereof, the 
UeAed Stales is prepared tO use armd forces." That places greater m^itaiy 
power to the hands of one man than any dictates ever possessed m Che 
L^eory of the world. Jba his sol* discretion the President «f the UtJted 
.>4»»Qe*<w %as luocessors can Intervene to the Middle Ea^ with the entre 
armed force* <* the United States. K toteraational Zionist conspirators 
to the United States prevailed upon President Truman to "recognize" 
the Zionist puppet "state" to Palestme 6 mtoutes after ft was "proclaimed'' 
by the tran^lanted Zionist revolutionists to palesttoe, who can tell what 
President Eisenhower or his successors will be prevailed upon to do for 
Ithe preservation of the todependence and totegnty" of the Ziooist puppet 
"state" to palesttoe to view of JheSr political power to this country now. 

In sp^ of fts tohumanfty and illegal:^, Palestine was crucified to 
May 194^ 0D> a "Ooss of Cold" by the intem^uonal Zionist conspirators 
jtn collusion wii the three leading Chrii-tian powers of ^ world, to 
consideratioj& of colonial and domestic polfticaj toducemeo^. The l^ves 
and human rights of 1/)00,000 har^oJesa and helpless, tonocent Palestinia* 
A/J^ men, women and children were bartered away by Ourisban natioDs 
to a most un<3w:istian manner for the jGbiiancial favors of the toternaUonal 

n> A«k MvMijE«. «»»!ri« wffl»^ .«5i ay_so;^_?«p««_. ^t::':z!^Si^^^^J^:±.^^Lii^:^t^:i^ 

"state" to Pakst^n^ The weapons Egypt, S 

lattog are for defense agatost anot^xpossible a 

and Jordan are accumo- 

^ „ attack at any time by the 

Zionwt puppet "state" in Palesttoe." The Arab Middle East countries do 
^ see any necessi^ Sot "arpoed aggression" by them at any time against 
the Zionist pupf^ sUte" to Palestme, The ^ab Middle East ooui^ies 
believe that tiie seeds of Its own destruction were planted to the Zionist 
pucpet "sUte" to Palesttoe when they toercdessly* expelled XXJOO.OOO 
heSless and hartnless, tonocent Palestuiian Arab me% women and cWr 
dren from theDr hemes to their anciec^ homelajod to Palesttoe without 
cause or provocation vstog the toost brutal force and the most savage 
violence to modern his^^ry agatost any 0£vihan population to peacetime. 

The Arab Middle lEast countries ^understand they are "smeared" as 
"countries controlled ty totemational communism" so that the Zionist 
puppet "sUte" to Palestine caA caU upon United Sutes armed forces to 
intervene in the Middle East The Ui^Aed Sutes made the Zionist puppet 
"state" to Palesttoe Its "darltog" to recent years. As the "darhng" cf the 
United Sutes the ZK>nist puppet "state" to Palesttoe cannot be considered 
as a'countfy controlled by mteroationalcommuaisi«."Xf the Zionist pi^ppet 
"sUte" to Palesttoe is a country net "controlled by toternattooal oommor 
ftism" and the Arab Middle East cocmtries are \meared" as countries 
"cont^oUed by totemational communism" United StJites armed forces can 

OevefT bo COmipi«Uiy «j9f*0^ from, «]»• m^tnttrimm 4/ Am Mt^am.^C'Urimflmm * wtmm. 

African 90X of the workTs total po^iulation. It will be ddSKcuft to eras^ 
The nation must be told the pertgoent facts which have been expunged 
from the news by the sponsors behind the Eisenhower Middle East Doo- 
tri)M while there )s sbU tune for the nation CO do something about the 
danger t» the peace of the world. They wiU have to do the tghtmg and 
dying to the Middle East as the curtatoraiser d the dreaded altout and 
fuQ-scide East-West "hot" World War, or experience the same casualties 
at home if that war cannot be averted. The bottle-neck of this problem Is 
the dictatorial and totaljtanan control exercised ever the media of mass- 
communicatiODS for shaping public opinion by the sponsors behtod the 
Eisenhower Middle East X>octitoe with an alloyed allegiance to this nation. 

Wisdom is the Ufre of knowledge. Knowledge is a collection of lacU. 
The security of the idadoa, the life and liberty of every man, woman and 
chid to tike Uafted Sutes, and the peace of the world depend to I 
gjres^er extent than now generally, reahzed upon knowledge of the facts 
f^esented here. The knowledge to be obtidtoed from these facU , wift , 
cnaJWe this natioh td defer todefinftely and possibly avert the outWfesit* 
BhorCy of the dreaded all-out and full-scale East- West T»t" World War. 








MARCH •JV^ w^bJI»«*iSS«dMr^ <4kT^ . M^Wi-vji 





iMiimiiini"""""""" / / 

|o8cS«tiiW...-to5( 1 Sol/ 


BSfiHSlfWiro , 

i^^^^^^JiNy^ j< 

. r^ 

Benjamin H. Freedman 

deo PARK Aver^OE 

NEW YOftK 28. M.Y. 




V./l — ; i 

1161 74& 



To be opened only by addressee— please 

Volvm* II 

Jebn i tbttef ot %tt«mt fwt tntmfj UtnU % tell poti 4c trstt? Goi««on^ 4.u 

M ft I f if 

Number ^ 




ALh rruDiu IK» ONI Fin.i viam vha »i mnv i>ot«M«r volvwtah conrnimnnoM nr akv AMOutn*. 







World War III threatens security and^soverelgitty of nation; 
Hope fast dwindling for United States victory ond survival! 


Vnless the United Scfttei is i^ ^ regasot 

Mkd reUin the 3fespect nad Jregafd o£ tho poojples 
cl Asia mod Africa before tfc« outtufeal « WprM 
Wa;r III<wd^ de^^ appears Jtoes^paUe.'The \«(b- 

cost the V»rt«l Stales as alUes &i World \W lU 
^ 900.000.000 Moslenu! and 500,000,000 oT ocW 
religious faiths M Asia aad Africa. That lm'wa^ 
ranted 6oi£k{4iid[ty 'wA cost Tjbku ttatioii access to 
Che \it^jiad3tM vast aatoral resouroef of Asia and 
A)Erica more vit^ to this SAtion'i owa defeases 
i^ WorU War III than ikow realized, That un- 
warranted ^omplicjty furthermore de&ks to ^ 
Batioa !3be JMW of strate^ areas la Africa and 
Asia vjtjd for tibie defeixset <^ tltos conCSoenC ^ 
WiwH^War III. That imwarrarAed conoplicity surely op^aed a Pandora's 
box for the Vnit«J States In Asia and Africa which It wiB be haid l^ fih«;t, 

Ott the day United States axined lorcei go toto action ^ the Middle 
£ast un(^ secret or soo-secret cotmnftments wS^ Zioaists titM curtaSa wfll 
rise <»tt the first act ol World War HI jEgurativdy and hteraHy. On thai 
day the Soviet Cnion wi^jl not be louaad sitting 03!k the sid»-]b^i as one of 
the diiinAerested c«^iIookers ^ging by the historic idtimatisan they issued 
in the Middle East in J95« when «J»e anned forces of Great Brttafi» aad 
JFVance wet* iato action against Egypt wilhonC provocation or ^jstification 
MDder any jbtemationfti law ^ any i*ovfeion <* Vnfted Natioos Charter. 

These hatemoi*gcr$ w*each and practice their unique nwthod of character- 
jWHassmatKMi against the natioo'i coco'agcous and self-sacriBciog patriots as 
tt defense strategy devised Iw them exjwessty to cfticvmvenl their exposure. 
The hftteraongers' branvwashing apparatus practices the wdU'-known tnili- 
fwy strategy that the offense is IV bert defense The hatemoogers stnear 
the nation's patriots with the batemoogers' "antirSemfttem* smear wfth the 
fuU 3fc*ce of the hatewiongers' brain-wfcshang a)pparatws to dSscredtt this 
nation's patWots in th* eyes <>f the ftation befcwe they a'walcen &e nation to 
the,»aCion'« danger. Tb* hatemongers', 'anti-Semftism" smear is iJ^etSbaft. 
mongers' ftniqwe ine4:hod *Oi»<iii*ei'ediCitetg 1^:iiamt^^p^fxk*xM,^j^«9^^ 
the nation; a metivod the hatemoogers have thus far foimd MvyadWo and 
tnw^Wtable. tJ<n^ vwcK longer viS th»a nartcw* vtiifid for thti tabotage? 

The ttawarranted persecution naerciiessly inflicted on jiaI without toter- 
ni^^CioD siaee 1945 by the hatemoogcrf braftwivasl^g apparatus because 
t defied theo* to tell the nabon facts the batemoogers ordered me not t^ 
tett tSbe nat^, ^haUenget the traditional c^Mi UbertieS guSLraxri:eed by tlw 
Constitution equally to every ^nan, woman and chad to the Vttfted SUtes, 
the right of free speech, the rirfit of freedom of the Spress, imd the rig^b* 
of peaceful assemWy, without tie fear of petsecution by the batemongtfl' 
braidrwashfiog apparatus wiJj* the hateinongers* "anti-Semitism" smear. 
Unless public opmion S» sufSciently aroused to take measures restn^o&g 
the hateroongers* brain-washfiag apparatus ft wiS not be k©g before the 
nation loses the rf^ td the free exercise of these three coostttutional 
rights without which this natiott wiS soon snJt into the depths of defeat 

i promptly proceded to tell the nation everything I knew of the 
dangers as tSe facts which follow here substantiate, la 194« for the &rst 
time I was very symmarSy ordered ly a hatemonger's dwiy delegated repre- 
sentative not to teU the nation any further facts ooncenwteg tws situation, 
I summaray refused to jremain silent. Thereupon the hatemooger^ brato- 
wwhjtag apparatus was twwied Joose on me to aA extent iiever before ex- 
perienced by anyone, Every media for the control of pubKc op&kion hurled 
the hatemoogers "anti-SemitiKm* smear at me around-theHcIocV from coast- 
ttxoQSt. Behind the hatemongers" brahvwashing apparatus stood the Fikri 
S'rfffc. Anfi-defamaNm League cf B'nai Wmk, A,TneriC(tn, Jewiah Cfim>- 

mHUe, American Jewish Congr e«», World Zioniat OrgmisiBtkfn and their 
counlSess «£Uates and subeidjaries ttstigattog my persecution by them* 

Myi^bgle-handed struggle agatost the hatemong«S* braito-washing 
^kparatus was waged by me as a Ione<!rusader siooe 1945 not by my choice 
but by necessity. lYooa 1945 on the batemongerS* braiorwashi^ apparatus 
cpnttnued speod^g mi&ions of doQars' (0 discredSt me S(X the eyes of the 
joatioft wii^ thefr ranti^mltism' smear 'as their most vicdous invective of 
a|)Ui$ke!^^viciouiM^^aracteriassasfij&atioi]^i^v^^ From 1945 ^ date the 
^Cemongers^ 'antt-SeniAism" tmett vitfijaOy quarantmed me^ live "gujflt 
by association" fear felt ty ^*s nation foe the hatemoogers' "anti-Semitism* 
sokear practicaSv isolated me, i must confess that at various times S did 
feel di«JOwage<!L depressed and *sgosted but I never did feel defeated. 

My i^bi£ity ff> hold my own singl^banded against the <a)ifilaus^t <^ the 
hatemoogers bcaxa^washing apparatus Js proof to me that this nation can 
stiBl win aga$ast them if the natwo's courageous and self-sacrificing pa^iots 
wm make xip the^ mibds to fight side-by-side and not Uce 'V»ne^gles" 
as in the past. Once upon & tune the motto of this nation was "one for aJJ 
and aU for «oe.J„inihat policv puSed this nation out of many boles In the 
past It can do M againi Why not try it again? This nation can idways be 
depended tfpo«^ to put up « wionio^ ts^W IF the issues are honestly ex- 
plfttned. U the>atioa prefers to foDow tbe policy that 'ignorance Is bUss" 
and "it is foDy to be wise" the control of this nation by the hatemoogers' 
brawvwasbmg spparatus wlH ftA conttooe to ^xw, and grow. <OTd |^W 

Tbe fear «f the hatemoc^en^ "anti-Semitism" smear s:3enoes milUons 
in the UWfted Stales today, These po^tial patriots fear to speak out 
what is on their minds ifff^ fear of the hatemongeM* "antt-Semtddsm" smear. 
tX is hMJeed a strange ]t>aradox and a sad commentary th^ in this hterate 
nation thi^ Jadoranoe about "ant^Semftism" becomes tespons^e lor this 
conditio^ Tut knowledge wi31 ^nOckly enable the nation once again to 
enjoy three iradftional rt^l^ which th^ can no longer enfoyt freedom of 
speech^ freedom c^ tbit press, and £reedc«a of assembly, without fear of the 
Mtemongenf "anti-Semitism" smear to restrafai fuB exercise of these rights. 

These. Vicious hatemoogers have now ^developed ihek "anti-Semitism'' 
smear m the most deadly weapon in their arsenal of character-assassina- 
tloo wea^kvu. Tbe hatenxogers' "Wi^SemitiBm" smear outstand^g^y demon- 
strate^^its preeminence for dis<»editin|f the natkm's patriots in the evefi 
of th* natiOBu The fear,<if ,th^ hatemongerS "aatv^emfttem" smear »as 

part oc the cowan& Surv^^al to them is stiS the first law of nature. Tbey 
are aware the hatemongers' "anti-Semitism" smear has rujuoed patriots ^ 
busvoess. tn professions, and fat politics. Thia vidoua vengeance nwst atop! 

(The fm of the hatemongers* *ntl-$emitism" smear will quickly and 
lorever 4bappear if rdigioua leaders, educators aad edftors undertake to 
enj^ighten the x^itioa on tl^ sab^»c^ and X they themselves wiSI stop using 
tibe hatemoG^rS "aidi-Semicism smear-word alt^ether comtoencing now, 
Tbey are *3i\o w^ educated Oft thSi subfect. They were taught aU the 
facts. Has the fear of the hatemoneerS "anti-Semitism" smear made cow<^ 
ards teo ^ the nation's reggioui leaders, educators and editors? They 
appear to'f'^ar the hatemongerS "antit-Semitism" smear Just as much as 
oersons %t bustoesi. ftk (vofessions. and in politics. Now tfy whom t9K«n can 
the nation turn to learn the tacts of bfe about the hatemongers' "anti^ 
Semltism" smear? Do ihey conaider tkia c nation cf 4»pet or dctpea or ^ocU* 

This nation Ifttle realizes and nte:h less understands thattodav the most 
vicious hatemoogers &i the Ui^fted States are ^f^ l^fith, Anti4ef(tmati(m 
Uogue of B^fkU^rKh, American Jewiah Committee, Atnerican fewlah Con- 
£eM, Worli Zhniat Organliatton and all their afSHates and subsidiaries. 
These hatemoogers preawh and practice their unioue ««*hod of dharacter- 
assasstoation against this nations courageous and se^-saqrificing patriots 
who ignore aB cont^quences to themselves to tell the nation f a<ts too Ions; 
suppressed by the hatemongers for the good of the ne^ion; the whole tr<rtlt 
above their purposes, about thebr policies and about their programs. These 
courageous and setf-sacrSScteg patriots cannot by any stretw* of the imagin- 

' i 

i ' 


Uoa he considered hatewgogeM jb» Jibe Ia;er4 seow c* that wor4. Tbese 
victous hatemoogws «ae« this DAtion'i cour»g©ooi «nd »el£-sacri6dtag 
patriots rs *h*tc«M>naeM" witjn tbeir t*ftiD-wftshtog «lppar»t»« M » defense 
strategy to divert pubUc attentioa away fegiA tbe fact they tberoselve* »re 
riie mtiooV kateowogers mas^jwriwSto^ as patriots Sa vari(?u8 disguises. 

The TOOst vicious Jhatecoongers t) the VaJte^X States to »y fcoowledge 
have cc«wec*rat€<J theiif broj&vwashfeg c^atioos fen Uie most fonooidaUe 
t>ra|i^-wasb«ng apparatus Jft worU hif.tory, 1^ the United States today these 
liatemoogers cc©^ the oews cdwmns aixl editorial pcJIicies of t3be natioo'i 
, leadjtog newspapers, they control the prograros of all Jtelevisioo and radw 
networks, they cootrc* aB production and exhil>itiOitt <i wjotioorpietures, 
and titiey control the leading publishers d roagarines fcnd books U ail tyipes. 
These hatemongers have jnade puMiC <>pSniOtt *» the Uaited ^tes their 
prisoner with control ly them of thfc unprecedented and wparaBeled 
tranvwaihing awparat^s. This ^Jtyatioa poses a threat to tibc secwfty of the 
natiott because the pwUfc is kept to jlgnorance of the yeaX issues involved 

The nations' courageous aad setf-sacrificing patriots d<> not deny they 
hate certai* e«ngs but w*h some Jwsti&iatico lor their feeliags. Thw make 
*K> secret of the tact they hate Marxtsto.' CoBftjflttunfem, Bolshevisoai. FaUa»- 
iNBtt, atheism, anarchism and each of tie )»any casarKwilaged other versions 
of Marxist •isuis", a» tuasqueranltipg la a variety of disguises with *4no«ir 
ous tsaes tosader whi(A they are parad*»g themselves before on wasu^pect^ 
natioa. The »atiott«wes.t»<hese <o«rageo^uk*Qd3elf-sacri6Cibc^g p»Xxkt$ a 
(Sreater 'del* tha»~cajrever be Repaid tO theiw: -ThrBatJonT-graacode;* ' 
far ttotA sufficient to liquidate that liabilay. The jAtkya mtist search lor 
ftnd find a way to %»sjare these patriots to g<> on hattog M*rxi{*t ideolo^s 
^aore. and tnore, and •moret These |»atriots are t>ot €as3y fooled by the de* 
ceptions practiced ly Marxists to iofiltrate iato unsuspecting places fe our 
fragmented society further to djsorgajoiste a»d to disintegrate ouir complex 
pc&al» social ajid eccoomic structure as the nation ignores their warnings. 

These hatemoogers fear oeSy one thJog. They fear the trwili they bave 
a deacBy fear that t^ cation's courageous and setf-sacrificing patriots may 
some day succeed ia c{»enins tiKe eyes cf the nationu For many years jhe« 
bateroongers have been usijag their bram^ashing apparatus and their antir 
$€maif«a smear to suppress ma«y facts about themselves for «b\iou8 
reasons. The natioo shouW now eHerctse fts fright t* Investigate Wmi S^fah, 
AnddefafnOkm League cf ^ruU ^rith, Ameficen, Jewiah Committee, 
America Jewish. C^sreas, World ZionM OrgofUmkfti and their countless 
affiliates ^ subsidiaries to the same extent and in the same manner tbat 
these hatemoogers use tbe full Impact of thetr bJ-asCMvashiog apparatus to 
compel "investigations" oi tbe fiatiOHi's patriots only to harass ttem and 
thereby to exhaust their precious ttoe and their bwk ««mey in sett<efense. 

la X^ £or the first time 1 Jearned about the Zionist conspirac/^^ ^ 
trajpi-form Folestine toto a syisthetie Zionist so<aIled »overeig<i Jewuth 
state" by "Tiook or crook" and "come bell or higb water " The ram^ations 
Ol the Zionist coospilracy staggered my ftjftagmattoo as tjiey were unfolded 
to me in X«45, The implications, tofereoees and jtoauendos of the Zionist 
coatpsracy shocked me out of jtny p06^war complacency at the close of 
World VVar It The Zionist coaspiracy for ag^essioa ** the Widdle East 
couvioced ^»e *i W4$ that Ziowst ajsression in Palestine wo«ld trigger 
World War in »i the not very distant future, % acted upoo my duty to tea 
the nation tl»s fact for security reasons. )[» my considered Jidgment the 
fate of the nation and the desttoy of mankfitid were threatened by the 
» ■■iii Nil iit P*i>infi»nftiow„<if itTi^ pJot^JtQ. create ^ JPaSestbAe a tynthe^#- 
Zioi^ so^aHed rsOvereigo Jewish state* by th* use cf force and violence, 

The laeral meaning of 'anthSemitism*, as tihe prefix •and" sigaifies, 
must mean the opposite extreme of the literal meaning of "Semaisajk. That 
must follow. It also fdkpws that to understand the iJCeral ^toeanmg of 
"anti-Semftism" « is first necesary to understand the literal meantog of 
■SemiUsitt.* The word "$emitism" is k word ftivented coiy late to the iSdjk 
century. The word "SemStism" is a ^vord Invented ^ a .Swiss historian 
seeking to coin *l new word to denote and de«igi)ate the c^iKzation and 
cultwe of the (<alled "Sem^es" for wftoch w word then existed. 

The wor<!l "onti^mitism" it. literacy a word wHihout meaning oc 
sease. The word "anti-Semicistu" wm tovented only late ^ the 19th cen- 
tury by Ic^lowers of Karl Marx in eastern Ewrcpe, Late n the 19th ceifc- 
tujty the early orgai^zed IcJBowers of Karl Marx louxided 6e first Marxist 
orgasfeatioo in tbe hfetory of Marxisa> dedicated Jto SaspleroesEAing the 
original Kail Marx program for the wo^-MPwide Marxist levolutiosv TbSs 
' first Marxist organization was founded Sn Poland in 1$93 br a smaS groi^ 
of 50-caPed "Jews" who then uncondWonally restricted tW mersA^nibssf 
ewlwsively V> so<alled 'Jews" of the working classes H eastern Europe. 

Thjts first Marxfet organfajation was called tjie Band hf its founders. 
This first Marxist organization became the "spearhead" of t»e vorldrwide 
Marxist network seeking since 189^ to toplemeot ty force and violence 
or by s^ersion the weltknowtt Karl Marx program for a woild^ide revo- 
lutioo^ according to reliable sources of information on this subfect tor 
chȣng avjoong others xtatiooal ordl^ves, files of the Encyclopedia j^ritan^ 
iea and books, records and documents of otber leading research jtpeciaJKsts. 

Shortly after the first orgaiiized etforts by organized Marxist revo- 
lutionists ia eastern Europe to implement the Karl Marx pcogran^ tSiey 
found St uecessary to tovent the word ^antirSemitism" as a defense jtneas- 
ure Iot pttategio reasons. The first organized Marxist revolutionists were 
forced >»<defeod.tbemselve» tot eastern Europe, against the irapidly ifcing 
tide of Christiaai oppositioft to the growing threat Of Majnasm to east^ra 
Europe to partJcttlar, The metabers ^ the Marxist ^nd Vere compelled to 
continue their efforts more discretely behtod the smoke-screen of tjae word 
"axAtSemitfemr For reasons which ore easily understood by Christians, 
the Marxist revolutionists coc«inued ustog the wcwd "antirSemJtism". with 
great success as a smoke-screen to saeet their x^eeds for « drfense strirtegy. 

The brato-washfog apparatus of the Marxist revdvjrfionfets to eastern 
Europe proceeded to brain-wash Christiaa oations throurfiout the world 
tibat Chnstian ^^position to Marxism was "anti-Semitism and that "anti- 
Semitjfem" was Cwistiau totolera»ce towards so-called "Jews" solely for le- 
Ugous reasons, Christians antagottisrti to so<aIled TJews to eastern Europe 
at that tone was not based upo** jreJigious totoleraietoe but upon the fact 
that at that time Marxists |n eastern Europe were so<alled "lews." At the 
Jtame time iind ^ the same manner Cbri^tiaA aii^goi^s'm devekped tO" 
wards Mostems, DEindus, Puddhists and Confucians who happened also to 
be Marxists. That antagonism was not rebgious totolerance at aH Chris- 
tiana felt the same for the same reason towards oS Marxist revoIuHoofets 
without any tc^est to their religious faitihs as sO-caJled "Jews" well knew, 

The wwfd "anti-ScmSiism* is totally meantogless an4 completely sense- 
less to denote or designate alleged Christian iaMeraace or antagonism 
towards so<a!Bed "Jews' based upon their rel^gous belief. Ey the same 
token the word "anti-Semitism" is equally jctteasubos^ess an4 senseless to 
denote <* designate alleged Christian totolerance or antagonism towaisjs 

Marxists because Jthey also happen to be 80<a^ted "Jews" and vice-versa, 
Karl Marx's earliest «:>lIowers to eastern Europe tovented the word "anti- 
Semitdsm" solely as a defense measure to stigmatize Christian oppositioo 
to Marxism as aw*i«!tiaa "reb'gious totolerance? The literal taeaamg of the 
word "anti-Semitism" males It the bei^ of absurdity and <f stupidity to 
associate Christian tetctoonce for Marxist revdutiouists with alleged 
Cbffisban totc^erance *or so-called "Jews" toUh o»* thai acciwint, So<aSed 
"Jews" waintato that "Judaism" and Marxism have very touch to common, 

The 190* century toventioo of the word "anti-Semitism" by wxaSed 
•Jews" who were abo Marxists created a word tbat is l«eraBy meantog- 
less and senseless. The word "anti-Semitism" by any stretch of the toaagtno- 
tioft cannot mean what the haterooogers have bratDrwashed the j&ation 
to believe it means. Tbe hatemoncers* bffoto-washtog apparatus has ^ven 
!2be word "onti-Semaasm" on impBcation; oa Inference and an tonueado 
totaSy )foreiga to the literal meantog of "oati^oxitism." There Ss a Kteral 
meantog to the word "ant^Semftfem but titkat meantog Ss totaSy to conflict 
with tbe faiplication, the toference aud the tonueado the hatemongers" 
br^to^aihtog apparatus has succeeded to l^ivtog the word "anti-Semitisift." 

The sjocient so-called "Sennites'were the legendary descendents of 
Shem, Shem was one of -Noah's three sons. Shec* was the name of this sou 
of Noah to the so«alled "Semftic" language tiben spoken to Sheuj's homeland 
at tibe time Of bis b^tK to the very remote past. With the passage of count- 
less thousands ctf years the name Shem became "Sera* to the Greek and 
^JUtto languages. With the passage of forther years modern theologians 
and histwians referred «* the legendary descendants of Shem as "Semites" 
not OS Sbemites, Sirnaariy Shemitism became "Semitism", Shemftic became 
"Semitic", and Shemfte became "Sem*e" and they tjius have smce rematoed- 

Tbe words "Semite", "Semites^ ^Semitic" and "Semitism" were »ot 
tovented to denote or designate race, reKgion or natural origin by imrfir 
cation, tof erence, innuendo or otiherwise. These words were tovented solely 
to denote or designate to a geograjJuc sense the tehabatants of « specie 
geograjikic region, to this case the Middle East's several m0jon square 
miles jodntog together the conttoents of Europe^ Asia and Africa. The 
ancient so-called "Semites" who tohaboted that regiott throughout history 
tocluded persons and uations of many races, toany reJigioos va^ many 
national origtos. These words were not tovented to denote or desigaate 
jObysical, mental Or cuftural characteristics typical 'of aiy one race, cere- 
mocdal rituals characterizing ocie religious 6Sth. or the hifitorio ancestry 
or joational origto <f a work^widte religious sect clafento$ common ancestry. 

The ancient so<iJled "Semites" who tobobited the MiddSe Easfs sev- 
eral million square mile region jototog together the continents of Europe, 
Asia and Africa throurfKwt their long history spoke 45 s<«alled "SemitK* 
languages. The word Semitic" was tovented by xoodcm philologists and 
etymologists solelv to denote and designate the *3 socaUed ^SemitSc" 
languages of simhar form and structure spoken by soncaHed "Semites" 
throogjaout the ages, The word "Semitie" literally and solelv denotes and 
designates the languages sipoken by past and present so-ca'iled "Semites" 
waihout tostouattog race, relij^on or national origto by Impljcatioti, tofe^ 
euce, or toUendo as a toisleadmg new meantog for *s true ancient meantog. 

Ia passtoi It may be of toterest to menMou ber^ that the ^moden^ 
fingJish word Hebrew" U a toodei» Endish word tovented to denote and 
designate the ancient so<alIed "Semitic language ^pokea by the ancient 

' Canaanftes otthe time Joshua and ^,000 Egyptian exiles tovaded Conaa*. 
about 1200 B.a After wandertog to the ^aj desert for 40 years as Jm- 
pOverished and derelict uomads searchtog for a more promistog region 
to which to settle permanently, Joshua and 600.000 Egyptians tovaded 
Canaan and settled th^re after a long tod bitter war lor 200 years agatost 

' the Canaa^kites who bad done not^g to prov^Ac the tovasion or conquest. 

After Uviftg a farimative existence to the Stoai desert for 40 years, 
Joshua and the 600,000 JEeyptian exiles lost much of the culture and mafty 
of the customs they took with tbem when they departed froiA Egypt. 
They retatoed * very limited Egyptian vocabulary but no written form 
Icar tbe language they them ^poke. At this penod to history the Egyptian 
language used hiCTOglypbiC pictures ai^ cuneiform characters with which 
they preserved for posterity yertoanent records of their spoken language. 

Canaan was uot very far to the Korth of the Stoai desert where Jobbua 
and 600.0001 EgypOaa exiles wondered for 40 years. At that ^period to 
histcwv Canaa» was the wealthiest so^aSed "Smite" nation to the vast 
Middle East regiott And enjoyed tbe most hdgWy developed culture of all 
so-called "Semite" Mtions. The Canaanltes possessed a language wKlk tbe 
most extensive vocabdiary of aB so^oSed Semitic" languages wi)^ one 
of the world's early moder* a^^habets, ft modiM fom^ of the Assyria^ 
alphabet tbe first-bom of toodem alphabets at the d*wn of civflSzation. 

After tbe conquest of Conaauw Joshua tod the ,600,000 ]^gyp1jA» exiles 
quickly mastered the extensive, vocabulary of the Ctoaanite lanEuage and 
made it their new language known since as the so<aBed "Hebrew" lan- 
taiage, Joshua aaad the 600,000 E^ptiatt exiles olsO Quickly mastered the 
Ctoaanite al^abet knd made it their obhabet. the irst written form for 
toy language ever spoken by them and know» now as the so<alled "He- 
brew" al^abet, stoce then the -bnjy language and al^pbabet by that name* 

Any reference today to i so-called ^ehrew" language is to fact « 
modeni reference to the ancient so^aSed "Semitic" lax^age then spoken byf 
Canaalso(^e«, and toy reference t6day to a soHC>aIIed "Hebrew" a]^habet 
Is to fact a reference to the ondent so^aHed "Semftic" alfiiabet of the 
ancient Ctoaanites lor centuries pri(» to the conquest of Canaan by 
Joshua aboiiA 120O S.C notw0bstanding oround-^beclock bratowa^btog 
to the contrary by ^ hatemongers' hrain^ashtog apparatus for obvious 
reasons, the goitM of gMng nev) name* to pld products to fool the ptibUci 

The modem 3Eng^ word "Hebrev/ comes Ifjcom the oitcient socalled 
"Semitic" word "ft>r«t" The IJtertl meantog of the so<;alled "Semitic" word 
"ibrai* is "» from over on the other sider. The ancjerft so-caBed "Se?ftftes" 
iised the word "ibroT to deiwte or designate as toamigrants persons emv- 
^attog to make their permajieot residence to another country, "a from 
over oo the other sider^of a ^nounlato range, A Jake, a river, or a sea. The 
.tocient so-called "Semites" used the word "jbr&T to fts plurtd sense tO 
denote or designate aggressor nations as tovaders to the sense tovodtog 
nations to effect were tovnigrants cc^ectfvely and were thus so deserved. 

The first mention <f the word "Hetsrew" to the En^h modem trans- 
lations of the Old Testa^aent 1& the mention there of Abraham for the first 
tJme OS a s<xalled THebrew." In the ancient OW Testament origtoal scrolls 
Abraham is mentioned as "Atwam SbroT to the same verse he is mentioned 
as k. so<alIed "Hebrew" jb the En^ish modem translations. Ibe world's 
p'eatest Scrtotural authorities among philologists and etymologists, and 
etotoent theoio^ans and historians, translate the ancient so^alled "Semitic* 
term "Abran> ibraT as "Abraham the toftmigrant", their iuthentic tratislatJon. 



Abraham oi B^Je faaa« iedtn^ated £rom %is Jbomelwijl la Ctkaldtea 
iciCO Cuuian about 1900 B.C first eD^ervag Cftztaaa from across ttw Ta«rus 
M<>uKi£ft&kS wludbi separ«^e4 Cbaldea from Canato tiuu becotaiqckg Co (2>e 
CaAaastftes 'a from ever on the other sider * The moder* En^h word 
"Hebrew" is meaniagless und seoseless to convey the fefipresston that Ab)f«^ 
ham Immitgrated fr<m his homeland ^ Chaldea &tto Canaan. Abraham ^ 
Bible fame became "a from o\'er On the other rider" when he JBrst arrived 
^ Canaan as an ""^ai" The orig^ Odd Testament ancient manuscripts 
so describe Abraham. In 1200 )B.C. when Joshua and 600,000 Egyx>tjaa 
exiles jn^vaded Canaan they also became '^if bat In tihe {JbraT sense 
of the word The plural sense of "ibrar applies to nations as invaders, 
foshna and the 6w,000 Egyptian exiles thus became the Ibrst so-caBed 
Hebrew" nation to history when they Stovaded Canaan, a nation "from 
over on ^ other side", a word Jpever vsed that w»y before In «It histoey. 

Tbe svciA "Hebrew" bx English is a word of modem vintage, The 
description of Joshna and the 600,000 Egyptian exiles who coi^[wered 
Canaan as a so-caBed "Hebrew" natioft ^ the first nventJon kx the Engjish 
language of a »o<alled "Hebrew" joation as such. From tajoe tomemoriaJ, 
back wnto "ih^ time when (he memory of man nmneth not to the counCraxy", 
there axe no earlier records in the history of <he world indicatto^ the prior 
exiftence of a 8o<a3Qed *1H[ebcew" natioo, a so<aUed "Hebrew" race, a 
so<aUed "Hebrew" religion, a s<xaBed "Hebrew" language" or a soo^lled 
"Hebrew" allphabet In the sense ^ven to the word by brain-washing loday, 

This nation'has been brato-washed by the hf^emongers* braioHwashuag 
aj^aratus fe*o believtog that at acm« remote time jbi ancieac history the 
mocfem English word Hebrew" d^ooted or designated then an ancient 
, so-called "Hebrew" nation, an ancient so-called "Hebrew" race, an ancient 
sooalled "Hel^ew" religioa, an ancient so-caBed ^Hebrew" language, 
and an ancient so<alled "Hebrew" alphabet, AJtt are now contradicted by 
countless incos^estible historic facts notwithstanding endless brain^ashxag 
10 the contrary pow^ o^ by the hatemoogers' braivwaiAang apjftfuratus. 

Abraham neither discovered bor iavea^ monotheism, the belief i» 
an invisible, omnipotent and eternal dtefly notwahstandfcg brain-wash&ig 
to the contrary by the hate-mooger^ brain-waihing apparatus for reasons 
^0 obvious to irequire explanation h«re and now. For many thousand years 
prior to Abraham's oonversic^ to belief in an Invisible, omni^totent and 
eternal deity known then As the Worship of Yaweh, monotbeism was 
bloomfeiig and boomiQg among the so-caBed "Semites" Sto the extensive 
Middle East region of several miBion square miles joining together the 
<cotinents of Eurc^. A«ia and Africa as 20th centwry d«>covenes estaWish. 

For at least 100 generations 4ur«Qg the several thousand years hn- 
medi^ely preceding Altraham's hj^torio immigratioo Soto Canaan about 
JdOO B.C, miOions of so-caBed "Semi^" ^ each of these 3,00 or more 
generations made their homes in the extensive Middle East region of the 
several million souajre sa^es which }oln together the contbents of Europe, 
Asia and Africa. fVom lime InamemorisJ, worn "the time wh«ft the memory 
of man runneth not to the conftraiy", until the 30th century that extensive 
several «^3ion square mile Middle East region Jcaning with each other 
the continents of Europe, Asia and Africa wa^ wi^hotjt interntption solely 
the homeland <^ so<aBod "Semfte* nations notwithstand^g bcato-washuig 
to the contrary by the hatemongers* braia-washing apparatus to justiFy 
Ztoniht xofiltratioi^ since 1930 and their 194$ rebellion In Falesthie fix the 
estabb'slment there by force and vicJence of the synthetic ZiooM ^so- 
caBed ^sovereign Jewifch state' /or ^ehich no just^icotkm haa «ef existedt 

Toe at least these 100 generations durmg the several thousand yean 
imm«dutely preced£otg the conversion of Abraham-the-pagaa in 1900 B.C 
to monotheism in his old *ge by the sooalled "Semites" among whom 
Abraham setUed, today it is recognijted by aB leading theologians and his- 
torians that monotheism during that penod was widely practiced hy so- 
caBed "Semites" tbaoughout ms extensive region. This extensive Middle 
East region is today recognized by leadsog theologians and historians as 
the cradle of monotheism for thousands of years prior to the time of 
Abraham's conversion to the worship of Yaweh, about 1900 BC, the 
modem worship of Jehovah, the first organized recognition by manktod 
of an tovifriWe, omni^potent and eternal deity in the history «f monotheism. 

In X945 1 was fcvfted to ioin Aw^rice* Comcil for Jitdai»in by several 
prominent meaA«rs. In 1945 AmerJcan CouncH for Judaism took the 
position that 80-caBed "Judaism" was a religious f aSch and ooly * rejt^gious 
faah. In 1945 Amerimit CottncU for Jvdaiam ^ewise took the position that 
persons professiag so<;aIled "Judaism" as their religious faith did not 
solely by cjperation of that fact thereby become members ctf a mythical 
and mystical ancient so<aBed "Jewish race* and by the same token also 
' beccMne citizens of a mythical and mystical ancient so<aBed "Jewish 
nation " I f«By subscribe to the position taken by AmerlccA Council for 
./tttficrfw on that question because It is supported by loccoitestible proof. 

Consistec* and compatible with theilr incontestdble knowledge on 
this subject AMerlcm Co^tncH jo* Jvdaiitn in 1945 pubticjy expressed very 
strong objections to the plan to transform Palestine into a syntietic Zionist 
so-caBed "sovereign Jewidn state." Americaii CowtcH for Jadaiam did pot 
hesitate to todicate the^ opposition wherever and whenever the oppor- 
tunity presented Aself , Thii however was »ot very <#ten. The hatemongeri* 
bra^QHweshibg apparatus toclc thtf ^extreme opposite view oaa tt)Af subject. 
They denied Amerks<m CowicU, for Jvdalam access to me<iia of mass-ocm- 
mwications for shaping pu£4io opinic^ to tell the nation the truth about 
the new Palestine crisis, The hatemongers' bratonwashtog apparatus re- 
served the media of mass-communication for shap^g WWQ opujion ex- 
plosively jFor themselves to tell the nation their untruths oia tJbos subject 

Since 1945 evenr media Of mass-conummications for shaping p^^iSic 
opinion has been utSuzed to its fullest extent by iB^nat ffrit\ AntirdefamO' 
tiem teogtt* of JS^noi ^rith, Americtt JeuHah Commltiee^ American, Jewiah 
Congress, World Zionist Organisatioik and their countless afi^iates and 
subsidiaries to brain-wash the nation that evary so-caBed "Jew", Sa the mean- 
feig given by the hatemongers' to that word, was solely by reason Of that 
fact unequivocaBv a member cf a mythical and mystical ancient so-called 
"Jewtsh race" ana s<JeIy by reason of that fact also a cftSzen of a mythical 
and myiitical ancient so-caJled "Jewish Aatioo" knowing Otat to h4 vnlruef 

In 1945 I joined American Council for Judaism, The wealthy tossing 
Koseawald fomided American Council for Judaism. jBa 1943 and has been 
its financial backer since he founded it Associated very closely with 
Lessjtog Rosenwald in his American Comcil for, Judaism activitiei Is Rabbi 
Elmer Bergejr. Rabbi Berger & Executive Director oi American Council 
for Jud4iiam and has been since It was founded in 1943>. Lessing Rosen- 
wald incident^y is i son and heir of the late Julius Rosenwald of Sears 
Roebuck ^ Co. fame whose estate exceeded 93^.000,000.00 when he died. 

tn 1945 tessing Rosenwald and Rabbi Berger led me to Vooderstand 
American Council for Judaism was eager to commence an extensive and 

expensive advertising campaign with ful^pages in newspapers £> leading 
cJtiei across the country teB*ig the nation the tnrth, the \^e truth and 
nothockg but the truth about the situation in Palest^ and how it a£fected 
the security of this nation and the peace of the world. In 1945 t&b nation 
understood little and cared less about what was happenjbig jb Palestine, 
World War H had f^ii&e^ and the nation had enou^ to worry about at 
hcwae Mnfthout wcrrytog then aboc^t Zionist plans for aggression in Palestine, 

Ia 1945 the hatemongers' braStwivaiihJtog apparatus was conducting an 
advertising campaiga with fuS-pages :h newspapws a^oss the coujfrtry In 
the most expensive and intensive campaign of its kind to history, brain, 
washmg the nation with untruths, hj^-trnths txA distortions of trwi about 
the Palestine question. The need to teU the truth to the nation about the 
Palestine wtestioin created the necessity for an equaBy effective advertising 
campaign bv American Council for Jumsm |tnd was the one and oi^Jy reason 
|u5t^ntng the existence of American Council for Judaism to the opinions 
of the jprepooderant major^ of members concwned with this vitiJ matter. 

The American Comcil for Judaism advertisang campaign never ma- 
terialized. The reason for this that was told to me was the required money 
was not available. That did not Impress me. tf LessJag Rosenwald^ 
sister oould contn^vte from her personal income $1,000,000.00 annoaBy to 
Visited Jewish Apped her brolJier could easily defray the .cost of the 
American Council for Judaism advertistog campaiga without great per. 
- lona^ sacrifice, I the« rea^^zed that money was loot the real reason American 
Coundl for Judaism abandoned the plan for an advertistog campiago w^ 
f vfirpag^ to newspapers to lewJUag cSties accross the country* I know the 
actual reason now>i^ it w0 serv^ no purpose to eX]p>lato Hc here *nd now. 

World tensiooa were growtog more acute as the sanation to Palestine 
grew worse, I felt somethtog had to be done qwckly to Scform the nation 
of the facts before the sitofUion to Washtogton ffk '^ of hand due t^ 
k>bt^g threatened by the hatemongers' brato-washtog apparatVts. Without 
hesitation or oq^ivocsAioa I promptly vc^untered to persooaBy supply from 
my private fonds aB the money necessary to defray tibe entke costs for an 
American Council for Judaism advertising campaign with foH-pages to 
newspapers to leadtog cities across the country as fcog as requj^ed to teB 
of the great deceptioo bemg pra<Aised vqpon the loatioin% the aaiteaiongers' 
Vftto-washtog appartus wiflbowt aroustog suspicion. My offer was refected^ 

tn 1945 Zionists demanded Palesttoe claimtog palesttoe was the ''home- 
land" solely of their ancestors to BiWe history, u^hicK they knew to he 
untruet la 1945 Zionists demanded Palesttoe clatoitog so<aHed "Jews" 
throo^bout the work! were loow hvfog to "exile", u^ich they knew io he 
itfiiruet In 1945 Zionists demanded Palesttoe claimtog "rdtigiws perseCTfr 
tion" scattered sooaBed "Jews" to the four comers of the earth, u^lmh they 
knew io he untrue! In 1945 Zionists demanded Palestine clatottog soncaBed 
•Jews" had prayed for Palestfioe as their home for 2000 years, u-hich they 
kneiO to ha vf^rue! ^n 1945 Zionists demanded Palesttoe clatositog God de* 
favfted to his agreement to give Palesttoe to Abraham's "chosen people" 
as their "Promised Land", which theyknew to he untruel In 1945 Zionists 
demanded Palestine claimtog Great Britato gave ft to them to 1917 by « 
letter from Arthur Balfour to Lord Rothschild, which they knew to he 
unHruet In 1945 Zionists demanded Palesttoe claimtog Article XXH of die 
League of Nations Covenant gave it to them to 1920, which they knew to 
he untrue! tn 1945 Zionists jtemanded Palesttoe clatoiing the League of 
Kationa "Mandate" gave * fO them to 1922, which they knew *a he unrrvef 

X then realized Kor the $rst ttoie tihai it was hopeless to expect American 
Council for Judaism to ever offer effective opoositioa to the hatemongers* 
bratorwashtog apparttus with the necessary fu)^ages to newjgpapers to 
leadtog cities across the country. After ccnsuAation with the n^x>n s lead- 
tog ci^nzens of every toterested religious faith and tJt toterested national 
backgrounds at the highest levels to New York and Washm^Don I decided 
to form the League for Feace with Justice in Fatestine. The ;^>ard <^ 
f PirectOTs was to have on it representatives of aB interested religious faiths 
and aB toterested national backgrounds among the nation's outstanding 
men and wwnen who had unanimously expressed ethusiasm for the pur- 
pose, the policy and the pro^im of the League for Feace t?fiA Jus^e in 
Palestine, They a&o felt this was the only way to c\* that Gordian knot. 

Without to any way disturbtog my cordial relations wfth Lesstog 
Rosenwald, Rabbi Berger or other members <^ American Cound for 
Judaism I requested my attorneys Mesrs. Riegelman, Strasser, Schwartz 
4t Spiegelberg then at l&> Rx>adway. New York Cfly to tooorporate a non- 
prc^t memb^^P corporation wAh the name League for Feace wth Justice 
h Falestine. Messrs. SSegelman, passer. Schwartz & Spiegelberg re<;^ested 
my consent to permft them before they proceeded fwther wi& the mattw 
to ask their principsJ clients and other members of their Jaw firm if they 
objected to hav^g the League for F^ace with Justice M falestine as a 
chei^ to their law offices. Messrs.. Riegelman, Strasser, Schwartz Ac Spiegel- 
berg received the unantowus consent of their principsJI diec^ and aB 
oth«r mecAers of their law fion after explaintog to them the purpose, the 
prfScy and the program of the Leagfie for Feace with Justice in Falestine, 
They then proceded forthwith to incoinpwate the League for Feace with 
Ju^ice M Faleatine «nder the laws of the State of New York for non^fAofit 
membersftdip corporations and Justice Aroo Steoer validated fts fonnatioA. 

^ A few dayi after the tocorporatioo of the League for Feace with Justice 
to FmestiM the %S^ of a series <f fvJJ-pages to newspaper* to leadtog cJCies 
across the country appeared to New York City to the New York Herald 
Trftyune and ether leadtog newspapers. H«Ht seemed to break loose on that 
day as far as I was concerned. The headltoe <^ these f uU-pages appearing 
to the newspaper* was political Zionists Exploit Untruths About Palestine. 
The fuS^page readtog matte? hsted 14 wtfmhs with which the nation was 
then betog brain-washed t^ the hatemonger^ brato-washtog apparatus. 

On May X 1945 the same day the first fuU-pages appeared to the 
newspapen to New York Cfty a large delegation from the headquarters 
<^ the hatemongers' brato-washtog apparatus descended hke a tornado ^pon 
the offices of Messrs, Riegelman, Strasser, Schwartz & Spiegeaierg to read 
the "riot act" to CSiarles A. Riegehnan the head of the torn. They accused 
Riegelman of being "antirSemitio' because his law firm had inowporated 
the Leagf^ for Feace with Justice in Faleatine for me. After several hours 
further abuse by these delegates Riegelman fell to the jBoor with such a 
severe heart attack that he could not be moved from his office to his home 
fc* severidl days, Riegelman never recovered and died shortfy afterwards. 

Messrs. Riegelman, Strasser, Schwartz JJt Spiegelberg toformed the 
delegates there from the headquarters of the hatemongers brato-washtog 
apparatus that | was the movtog spirit behind the Leagfte for Feace With 
Justice te Falestine, The hatemongers* t«:ain-washtog apparatus thereupon 
transferred their attention to me after compelJtog Mesrs. Riegelman, Stras- 
ser, Schwartz * Spiegelberg to send to my home that same day all the 
books, records and documents of the Lfague for Feace with Justice in 








TaUstkie w^^ib^ » k^er rtatAag tJwit tKey did not wt Jtooger wih this "iixAi- 
SeinitiQ' €OiTpor«tk» to Iwthe? consid^'r itjetf liU cliCTrt <! tbdr law oflSces. 

ftiJrpage wknouac^jM-ufci appeared to newspapers J«^ New York City, Messrs. 
Kiesehnai^ Sttasser. $<;hwiurtt ii Soiegelberg telephoned to me aod re- 
^^[ueitted iJial * metobct << the JBrttt be permitted t^ caSi at toy J»m« that 
eveoHig wilih * geoiJooaaA -viho wished very 5pa\x;K to meet xoe, to which 
] coDsentM. That eveotog « member ot tibe 6rm caHed and bew^ aloog 
with hJm a George Mtozer, George Miazer remaSaed alone at my home 
TOta Icwg pa$t midni^ Taytog dcw« the law" to me as he did to crimSoals 
whae Assistant V, S. P».stnct Attorney 1ft charge of craaaloal proseCTftioD. 

At the tone o^ his v&lcto my home George Mvizer was General Counsel 
^ Amer'icen Jficiah Commitfef, Miozer stated to me he was dvJy delegated 
to demaad that I Jfotthwith cease and desist my preseol actMties related 
to the Palest^ Question. }^lt&7,et waroed me that if I dxl tw>t siibmlc to hi$ 
ufcimatam I wooW soon Tearo t^ meanjtog of mahatioi3u" I have wftoessess 
ft»d affidavits to J*<>ve ^t MkK€f mode that threai ocer md <ftet ugakii 

I called Mtoer*» attentioo to my Coosstitirtiooal rijjjit to freefy express 
mysellf oraSy or to wriyDg oa a»y subject »ot ppc4ufcited by law* Miozer 
jaughed at that remSader ^of the Coosta^^ional ri^bts h? was so receiatly 
weft paid by tti* V»*cd jStatet Gov^riW&rtit to westrve^^ f4 Veepfog wfth 
life-loog i>oIicy <Hf:;peace£ul t«wSiMt"ot aHj iot^fective«^»wheoeVeic^>nd 
Samuel P. Leidesdcvt to diswtss this matter. Letdl^dorf was the most 
promJoert officfcJ to Atnerlcai% feu. iak OmmUtee cJf whfeh Mtozer was also 
then General Coux*c3, M*i/ef d*J not Welcome this suggesCioa and refused 
to ajyee w*h my suggestion lor ws to discuss that matter with teidesdorf. 

Samuel D. Leidesdorf is one ol this satio«'s most ootstaitding citizens. 
Leidesdorf Jwdgroerit ts so sou^ by many to all waflcs .of MFe because his 
decisions are nmselfi-sWy based vpon taibiased luod wnpre^ldiced consider- 
ation ii th« jwrtice and eq«*y tovolved. There are few men to this country 
today whose optoioai are more^ valued thaa Leidesdorfs ooibions. I do 
«ot speak from hearsay, | was his close personal friend and his bw.toe«s 
associate to many etfteiprises from X$3S to 3194.5. | was anxious to have 
Leidesdorf mediate M {Inzer's \Jtwoatw« and to abide bv Leidesdorfs rcoom- 
tnendatSoos as I have done lor more t2iaA 20 years widwiit resj^ets. I called 
this to Mtozer's attentiott but he refused to submit the miWer to JLeidefr 
dorf Ufc considwatton by him to the interest of all parties concerned. 

The readtog matter following the i^eadtOoe Tcte^al 2lioivists jExploit 
C»mtths Abo^rt Palestine" to the first fij^page Vea^e for feacf «*A 
Justice M fglfsitifie paid advertisement to appear to ^W York Cfty news-, 
papers was approved to advance of Its pu^ication by the Jaw |ba «£ 
Messrs. Sackett, Chapman, Browj *t Crobs as attorneys on behalf of The 
New Vork Herald Tratume whom they have represented foe more than a 
centviy. I myself submitted this reproAactioo-fwoof to Mrs. Qgden Reid 
personaDv, Mrs. Re*d owned The New York HeraM Trftwae and requested 
thsA I suomft the reprodoction-proof to her attorneys jk>r their approval 
before she could coasider pubKsl&jg the fuBi;>age to her newspaper. $he 
co«M not bcbeve her eyes when (.he read the copy to the reproductionr 
proof I left wJA her for her ,study« I submitted a reproductwo-proof to 
Messrs, Sackett, Chapman, JErown ^ Cross and they gave tibefr unrraalSed 

At 2,30 JP,M. oo the aftemooo of November ll. 1W7 I was to the 
Delegates lx»unge of Vnltcd Natiooi at Lake Success. I was attendtog the 
sessions of Vnited Nations General AsemWy debating the Falcsttoe ques. 
tioot befcwe they voted their Zionist-spoosored resdution to "partitioo"' 
l*alesCtoe. I received an urgent telephone caS there tosisttog that I most 
address the reguflar toonthly meettog of the RocWand Couaty JRepublican 
Club that eveotog on Armistice Day Eve at «.30 p.»x. to Spring V»Uey. a 
suburb of New York City, I was to be the guest speaker instead <* )EW verend 
McAlhster Grffith the scheduled speaker who was suddwJy taken 1SL The 
Iwbject vpoo 'which I was to talk was the Palestme situation at that time. 

I arrived to Sprtog Valley by bus with my wife about $m pM. and 
was met at the bus station by the president ot Ijie duK The president of 
the dub escorted my wife and myself *o the haS over the mato fire-statioo 
where the club holds its monthly meetings. The hall accomodates about XOOO 
persons comforUWy. TV ©resident of the club was toCtoducmg my wife 
and myself to members already present when the door to the haS was 
«u»g open and to walked three mei^ wearing United States Away caifonns 
and over-seas caps. Neither of them looked hfce a member of ijiat club. 

The three men to army uniforms dashed Around the haU bhouttog to 
loud voices "which one is FSreedman?" The president of the club brou^ 
thm Oyer^t^ ^ not knowtog why they waited to meet me. The leader 
ad«fe?5ised>^iaytog*YoucaanO<;ta&herftWe4onotaIlow > ,^. 

lie stated he was not a member, | asked Ktra by whose autiEority he to. ' ^^'^ft 

vaded private premises to prevent « peaceful toeectog by members d the 

chib. JPomttog to an tosigwa On his over-seas cap he replied "The Jewish 

War Veterans wiU joot allow you to speak here. We know who you are and 

we do not allow wottSemftes to tajk to Rockland county.* I tried to co<v 

vtoce htol he was acttog wStbout tastificatio*. When he threatened to ttse 

force to koep me from Jfpeaktog I asked ooe of <J»e club members to go 

for the Chief of Police and to brtog him back Just as qvxickly as possibfc. 

In the presence of the Spring Valley Chief of JPdice the leader stated 
to me "If you try to speak to>ere there will be trouble." The door tpened 
and another 20 to 30 men to the xmiform of the Vaited States Army wearing 
over-seas caps entered the haB. They tamiediately went to work «mptytog 
the haa by pushtog members out through the door. They shouted as they 
were pushtog the wenAers towards the door The meettog is over. There 
wa be trouble if anyone tnes to speak here." The haS was soon cleared of 
everybody lea\tog there only the Chief of Police, my wife and myself, 

The other tocident I want to mcntioo here is the so<alled Anna M- 
Kosenberg af ai: to 195a At theat personal sobcitation as they both stated 
CO the record of the Senate Arme9| Services Committee, Senator Richard 
Kussea and Senator Lyndon Johnson requested me to obtato for then* 
jferformation about Atina M. Rosenberg's past relations and her jfornier activi- 
ties and associatkwM with communists. The toformation f obtained for 
them raised a doubt to the mtods of the Senate Armed Services Commftlee 
about her fitness for the ofiBoe of Assistant Secretarf of Defease. The 
Senate Armed Services had ah«ady «nasmnously confirme<1 her for that 
office without a p^AUc heartog. Included to the j&aformatiott obtatoed by 
me was aa ajffidavic obtatoed for them from an ex<ommu»ist Thf^eupon the 
Senate Armed Services Committee reopened the eartier coofirmation of 
Anna M, Rosenberg's appototmeot ord«rtog a public heartog to pass agato 

<* Defense. 

racus soon, thereafter 

00 the newspapCTs to New York City demaiM^bag that they refuse Jto pub- 
lish the fuU-page aanouncements of the tea^e fof tcace tcUhJii^ke *i 
Talet/tine. The New Ywk Tuttcs, Tbe New York Herald Tribime, New 
York Jourfval, The World-Telegram^ and The Eventog Sun thereupon re- 
fused to publish the fuUiPftge reproductioo-twoof s rf the Jt^ogw* for Teace 
with Jystice in TdevMne imAxalatd to them by Wcctman, Barton & Gould of 
545 Madison Avenue, New York City aa old and respected adv«rtistog 
agency then representwig the Lctfgf/* for feace w&k Jtfgtice H ^tflestin^, 

Faced wfth tjhis boycott by newspapers to New Yoik City 1 vfetted 
each of them top^son to ascertato their reasons for refustog these f^JUtpaee 
advertisements 6f the tec^e for Teoce with Justice *i Fideatine,. t was told 
by them that if »ew.spapers pu^WMbed tihe f utt-page League for Teoce with 
Justice lA Tiilestine advertisements they would lose' the advertistog to liieir 
newspapers of every department store and every other large aewspaper 
advertiser owned <« conitrrfled by' B^wU KrU\ Antt4efamatkm. League */ 
SFnorf B^ritK American. Jewish Committee, American' Jewish Consr€9a, 
World Ziofiint Organisation axtd t!heir countle^ss affi]^tes and subsid^trics. 
This boycott of any new^per to New Ywk Cay or aaywhwe to the United 
States would quickly put it Into bankruptcy or otit of Iwsfness eUogcthert 

faced wil^ this dilemna I did M know tost what *> do about % 
My new attorney, by name f Ij^am Richarsoo, toXd me at th« b»e he heard 
of a newspaper to N*w Jersey he believed might accept advertistog from 
the Leo^e for Teace with Justice tn Faie^ine^ HaSam Richardson is the 
son of ^^shop Richardson the emtoet4 dean of a9 Methodi!^ ^hops fof 
many years before hi^ deat\ who receatiy had become my imw attorney,, 

1 asked RicbardsontO tovestigate that possibdlty. Richar<boa did so. He 
arranged an appconftco^nt at my home with €be editor and publisher of 
the New Jersey newspaper. That is how t raade the accmatotaace.^ CoqfJe 
M*G6fcky;'of .VnSc*x, New. Jersey the editor and wa^SH^ry^t' Cown^ 
Sewtff ax>»Ufcatio*jJfii^g^*ottfofect;j ' . ^^ ^ 

McCteiey cautioned me at <Me first meettog that aeftJier ho nor CtfAi- 
ffton ^ense wer« popular with the hatemongwr brato^^a^hiag apjowatus. 
McOinley ca^rtioned me that some of hfe hatemooger^ "anti-SemitisMr smear 
tbSS^ "rub off" on me, I cautiooed MoGtoley that some of my hB^emongers", 
"aBttSeroxtuim" smear mijiht "rub off on him. McGtoley offered me ^ 
pages of Common Sense to which to teJl my story to the nation, If I have 
been of any assistatoce to maktog Common Scftse the force?vhic-h Jt i* today 
f am not the one to talk aboi^ iL If anyone .outside the hatemongers* It^ 
waiihiog apparatus is ferter^sted to furtakr details I feel quite sure (hat 
toformatioo wSl be |3adly swpplied to them by my friend CoikIc McGtol<9y, 

I caA Jfin many volumes with stories about the pafleBS and mercilew 
{•ersecution I was obliged to suffer sdkfy because f was teStog the ©ation 
f acti releva<* to the security of the coimtry wJt^h the hatemongersT hcaSOf 
washtog apparatus did not want the aatioo to know. I will now only teU 
of two tociocnts because they show to what extent the hatemongers* brato- 
washtog appart^s exerts a t»ig tofluence Over decisions made by puUw 
c^ials 'R'ho fear for their careers if they igw>re "suggestioi^s* to them. 

hatemongers" brato^ashtog aKwratws to New York that there Was to be a 
public heartog oq Anna M. Rosenberg's fitness for that office based ^po«i the 
affidavit of aa ex-eommuafcit I* order to tShrow dust to the eyes <# the 
public the hatemongers* bratorwarfbda:.g apparatus ordered every aewspaper, 
every radio and television commentator aad every media of mas5-comm<mi- 
cations for shaptog public opinioa cootrolled by them to scream to hi^ 
heaven that "Benjomm II. Freedmaa. vic«lent aactSemite is to a oon.spi)racy 
to keep AttWk >f- Rosenberg cot of the Pentagon" and other untrue charges 
boldmg ro? as "an aicAi-Semite" sofcly responsible for "this consp&'acv" 
to bar AftKia M. )Rownberg from her Pentagon )ob for reliigious rea-jona owy, 

Tlkat was alt th^t the hatenKnger^ brain-wa.<ihtog apparatus had to 
to do to make sure Anna M, Rosenberg would get dw Pentagoj^ joJx The 
sympathy of the aation was with Anna M- Rosenberg as a result of the 
hatwnoogers* brato-wa,shtog apparatus plea fcr fa* play for this poor \ictim 
of a so^allcd "aaCirSemite conspira<V to keep Anaa M. Rosenberg out 
of the Pentagon job sdtely oa acoouat cf her reb'gious faith. The public 
lort sight of the fact-mt Senator RusseH aad Senator Johnson recgaened 
Anna M. Rosenberg's coafirmattoa for the Pentagon job upon a« affidavit 
^smder «ach by the most tnisted aad the most patriotic ex-commuaist who had 
)(yrevioflsly been of great assistance jto the, detection of oommuaist activities 
m this ,country, Anna M. ^Rosenberg M become a sacred cow to the 
natios*. The hatemongersT "aiA^SerteSttsm" smear was toed to silence further 
tovesb'gation. The reopened heartog oa Ann* M. Rosedberj^s coafirmatSon 
c<Jlii^>sed aad lihe was coaiSrmed igato as tf 1^ had ]planned !it that way, 

^ J As a result of the aatioa-wide pi^ilicity the hatemongers' bratn^ash- 
tog apparatus gave me I received jErom persons I had aever met hundreds 
of documents, records, and o(ier evidence of Anna M. Rosenberg's actfvi- 
cwfi «»t! associatioos with persons of questionable pol*ttc«l. background. 1^**,,^-* 

_ rg, I was re-.; f 

quested to briag'this matwial"wa!h me, .That suit<ase filled with material 
relevant and pertfecat to the coafirmaUoa '<rf Anna M. Rosenberg was 
opeatofroat of toeoothe taWe for ala&ost four hours whilo 31 was testtfytog 
to the committee room. I was not tovited to take one piece of that evidence 
out of the 5Uitca<^. For four Jbo^s t sat there aaswertog questions about 
whs4 rebgous f ajljbi I professed, what churches X attended* my relations with 
tib« peopto to the Mtddlo^East. mv connections with Cotode McGtoley and | 
Cof^mon Sentf*» and ooitotless Otter ^DMtters completely^ fcrelevaat w !^ [ 
coafirmatioa^ pwceedtog* then wader loonjaderatioo by the "Senate Anaed ' ^ 
Services Coauoittee, A*n* M, Rowribei'^t patS 4ndd4 mt her whipping hof/t 

ilwe th^ hatealonssrfi m^^hJ^iheti ^ it^mece9itaeu to conceal? 
U^e the hatemongers been corrf/ing water o* both ahoutt^tf^ Hste the 
iuaemongfifa been comouflaging wtrAmericen^ non^Americen nn^ enti^ 
American att^ud^t and actkitiet wUh patriotic end reU0ons pretentions? 
DoiiM'totk by tvyo-faced ^if^voJs or organtatiotia endangers the te- 
curlhf of this nation and the peace of the world in this modern fnwleaf age 
of intercontinental MisHc missilea ftted with hydfogenhomb war-heads'! 

r^^v^ ^st^4^^st^5S^sriS51.'"*"' 




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^:23 «? f S-/^-^^-^"*^ 


President Elsenhower and Secretary of State Pulles declared the United States 
"- military "Intervention" in Lebanon vas in errect the "trial run"— or— t;ne~unxri&d~^ 
States foreign policy outlined hy them in person to United Nations delegations 
then meeting in the Third Emergency Session of United Nations General Assembly. 

President Eisenhower and Secretary of State Dulles on that occasion officially 
went on record "the United States will go to the help of any small nation** when 
"a legitimate government" requests United States military "intervention" to aid 
in the defense of its "political independence and territorial Integrity." 

The United States was first to ''recognize" as "a legitimate government" then the 
May 19^8 armed Zionist insurrection in Palestine. Since May 19^8 all Zionists in 
the United States have exerted their maximvim political pressure to wangle from 
the United States its guarantee for military " intervention*' to always protect the 
"political independence and teritorial integrity" of their Zionist "regime." 

The precedent established by United States military ^'intervention" in Lebanon 
slips the Zionist "regime" in Palestine through the "back-door" in 1958 that 
guarantee it tried but failed to get through the "front-door" ever since 19^8. 

United States foreign policy in effect now hands a "blank check" to the. Zionist 
"regime" in Palestine in its own discretlpn tcs call upon the United States l*or 
military "intervention"- to guarantee this Zionist "regime*' ^possession of all the 
territory in Palest Ihe acquired by armed force in 19^5 and 19^19 with use of an 
-^ unprovoked-^and'Aanjustirvgd^X Knumane vxo x enc^ ^ ag ar xns r qex 'gny gxess i\v^u mj^n, wom eii — 
and children in peaceful possession of their homes and other properties there. 


Obviously United States ^ military "intervention" in Lebanon was planned by the 

high-level Zionist echelons in the United 'states in collusion with associated 

high-level e^olxeXoxtts in the Administration in Washington for that purpose. The 

px'etoxi^Q. " Infix tLrat ion" and "Indirect agsre,3^Xon" wor^e invented to whitewash 

unjustified milUtary "intervention" in Lebanon. The pretexts were discredited. 

\3nited States military "intervention" in Lebanon establishes a precedent tov a 
similar unjustified Unit^ed States military "intervention" in Palestine whenever 
a request is made by "a legitimate government." In May 19^8 the United States 
"recognized" this Zionist "regime" in Palestine as "a legitimate government." 

President Eisenhower put his signature on a Joint Resolution of the Congress 
enacting the "Eisenhower Middle East Doctrine" on March 19,1957. The terras of 
the "Eisenhower Middle East Doctrine" limit United Stat'es military "interven- 
tion" in the Middle East solely to aid the defense against "armed aggression" 
there by "countries controlled by international communism" and only to that . 

Thereupon all the media of mass-communications in the United States owned and 
controlled by the Zionist hierarchy, the leading j;aewspapers> the television and 
radio nation-wide networks, the leading weekly magazines, the motionTpictuxie 
news-reels and the many x>ther equall3r-eTrecxrive~medXa Tn ^^Ehe'lJh also 

owned and controlled by the Zionist hierarchy, immediately commenced the most 
unjustified and unwarranted smear-campaign accusing Egypt and Syria, and more 
recently the United Arab Republic, of being "coxmtries controlled by interna- 
tional communism." The purpose of this smear- campaign was quite obvious to all. 

However this unorecedented and unparalleled smear-campaign was a total failure. 
Investigators were unable to discover a factual basis for any of the many vile 
and vicious accusations^.^ The facts have proved that^Egyjtii^^aiid Syria, and the _ . - 
United Arab Republic are' not "countries controlled by international communism." 

The complete collapse of its smear-campaign robbed the Zionist "regime" of its 
last hope to thereby secure United States military "intervention" in Palestine 
under the "Eisenhower Middle East Doctrine" which thereupon became a "dead duck*' 
solely because this smear-campaign did not accomplish its Intended ptirpose. 


TK« pvMk«tion IWvt F** Tm^tx ond its obrid^^d AdvofK* ftwtUti#i« or* i«>w«4ios o pwblk f*f>ic* by this n«A-profit f«vfMfot!»«« for oJvon<«<f r*s*orch 

ImIo *«t»port««tt vvvnts ol KS»tork iMportOfKe with iMpfkoti^s «x*rci<I»g o«i Inflv«»€« vpon p<iX\H\co\, e<onomlc oikI to«{ol trends m» this covntry omJ 

tKrov^Kovt th« worU; witS « vi*w to promotMQ « b*tt«r vM<f«r»tondi«»« of tfiom ond to creotiM^ « widor lAtor«>t In thorn. Coplos oro ovoilobto to tk« 

pvbltc %t*m of <Kor9« vpo* roqwost. l^m*\ K"o« XV«t o#h* it» AdvoiKo ftvlf*tlns will \m sont fo/ono fwU y«or to contribvtort of o«y cOAVvMiont tmotl 

sviM to bo vsod for nooro roptdty ochJ^vtA^ this imporotiv* roxiwircmont U», tKo intorost of tKo wolfaro of ttio notion €»tk^ ^ko pooco of tKo world. ' *^ 

Addr«t« <omMvnkot'>oft»« FOUNDATION fO% AOVANCfO RCSf ARCK^ ln«^ 505 f iftK Avonwo, Now York 17, U.S.A. ln4)wVi«* *nvit*d <fm^ oil >vbi*<*». 

In 1920 the Leasue of Nations "on behalf of all nations in the world" viewed 
Palestine as an autonomous state. Likewise In 1920 the League of Nations by the 
same Covenant "on behalf of all nations In the world" also viewed Lebanon, Syria, 
Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Yemen as autonomous states. Now in 1958 Palestine 
alone of these seven autonomous state's in 1920 is not a sovereign independant and 
autonomous state and' a United Nations member like the other six states are how. 

The United States quickly "recognized" the May 19^8 armed Zionist Insxirrection 
in Palestine as "a legitimate government" six minutes after it was "proclaimed" 
by the 650,000 Zionists transplanted between 1920 and 19^8 from eastern Europe 
into Palestine behind the bayonets of 100,000 British soldiers stationed there 
solely for that purpose by Zionist-controlled British governments in Iiondon in 
spite of the fact the League of Nations in 1920 made the deal for Great Britain 
to serve as Palestine's temporary administrator solely to create there quickly 
^y seXr^deteTTnina^rton a Palestine government for the 1920 Palestine population. 

In all the 28 years Great Britain administered Palestine Great Britain found 
itself completely powerless to create that Palestine government due to pressure 
exerted on the British governments by the Zionist hierarchy in London. The Zion- 
ists did everything .necessary to prevent creation of a Palestine government then 
as they had themselves long planned to create their Zionist "regime" there first - 

In United Nations on November 29,19^7 the Zionist hierarchy resorted to the most 
corrupt "power politics" to steam-roller through United Nations a Zionist-authored 
"resolution" for Palestine "recommending" as its "government" a Zionist scheme by 
which they planned to embezzle Palestine from its Arab owners if the plot did not 
fall. But it did fall. The Arabs avoided the trap by Ignoring the "recommendation." 

A mistaken belief exists that United Nations is vested by its Charter with power 
to "create" a Zionist "regime" in Palestine by a "resolution" that "recommends" 
its "creation." That mistaken belief is exploded by official declarations of the 
Zionist "regime" Itself that it was created solely by wars waged against the Arabs . 

There will never be permanent peace in the Middle East xintil the 1,000,000 Arab 
e;cpellees are returned to their -former homes in Palestine. World-peace will be 
in danger as long as Middle East pea«;e is in danger- £eace in the Middle East will 
continue in danger as long as the 2,000,000 Zionists in Pi^lestine continue to go 
-' o>i'>—^*ooujp>y~i)rxe—tho—hossoo—<>r---tho-—l^OOO:rOOO— Arab—expellee s^omp^l led- to live in exlle-.^— 

The 1,000,000 Arab expellees rightfully refuse to be "resettled" anywhere. They 
demand the- return of their homes from which Zionist aggressors drove them using 
inhumane violence without provocation or Justif icatiop;. arid the "withdrawal" of 
these 2,000,000 Zionists who will be better off anywhere than where they are now. 

In the United States today the best informed Zionists are strongly urging in the ^ 
best Interests of the 2,000,000 Zionists originally "resettled" by them in Pales- ^ 
tinej» their immediate ** withdrawal" from Palestine as the first step in the program 
to "resettle" them in other countries throughout the world where they will be safe 
and secure, welcomed and wanted, amongst relatives, friends and countrymen facing 
a futvire to which they can nevermore look forward in Palestine as things look there - 

Zionists in the United States will be very derelict in their duty towards their 
2,000,000 co-religionists originally "resettled" by them in Palestine with fxinds 
generously supplied by them for that purpose if they now fall to seriously consider 
the increasing danger from the rising tide of Arab nationalism which now threatens 
these 2,000,000 Zionists whom Zionists in the United States must not now abandon 
to their fates in Palestine in view of the different situation which exists there. 

Funds continue to pour into the Zionist "regime" in Palestine at the rate of more 
than $500,000,000.00 annually. This money is used primarily in preparation for the 
next Zionist. war_ wh ich_ now they know they cannot win. This money is wasted.. It is 
more than enough to finance the "withdrawal" of the 2,000,000 Zionists from Pales- 
tine and to ^"resettle" them in other countries. It should be used for that purpose. 

United Nations members will not be called upon to pay the cost of the "withdrawal" 
of the 2,000,000 Zionist from Palestine or to "resettle" them in other countries. 
Zionists in the United States will gladly pay for the "withdrawal*^ from Palestine 
and to again "resettle" them. United Nations $100,000,000.00 annual expense for 
Arab relief and military forces in the area will end. United Nations members will 
not be obliged to pay $6,000,000,000.00 to 1,000,000 Arabs as their "compensation." 

United States military "intervention" in Lebanon and "withdrawal" of United States 
troops from Lebanon is not as vital to the peace of the world today as the Zionist 
military "intervention" in Palestine and the immediate "withdrawal^' of the 2,0007^00 
Zionists from Palestine AND the rettirn of the 1, OOP, OOP Arabs to their former homes . 

August 30,1958. Advance, Bulletin 2/5a Benjamin H.Preedman 

Benjamin. H. Freedman 
seo PARk AVENiie 

NEW YORK 28; k Y. 


J . 



To- 'beopenedonly by addre^ 








it* i- ■■ '^I Piibllthf^ fa ih* wmmi i4 mAuni w«ikbte w «i« »uMi<^ ^tmndy anl m low «iir,^iMn|>M mI AorMCi JntbrmMwA. T;;! 0^<i 

. , — i wiiti HMUMMt mU iniKNMtrtoiMl imtili<MKm« MMmbM ua amtytM^; WfthOMT ^m or pi^dioi; Iif 4p«Mlif» ^ ,^. 

, . In •d<Mno4 MMuCh MwtiNli, SulMCitphoM (Muhbt* i^ (h* public Ac • wolunwy (nnmbtitioM lot Owe juipoM^ wi IJU^- 

^ FOUKDATJKW KM ADVAlKn* URSBAIICII AKACVHIC 90S Viflh AmnM hfaw Yuk 17,14, X.«t I. A. <M tech p<wi>'.«fc^i^ 


'J^:t4-i^:in i. 

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Vp-Ilv '^ 

President Ecsenhbwer seeks consent of Congress for Mni^diSfqfes^Airiited Forces 
to figlit!Middle East Wa^to protect bodty of Zionist's 1948; drmi^lirsufrection 


MsotOTfoK x>rr)iwx>ycKD »j this »cwse of ;wEKwesENTATXvE$ w 


Stow EA*TCK< sBXvmv w^^ 


"'""'*" 305 rJw AVaWt NEW TOkltnX T*tR*A. 

^owiDtt ^S4/^ iBAGm iwt ri*ait *mi Josnci w faustini 
The Uttftcdl:^tes Aanfl<t foftei^I^^ Joon^ tgififr be- £g^| toj ^ytog. 
^ tune oo the bftttfe-6cl<fa riaoogfaoat tM MadJi^ Bast ^«^ jaT the oot too 
AataaC futafe, lit toothet BnogceaBiiy Mkt taclcs* w«i^'-i£ yaa<iera W ntrtwe t ^^ 
MtAik JEasterft Sccacity itesoiutiocM » k » khw oAled, is »i^>«)ve<{ i>y fiJA'i^ 
houset of Coogi^w, «(ki signed ty;Pre«i<tooe feseolwyg ef . | k thai fegcoiw« ^th e ., 

tb« bi&tk ^ <b«,facc» n^hkJk foAoiir^'^tbose- be^i^i£«d ukS cdosI! coo- 

(* fidge tfce ioeviUMe .coosemiftttCej '^ ^^efit |Kseoli<w«f*i Middle 

5«Sto»*^R««>lWtocit»iV«-V itbe'^WfifciooiJ i^Moio**, that 3a As ©feseot 

ft«Jd«* E«6howe«r Middle SMKrt'Secfti^ Hesofotioo wffl fctd ft> 

WW M «»^ Middle lEWB fte<4i*ie v«y eeaf fwKiP«;. botweeo jtbe UaM Sutes 

*sA ^ /^}jgd^^^^y\iX^ifi^ |>cove v«y duMwcpoua, 

^l'r?f it »*^ '^ <oofP^^ jii^gnjenf JUKt I^^mwuous <i(>auoa of ?J«»e Ua*, 

«uii£fie4 ukd soaost wmp^te^l^JW jiklgei> lJw^Adai»i*»60flLift Wtshiogto*^ ia 

Ae'O)0»ces^^M Jhe-PeohiW'^aad MioeA: Uttite4 Njrtioo* ddegttloo\ th*C « 

w« «£ Ttjwt yiitaM^ iii^be Middle Stf* ^fiffi^iffvitift^iy |«c^itat« the impcodiog 

dl-wA itod fffV-sCide ButsWrn WorMt W«l.Xh«<viJ (toosequeoce ibujk be averwd. 

' (^ lJie>>i3^d;B^^'&d i^ut^tf £ft.*>resi?'^0«y War. eheUtttted 

Statet a desfaoed to j^come the pttacifint tftfget of > potttai^ eaemy abunda^ 

siippiiie^ with feydrogeft'iwmbt^yiijt die meitmrWdrtivef (fae» ift <|ttantkies oq 

taSets aaywhew -to. tbe Ifotted States, at wtttyt fcom- <fee wodd'it krj^ fleet of 

kitcKoatiiMfflttJ a&gtefiiciet-booibws, tnd ffow <!be ^^d't ordy fiwe of »ter. . 

cootmeocd atomtc-poweffed-gtriMnaftpei ^coffltfucteA to 'Asdutrge glided pussJca 

at vefy ^atant targea WMtioati i<he- oecegtity of Titwog <o the/terface «>■ do "a^ 

'/ooeeable tvlMi!S^M'fP^»^hm^,^ " */f««i *^- 

peftdo(a;.§ndf »over«iga itate^wfll tak,.^«atei: txteipi^iiwx joow KaftKe^i dcDeod 
Bpoa ^ Mlatioiva^^ ,<»sttt3ij *t -tSb* tioje^betweea ^„^RnM State* ,«fid the 
Axal^ M1^4k ^aat ;a>ttAfo«\ tfil the>(3¥»^oiiiEibae«.i<«(nJo^ tSbc AsiftOrAtttcaft 
ffW»^/»l3p^MC)^ppWJW»a^eI7J50^V.&e.v^ tot4l«1p«*at»«)^,<*<>«iCJFwe 

f*f .3Tbe^e«feiido«» WiAowejJ J^ enbflOKHa Wftft*! (fc«H*<;e» a*wt <fce ata^gic 

popuUckxv Witt prove tbe deteanining'l*ctop.;^ft deQl<y*n| tbe victor *>r «a a^oitf 
ittd ^«I]tk»fc pk-'WtA Wodd Wftiv ,Tbe ^powe!f,J&e batuiil Yesoufce^ «ad 
Ijhe atrateric jtfe« <iC Asia m4 A/oca inhibaed jfyU« Aftib Middle la* couottJei 
wia'5aT.$ very iPPOrtaaC |«« 1% ^rtvidEt^g (?i* ^atiod; yiA',ieCCiJcay, aod 

. a.-.^.Tbe stoker &rfeat^t)^.t'irfewftcea,^ina^piMa^^ aad tomiendof concealed 
vktBfl the wtms of I'resHJentyBtMfiato^ry Middle- laawm. Sectirky Keadtackx^ 
as it now teadsy'murt be cal^<^ to the^atwnrioQ o^ ewty ptAdic^piftted peraoft 
a i!be tuitioo. while tiiere is atitt l time w<^ »^^ rou«^f>ctf 

W wedooked oc ^isregaide^ m' idjte'ccmtext <>f peceat katory ift jf^alwtifte, a nd 
the MiMelaat area, and dw awnouciced ama W the mtemflii^c^ ZionU: fe»«3[er» , 
shift so them openly eKpwsws^ coocefaittig yatntfioe. and the Middle Ja3C-«rea> 

The ashite employmeftt of ctttiii**efio» In )fresideot Skeo&ower"! Middle 
- Easterft $ec«rlty lUsoIutioa"deiB(««i4.<a^«3E"aoaIy!W *ftd <:oo(iidera6ott. The 
liat;ioa cawot afford to jtofcciitiitijKJSer j)ti^-coose<ja«oce» of imjflemeotifig the 
teoo "as be deems occessniy'; vufwaBfy ^ite'^tuTiboFi^ of ■ dictator. TJe Ww-^ 
eace of a« tetea ^o^ert arai*4 $ggt^6ar <*m« be ea^ay coflcealed. The 
jbiweodo of «h< tecca *f«ffl *>jr^*a(;to<C ii :'4'»>« tppweH, The ittplkatioo 
of the «eoa "cowxoDed" mggew Wwnf sis^istcjr wodvei. The suWe keeimooi 
of the term "ioteraatiooal commttai»etf'*>f j>eaM to be a trap. .The «dcfii»te 
ttm "«h«S expit* . . M wbeAthe l5r«SEtd«t shfttt dd!eanio<f . , . ^»t the peace 
ftod 9ecwky.^.t« msocwWy aasa^;» also wy daA^tfOos i» loaey ways. 




' , , 'it 

I Th« wm4<' •elected w< 5u»ple wor^s. Tb« ^fl^»«« employed i^ »impl< 
lt6£uiLge^ ftot, dber uj one tmoj fto4 eaeaa f^mctjmx else. Tb« tercoa , 
referred «> above Wve /bever t>eea explained to the puofic b;^ fecaoos ^t ; 
•ource* Jtwe tsom petsooal iaccwse Ift the airos of <he iwerjotckwal Zioftist 
kadcfshilp Ift Palestiae. add the Middle East area, of «ot associated witbt tie 
ftctivitict i» tl«» touotry oo behalf o? Che Ziooist go<aaed "soverej^a »tat«" 
ia jpalcsciae. They <rS kt expUoaCioa by jpeisooa wkibom jwcfciple kiyalqiea. 
The moa^oHstic ^oanol of all media ot ciass-cocagmefcatiom to the 


la Ae cveot of "overt aaned aggtegioo" by the Zioaist ao^afled "loyefeiga 
. gbate" m. Palestioe, all Arab Mjk^ ^aat courtbfies feet <piite cct^ Oi»t the" 
United Statei vUt res(Mt to every posatfale wbteffage. aod rtsort to att the «coses 
the Ijaited States cao coftceivabty cook-op^ to esape tbcit ohbgabon to employ 
United Statea armed lopceg theo^ agamsc armed iorcea ct che Ztomac »(><ai;ed 


Palestine.- Afl Arab Afad<fle East courtfoes smcerriy believe 

that the United Stato will never employ United Stetet accaed iOKt% againat t^ 
feiooigta loolled "s oveteigo atate ' in Pulestine Jundec any aicumstances, come 

United State, f<>r ahaprn^ pubU opmyn, by the Zioni^leaders^p m the ■■ . ^ .. ^ ^g,^^,^. Ibe IW Statea witt ^ evade ini ' obb j^aaoni w«h che 
Umted States, make, * Quite sunple for Zionist leadership m the Ui^ .^^ .'. ^« ^ Jj^" that auch aa an»ck jty ^2K>n« acxalle;^ -a oiverei^n atate" .n 
States to brainwas h the pubbc on alt relevant aubjem, ^ a manner to bgty- ^^..^ ^.^^^ ^ Anib J^OlIe JdaJt country ^ not -'o vert aoned a;t>gfess;^'' 
serve ZK.n»st inte,^ m Palwbne,^ and the MKldle ta^ area. The mooog. ,^^ ^^,b MKJdle iM^«*.^r^ any nacK>n" ac that c«ne "c^S^tioUed" 
otitic contKi ot att media ot jnaa^ommnnicabona m the Untfed^Stetea," fay^^ ^ ^^^ "MKctnauon ri commaniJiin.^ Ju ^Ufat wUl noc be too hard to coolc^^ 
Che Ztontst leadership >n the Uoaed Scatea, leadtng newapapera and maga- ^2 

anea, radio net-wocla, televatoa cet-worka, the motion pictoBe iodai^y and - 
the eotertammenc teli, thtough outrijgbt ownerahip cm by &nanaal domina- . 
tioa. Of by coocfol ot then ancomca frooji adverttsmj; reveaoes, maket it easy ' 
/or the tntefpatiooal Zionist leaderabip to brainwash the pobbc m any manner , 
they deem most suitable to serve their pnrpose, vtthout feat of any effective 
conttadvctioft %n the nation's media o * ^i^ c oaaBWfticataooa foe shaping ' 
pnblic opiniOflL Ybe oppositioa to Ztc^isw iiodt few iBF any ways to be heard. 

The bterait^oflgl ZfoOist fcaders^p 6'thuS abS« eo /^st »pS(? Che'tai^&We,^ 
andlfiaivo public.! acceptance of .what « "without ^oestSoo a ^efarf Def easej; 
Treaty b<*weeaUe Vttkti State* aod Che Zioiust BO<iIfcd '"sOverciM state 
iftJpiJcsaSa*!. .as. 4 ?^dZ«f JEastem Secdfiity 5Re^ktM« We<t State* 
OM&^tac%M yerlly the la<'of dbe>od wW' approved ty ho^ hofeaci of 
Coogtta fc;1»com«,tbc law 'i 

b tt aiji Qodifanitftd S«X^ recogmzed throuj^hout iJbe wodd, €ut today the 

Zionist so<aUed "sovereign stats" in Palestine is "cootrollcd" by the Voitei 

States, and AaC * has been "controlled'' by the United States for several yean. 

The Uswed States wOl be ia a posiciott «o escape «a oWigariooa, The vwwd 

States <aa «se as its aUx the <«S -that rhe Zionisc so<alied "sovere^ga state" 

ift Palesane is noc ■coocDoCed" )by "juKeroadooal coaMoncasox," Tb«; conceoeioo 

- ^ tbC United Stated -witf^Wy^i&aWy die Ziooisc »o<aZIcd "soverti^ «•«" 

ia Paleaooe to request aod rec«m Vn^ $me§ armed focces lor defense a^tf« 

^ Vverc armed iiggcewiOA.^^thac aedni^lMF be iSamii^fim. ooder the tecoo^ "tcom any 

iihaaoa" aHcgealyfcoiKFoJ3ed" t* fc^afled Totoroattood '<oownunism»* diat are 

i'w prc|!idwMd'aMavoOP^ 6e 25oBi^90^SDcd ^iovereiga kb«" ja Palesane. 

llbe iotematiooal Ztonist leadeisbip h the Uaited^Stiri;es has poured bJbon^ 

SToa-deduCtJ^U S/donwaroi^lbe^^q^valeOt; ioco dte economy ot tbek 

..... . ^, /5zk)a«io<idled "fover«^^ae^ine YeccMyear^ Moot to make »^ 

^ , I «twlan4>heo few approved by bo<*»oose»«yt|-^ 

scc»«;i^deot|I&eabowec'i MMdle' E«st«r0;$eoMHy/X»ojK^ J^jp^ of Ctftcooomy oC tbeZiOniat-'so4uIled^*'sove«i^ state" in Palestine. 

aiiy Wtationi^ornny tcservatlooi Ibc what io niuoVtoplieiC The>bC<; are 
entitled to be correctly and completely informed 00 tJw subject They ftave 
iiot been told ^tLdangerow coose^oces if it is ^y swovi^Pl ^;^<*^ 
Pii^denC Eisenbower's ^^d li Eaaera ScCajy !^e^<i(ti6 J im taterf^ 

The ct^pse of tSbe pavate eoteiprise system, "cootrolkd by Cbe wui^rtupted 
flow of biKtooa of tax-deduct&le U *& doOaa into Uieir bottocoless economic 
rpr^n nitSKtt a*T teowrement 3k))Pi«Myia<tijt;. Witt mean dw end of tibe private 
' narptsc l^i^ Vthe Zionist KKallcd "soverc^a state" in JPatetine, and the 

■ to akp ^ throo^th the "back <Ur" what publ K octmonrao v^<>«>'^»^P^ 5l ^f^j^^^i"^^ . ^. 

U war whgft^ ^Itt^ttpt was ^na <ie to afap d«y same ttwn;e^ifr ehrou^h'tbe l i^^?1fbe^Sobikfcadct5iap1atheXfn»?el$^ 

-SuS^looc" 6.^ng opLtion by^ pubL last vear prevented th TfeS -«..-— .. rh. Uni^ Stat» ^ ^ Ziomst s<H:aJ 

States from <ottdn^j^ a ^attdar -Motaal Ocfense Tre^ay- witte the^-Ziomrt 

W><ailed>'''sove«!iRastateV.m Palestine, ^y whatever' ochernameiidbe^ ^nce^j 

naCionat fciooist lea<^ership seek tobaptaae a Mutual Defense Treaty, President 

JE^senhower's Middle fastera Security Resolutiott, the name the loternatiooal 

Ziooiat kadenrtap already bepozf it, la in effect and in tact tioditog bet 7 

kotnat Dei?eose Treaty between the Uaited States and the Zionmt »o<alled 

"aoveretjta state" an Palesttfte.- mtasured by the crtfer ta which foUowa bere.' 

Nothing whaaoever which can be said to the concrary cao posaibty atecr that f a(x 

The odds are l/)O0.0O0,0O<Xto-i that fto Arab Mi*«e East country wiJl 
ever request the UaJwd States armtd force* to defend ao An* MiJBe Ewt 
ressioa froUfli afly source. »y the wildest stretch Of the 

^. , - AUIiUI ' Ul iiii II tl i W hi. > r i r'u l ii mw Jii n fcw^ " ■■■ 

Arab Middle JEast country will request Uoited States artacd forces to assist ia 
ks defense agaiosc aay aggresskxv A peraoa must be extremely naive » imagine 
that such ojccumstances are eidber probi^le « possible. It will not be out Of 
place to roeoqioa ha* just a few of the vaBd reasons why tSiii is sa Space 
wSei not permit toeatioa iier* of aU such reasons. Space bere wiU oeithef 
permit adequate comment moa ijicse many reason^ to certify to Aea validity* to 
the Mest exwat ij« abundanr aitaounc of available jWocmatioo *oakes possible. 

Its cdace o( the CommomiK ,<C0)M>my louod ml Coaamaaist countries. 

„ it£a5eE5lS>^ ^betfiS^ed feSt«Vears tjte repercossioo npoo <heir 

co-rcbgiooists Ao the Unwed States 4 ibetr Ztonist so-called "sovereign state" in 
^akstia« becomes another populatioi^ 40 paaa into the almost $0% ot the wodd's 
totalt^bovuIai^Oajikeadyi^ekintio^ The Zionist kade^ 

ship « w United Sbtel wijf coatibae^ poQiT'additiooal biUioos of tax-deductit^ 
U $h dollars Mto ^ economy of fl»e« Ziooisc ao<aaed "sovereign state" M 
Palestvoft-W prevOQt commuoism, leplaang ci^itatsm aa tibe poKacal, economic 
and lodaH Jvatems dboXi The Ziod^<eac-«o6 many persona jo ^ Unwed Staces 
wJBl *ea saj;, *W«H» now you see. I cold yoa so^ didot X?"* Aod they sorely wUl! 

The ZHtniat so-catted "soveieiga atate" in Palestine was plaaned byjome 
of the world's leading Coaimunist^r|^iew!loped by some of ifce wodds leadiftg 
ComooMniats and admmistered by some ot the wodd a fcadmg Communists. Many 
of >jbe Mii&al customs and mstitutioos of the Ziomat so-called ^'aovereiga atatie'^ m 
Palesti ne are more commuoiBt tfaan'tompatable costoms ani insttf uti oo s_ in the 

' sovereign state 

Firstly. 00 basis can possibly exist jb the fofseeaUe future eveo to remote^ 
expect an Arab Middle East country to re^juest Uoited Statea armed forces to 
aisist '» the defense of ao Arab Middle East country agwast aootiber Arab Middle 
East couaby^ or agaiorf alt other Arab Middle East countries. Vsat^ NaCioos 
Ouucet « Chapter VUUL the chapter on SRegional Arraageflfwnts. in Artidfr 52, 
Paragnrfis t. 2, 5, and 4. provide for the maintenance of peace and security by 
the A«o Middle East countries under the League of Arab Sutes Treaty. The 
league of Arab States Treaty provides effective aod adequate measure* for fhe 
defense of aa Arab MiABc East couotiy agaiw* aggression by anoOier Arab 
Middle East country, or aggwssiott tf any other cou£*ry.' The UrAed Nations 
Charter also provides many addioooal methods 10 preserve itteernational peace.' 

A copy of the league of Arab States Treaty was duly £led witi UaM 
Nation* as wquiwd. The League of Arab States Treaty was tf« fast Keglooal 
Arrangemeob Treaty filed witk United Nations after jb formatioo ja 1*4 J., The 
League of Arab SUtes Treaty ptovidcs that an attack upon aoy member shaB be 
regarded tf all members as an attack vpon aS members of the )Le*gue of Arab 
States. The League of Arab States Treah^ served « die iospiratioo and the model 
loc <at ILegional Arrangemeoo Treaty of <he North Adaoc< Treaty Ot^atwzadoo* 
commonly referred to now at NAIXX The League of Arab State* include* 
Palestine as a fuR meaibet and baS always ao regarded Palestine since the formar 
ttoa of the League of Arab States ja i944. The autonomoua state of Palestine 
was IS tftiat time noder tjbe temporary adooinidtaUive direction of CreaC ftckaio. 
. ft is more probaM^ and more po6aibA?'E!Sflf'i*eo» a* or if an A^ab M*ddl^ 
£aat couoti7 B<fopts so-CaScd "mtematiooal commumam" as the fouodaCioo for 
jt> revved political^ ecOoomi<; and social Wems. these new and novel pcAitical. 
ecooomic and soda! kniovi^ioos will oat^y and notmaS;^ tnvdt across botindary 
line* Into other Arab Middle East coqaaiea, witjtiouc tbe;u( resort to the «se Of 
"overt armed aggression" for that puijiose. The rapid spt^ of socaUed *jatcff- 
national comuqauiusm" ia recent years 10 t3ie nuraecou Exiropeodt and Aaiao count- 
tde* wu not achieved fcy "overt armed aggfessioo." Xcb the paat-W yeatv »> 
caQed "intenuitiooal comatumsm' has ioaposed p9 idedogl^ «poo theix^A, 
economic and social aysteats of Cue populatiioas iobabibng -almost 90%^ of tite 
total land area of ibe wod< wltbout i£e necessity of resoctmg to Tovett aOaed 
aggtesaloo" lor <hat purpose. Xnfiltracton. and subversioa.iaude the oooaales 
themselves; achieved that gtsvk for lihe advocate* of so^aUed "lateeaaciooal 
coffiffluajBox' For aft <hai; oocooe aoldier was seat across a b<»der toJGlre a lAtoc 

Secondly^ only one future poaiible _ need can arise where any Arab Ibfiddlc 
' ifeaat country wdi require Uoit»J Stated armed fotcef^r defense aga^ Z ?^ ^ 
armed aggreMion." Thar futupe powtble need will arise in rhe evenr United Stacet' 

called "sovereign state" w Palesfane lUustr^es thia poaJble ^ f a ^ 
foe Untfc<li States arme^ forces hff aa Aiab 'Mi^ctut <xwpt^!"'i'hat'"ge<^^ 
inpy arise again aa suddenly and noexpectedly aa <be recent attack on rgypt on 
October 29/iy>l!^ Another sudden aaack witt not »tfpnse Middle Eaat cocncries. ' 

i" in Palestane today than in alt ^ Aia^' Middle jfeaat countriea 
put together. There » a legai Commwuust Patty" Mi"tbe 21ionist ao-catled 
/'aovereiga atitfe" in Palestine, with elected meaiben sitting in thek legislatufe. 
)m 'all Arab Middle £ast couocciea <!!:omaMiniat parties do not exiat because they 
have alwaya been illegal ^OwTmuma m ^ j ^ "tocJc root" in the Moslem couocries^, 

The Joterai^kMalt Ziooisii iMdeishlp in the Uaited Sute* and Europe, who 
poured billions of tax-d^ducuble JX & dollat* Into tbeir ao<alled "sovereiga 
state" ia Palestine, did not do aO /or lebgioua reasona. They were pdmadiy 
Interesced ja cocnolliog the greaceac concentration of weakh ta joatural resources 
to be fouod ia an the wod4, aod also ia the vkal importance of 1^ atrategic 
area to the diminishing iawaaoooal simificance of Greac l^rkain aod Fnnce 
ia Asia and Africa. They preached the Tea OMnmandments but did not practice 
'^bott ihak noc murder"^^ 'Uou rdudc noc steaT, 'dwu ^hak noc covet", and "^ofya 
shak noc bear false wicne«" The daim« of jnoecnadonal Ztonisc Jeadcrship are 
false, fictkious and fraudulent. X^search fada to aubstanriace any of tbe« cbum*. 

The daim of the jncematiooid Zjooiat leadersh^ to Palesdne aa Aeir 
"homeland" is fraudulcoc Ybey never had aa ancestor who'sec a loot » Pateatine" 
iA alt hiatocy. Tbeir<lgan to Paleaaoe aa the "Promised Land" ot God'a "Chosen ' 
Peopte" IS totally Acciooua> Tbetf ancestors were converted ta the 7th ceorury 
' A tX to monotheism from pagan phallic worship aod tdolaccy. Their claim u the' 
"renmants of the toac Tea Tribe*" » totally untrue. Their ancesiora were rhe ' 
Khaiars who came mto fcufoft^feomdeep in the heart of Awa m the Xst cenwy. 
Their diaim to Palestine baaed on dve "JBat^ur Dedafaoon" ia a ^raud o^ the ' 
most dihfaoocat nature. The "Batfewtf Dedaraoon " waa a letter <brafwd here *a 
Waahmgcon by Juacice Brande»'an<j^ Justice fraok^reer, the two most fanatic ' 
Zionists M ttte hiscory of Zionam, and leaden in mter natictfial Zionist policy. 

Lord Balfour maUed'a cfcpy'T^ tihe letter to Lord ]U)dtBchikL {a bis ^kcteic.) 
Lord BeKoar did not prop^ Fandioe to <be Zaooiaa. Palestine never was! 
Great j^ritalo's. Great Brkaia couitl not give k to the Ziooiat^ and did noc 
Ziooisc claim* due a Le«gae Of NaJ(oQS "Mandate' gave Palesdoe to (hen ji a 
fictktn. The League of Nations xec^vaed Palestine u the autonomous state of 
Che Palesciaiaa AcabcXa^ year 19A tbe League of Nation* actually guaraaceed 
Palestiaiaa Arab* self -deternuaacba }Doder jEree elections w a f ew years. Bu^ 
ibe firaaah remained over 27 yean 10 cran^Jam; 600.000 TJiOoma jdcO Faleacme, 

The iateroacional Zionist leaderrii]p gave considerable aackm^ide p«i)I)ciiy to 
(he uncruA that a United Nacioo* "roolucwn" oa Novea4»er 29, X$A7, "created" 
tbek aocaOed "aoverei^ state" ia Pafcrt;loc. Nothing Could be more aaixue duui 
eu^ difitortkia Offaa, The United Nicioo* Charwr^ ia Chapter IV sate* aU the 
*T<iwer» tM Fabctioa»*];of The General, Aasembtyr la Article 10 and ia Attide 
ItllJ Had ll[2^Uai^ Nation* can only make "cecommeadatioo*" t^ toembers. 
To;xwkft;**jKCO)W>!^bdifii;ioa,"Pait^ formally passes a "resohicioa" 

Tl* •dbsc&tt^ 6 f "reoommeiidadoa" Bet Ae foc» is a "rescJwioo." United Nations 
bas ao more audiocky to "j^tioa" Palcsciae tba« w "partition" any country. 

Mt^&^^t^^tfi^hofi'Zioai^iMb^s^p poured a namimum of X^ biHioa 
doSart mto &(^ Ztoniat 90<aIled/'aOveKiga ^tate." la far less than 10 years tim^ 
"id tax-de^hictible IX $,'doJSars ori^r equjvaleac wkjiout any requkement for 
xepayaKOt by the local tnuu^Ianted popuIocioQ. ijtic popv&tioo became less 
coounuaiat^ morp,<apitaliBt ia t&eir outlook «poa £fe » general, aod about 
6eif owa live* ia particulae. Tbti prosperity converted a populi^ioo of wor- 
shippers of Karl iiut Ho a l>opuI(^oa of wor^ppen of Cxi Rothschild and 
Bernard M. Barucb aod tbe« Ue^ among their co-retgiooista. The 1 biSton tot- 
deductible U 1 dollars soon completely aheoated their affecti<Kk foe Okc Sovkt 



Union. They , were Jbppy t* be "coot«)Uwr;,.tiy tfce, iTftite^^State* u^ lo^ u a 
miounua of a hSiioa wu xeceive^ each yew; witibouc any i«o4icaoo«cuB kt ceptj-* 

TTfetc Soviet t/oioo'i lea^cra were gciidj disiUusJooeii, JIStf^XMLnte^ iaJTSiijik . 
coiaagg<t to observe « rcccM yeari the ilow but sute tt*nsf<M'ja»tioQ <rf timon 
N^^niujiiott ZhxuWb Mit!0>/t\ilt^ttedge<i.igapahihffls!>..Ybe ' 

C0i3imwmflt^t ^k>[M |0ifte^ ^ wese tftmyiUnte^ W» f>iktestane ' 

between the yem i?2i tfld I9?y ftom cbe Soviet tJo^a,'^ Ka<t> x>dier eascecn 
Earopeafl 'couatricysona!^^ to ■ Urge extent fay the iSoylet Ocuoar 

The ncc^^«3 X) D »^ix iim^ only a yery'smalt ^fcentajg^ jrf >tt die Ziootsi* now jcherq! 

. Commeodng ** tbe year 1M7, -tlwl i(Awt Union'i ^cad«»icftsDO Jtooc 
«n^u^4 anywhere in ^e wo^ to <«>ake pouibk tib« jpK^nt Ziocuet Kxall^ 
"iovero^ state" »» ^akatioe^^JBetween the yeaia J^17."aiKif;;^iy4a, tibe Soviet 
Union jtectf. an<S fSbe Soviet Unioo'ibJkddciV'niwlc .ava«ljibJe.J(o.idbc tatejOEu^iQnftir 
Zionitit teadersb^ souch of t^ xOAnrpowec/ (he fiK>n«. tSbe j()a^iltar)t iaaterifil an4 
<3be jcooca] wppoct in othet <ouocne^ aodi 'm Tnit^d ^[aLllOni(|;^vatibvoutL w^ch jdb«f« 
|>oflioively would be no.^^Kioisc ao<a!led fsovezei^ scace'^in^l^Mlescu^ioday. 

.At an tiincs &u>ce 1927. (}!« So^^ tH<A a»l Sovlt^ t^o^ ]eit^ 
whom Zioni^ ao4 thck co-rcligtooi^ ' fok(&c<t ^ 'fii^eKll tAjodtf, |>&en<4 'a* 
'■*"•- '*--;-': ao<ijaied,'**)vcfeJga mate" iaMpst^M »at onef day Wdibccofljtf 

by -tftt 2k4us^ io<*li e^''aav « !t{g»t atate' to yufcidne # Jt"ag*hi j>ecemea necea- 
aaty. 'The^omst soKaitted '^awcreijipi atatei^ia Ptiesanc » "cooCtoHej" by <be' 
United Stinet. The A«d» Middle Eaat cooacciea tbetefote canaoc daixa d>ey oeej 
Uo tjed S ttte a Mny d to <ig^iui J t3^ against /'oven anned aggfeeioft", 

tOejgedljy g a iioc,' .-"irom any napooi coattoUed ■ hy , tatemactooiit commBnisfii,* 

^j> The flouear <Map«$* <hftE A«b-MKl«»e' Ibse cowotrict ute "<on«olle** by 
60<<iSWrSS>fici!»atWQaI icodi««MMB(n**,li bwe^jexdfliaivcly «moa 0»e fact <3b«t tibey 
ttK j>03^CNiS&^ fca)rj(a«TMJ£U»unitlOft t««^^ VmO^- ao4 other couotfw 

^'conteoOedJjby.the Soviet CnwatUa^ Aw&'MKtifle tastxrountaes ctouncwcd 
to puA:tk«$<f ajnba and unoSMnkton^foa^Jebo-^ovM^' UaioiV iud o(}te£ CooiDuni&c 
«»n»3S«.'ibcy>crt Kveg auircctM 0)£ bctos^ rcOottoUb*: by siniaaed "inBecna^ 
clonal com ro i min oa.* U AMb I^iiddle £att cOaaiie* now scop pwidbasuaj arota and 
aoMwnitiion fwift ^ Sovwt UmoD, aixt ■othqr Coiamaaist touotacs, the "lotet- 
*S«><»4<e««usar:ia^ fudcJeoTy aa iiE W «wite4 

^■, Tfe aotMflitfjoiia Zionat leaaaSgpWuaTkeep Atab ^fcjdle JEaat counfa-ies 
defenseless The mteMattonal 21iomflB icflderafaip tialiiet that rf the Arab Mxidte ' 
Eaat owngicf iwve the per capita mdnary wwaj^ ot ri)e Ziocua »<a]led "aoT . 
cpp'gntMe'^M^ Patesane. ifacr wouy have aomcdBng ao fear. today. I'he deliveiy ' 
ci ua» and ammunition t» Arab Afcddle JEaac <:oofttwes by the Soviet Uaioo'aod 

Unii peoecration^ ^^ ^^^^^•^-^ ■.>^-^^. .^. /-^^^:.^^ »^^^-^ Abddle £att tountriea «o the Wet of the pet <apm mditacy stteogth of gTSST 
a f oot-ui4Le-dooc foe Soviot'Ufl^km wuticipfl!tio4 « a«^wabc9tpetroIcuafc reserves « «xalled "lovefeixe atate",io JPakstine. U has, therefore .b ecome necesMrr 
la aU the wotH aodin tbe/ninecil and che«aiCiLl4cp06Jbi h tne Dead'^ea w^ 

and cbej&iC)£4cjpo6its ^ 
an esuooated 3.000 bilLion U $^ <loIlaf vitEue^ dfteananei l>y Bcjdsh- KieadsaL 
In PC abooc tf>< yeitf t939, the So^UnfMi" verified iep6rti thkt Gieitf 
fe ra&in W afaoitiy ^<^ Cioae^coodudcd a leoet agteeoyM 'wfeh'tbe'toter*' 
iuitwoaji ZMXust kadccdup in London. I'he arnmgem^mt obfagatw Great Bcitaut 
and tbeantemfltionai JJliooist Jea<iardMp' mT €a countoea ot, ^ wodd to wmk 
togetibM seccedy to bang aoKy^nsteoce a Ztooar ao-caUied > aovewngi> afaa:«"t'itt 
^descinel whK^TyKitt jfateainwouid adnatf ag«be?tfanaE^ 
aa ooweateh ot Nitfiooa m aoon as any leitalaLflg mw roa tyoaJl auspicioos weire 
diapelled to make that jwasible, and wwhoct iurtber tntecoatioflgt 

^ ^„ - , ^- .^-.. — . — .- necesMfy 

foe ^ ancef national Ztooiac teadeMh^p «><Keft every ptwenre an pgeveot tf)«. 

'^ ' 13w JntiecDatiooat Ztoniot Sead(f»bip ctepated agawse Chat tbwat to the txis- 
teace^«£ thciE. so<a]!l«d "wwuigit.'iti^'^iix falest^nc by {janning a Mucval 
Defense Teeahr wiA <be Uoite* SCsCea a^amst Arab MidcBe last countries. In 
effect arid in fact tceaident I»enbow^-» Middle JEastem SccoiAy JUsdubon is 
the Mofiual Defense T«aty|>laaned by ^ebeSftCecnationalZiomrtfcadcn^ That 
is cleady demonsttatcd by an analysis of ^ ioteat! *a*er Chan *e coatenc of. 
dhe draft «eaolucioa «ow before^Coi^gtw^ verSy die "Voice" of Jacob but the 
'^'■^f' )E»«» )<»<tg«^ '^ afl<«*!eri« for evahwor^g cbii dangerous deccpc^oa' 
^'" tiie' ^^pftirts K)(ace the .^^^'j»ooi> tJ4 ^5^ rtw wlhofy ^ejcion ■ " 

Bctwee* ij!« yeto 1^59 tod IMS, the 5ovkt Cnkw eDif>toyed evety fote 
tnducoBQCQt to win iocecnadcHud Ztonifit )eadecibi^.away jfrom ^ceat IBota«\ btd 
in vain. Gceat )B£i^aiiXf4anaed to exclude^.ChQ. Soviet, Union fK«n the Mid<iQe JEfkst; 
I>enianeQity by tbe stiacegy cf adoucong « ''ca;^ta&a^ ZkMuac scxallcd "sovereign^ 
state" in Pale^iyie as the 7th nation an <he KUcg^ .Cooamonwealt;b^o{ NftCvooa, 
,Tbe Middle £ast area contained ^i>mo^ jimpiNctaai ^nd the ev?^. yalu44e <onr, 
centxacioa of naCunJ feso«vce* in tSve woi[H'^«<?4j<t^^<iI<d tbe econocpic tndfi' 
swaxB CO ^ Orient, ajod co Qreat Bcttain'i cwo^easRCo-b^caiEx^iere nadoos.M (be 
Bcidih Cottwttooweakh of,N«>owt AwocaS* and Nfiw Zealand bod badly fsfit^' 

the vim, vigoc and vjtaXOy of itbe M«^ Wcouobcies so j^endtv tenuinci" 
Dated from £ve ceoiturics of;cotocutd£rn.%<eatedw,'ttne;Kpccted idOi^d-diixico^on 
u Che Middle )East f«oblems of C«at ^rkain and «he Soviet UoionfThe death 
of colonialism an the l^^iddle ZasC area gave'ltjiahlSo a i3>i)rd-f^ce «^idb A<^theC 
Great J5cJtaia cioubc Soviet Vttoa aatiofate^VAnib nationalifitn jty .the Mid<$e 
. JEsK is now dte hard-cow of awakened A»an'»n* African populacionfc The Asian- 
uU Atocao pcpula<j«ais" «0^«t6^^^d'rK;CXjpef*aao«on<>** Ovtof eveqr 
Ave hnaiai beings '0<i the <»ce •<< tbeeartac," They^egajfd the witcrests 0^ ,Cr«it 
Britain and ^ Soviet Union in Che Mnkfie JBast secondary to ihe jnterests dure 
of €be Arab Middle- Cast ^oumtf iea^^theV ^ile^ged iitH^ 1/> }«eGen/«> ihidr 't6eU 

wdiQ and on television on jfwnnu¥5; 4 W7, bu^ St *aa X 
iuu^on4 ;z;jooi{it leadoahip in lbe7XJ«Aei*Statea. which 

_ a <rfpitaEst e<:Onom^ -contrOtted^^ilortpfctely ^ thej XlaiEed StsiftCSfe^ifiiid 
fiie'Sovid Uototic:«o:'ibakeJiJcyci6atm4i3&c*(*)fts M.^^gftiB9!iJfot^a*,WdJe: 
East The CoUapse of j(be#onsjrt)t»cy_.again9C EgyptM« W^, M^j^^ovw**^ 
gresoiy 8ttec«*encd.,tbe Soviet Uni^n^i p<»«»n in^^Cd«e'^ «?»-«il . . 
roparwe conspiracy ag^UiMC Jgyp^ was jouwjy t4anne4 «>>tabilae,^ exwtence,^ 
the Ziooiac aoKalled Twvere^gn stateji>^ fiilcscine.. J^ waa.^<Ki««na7 J^ 
admitting Jt ri»rt[y as the Jife nadio^^,^ Bctoifl^ CoB«qp93e«liM-^«i'<M* 

The Soviet Union was not tafiiware «f <he rurpow *of i-aK-aiimultancooa 
aoadcs against tik «mi»cf and <^niovflre»gn«y Ot JEgyJ^CbyGwap j&fikaB*' and 
f cance» in cdlusioa wiit& dkeJSionist so<aSed "sove^ign^ •tate'^ tn JPito^m, 'The 
Soviet IMion forthwith capiftihfcod «^ (^le'imiscafcalacions of ^coosjtiratotv 
Great Bdtwft an* franceiwtoed effort* fcy 1^M«»d JJatwo^ e^j(cfl^^ 
KiSities inJEgywby d>einvfc<3^Z»oo^.«<«nK-<?«« "^|PP««5«9 *« 

conqcary, invaded Xgyj-t oik^ hxg!^ ac«e. theihselv^X^ ^» CtnaT jo6<V nfter 
bombtf]«.civiUns deep in ^ypoii^^Wfy^Vw^n^'butoaA ^nmjfc 

"•The Soviet Union prtta^y^-ddivewid m ^Jtltomtami to Gwa^'JBp^^ ' and 
yr»nce Soviet ILnssia waroed thfct hyAcogen gmded-miMttfea wouid diiop od london. 
and Paris d they did not immediately agree «» ctASe miti'taiy operaaons ' agaS^ 
fcgypt. The allegedly atbeia Soviet Uaioo su^^ed the nooranaUy Ouaatma Great 
BtoUin and l-taace with a ^itemoafltcataon <iiithe ibolden^ feiie o^b.^esu^Chci^ 
: "Thttt which ye woiid have ochgta do| Ciitn yot^.>^ yott so the samerVoto ^heia?^ 
Great Brttato ao<^ f r*nce were g^vanoad tnto action fearflng that <he Soviet Union " 
woulci wipe out London and PaqseMody u tbey recently wiped out Port SajA Great 
''^ fecitam andtnmce5ttn«ndeted'immeAateIy<»^h«.Jiov»«»it^^ afwl[ 

not to 'Vodd opinioo", as Great Brtt^n fcoi; f^iuice ilw^ wocid ijneSi 

'Thirdly, die »M»opoli«k coockI by tlieZkwi* te^^ 
the media «E '«6as5<ommunications for shaj^inj ^hd ojSoDOn, Ittr the' Uosted 
Statei; has made it c jcdfttjvely easy matter ^ ^cm t»bra^wa^ ^bepuUic^thM 
Arabl^iddle Easi! countries are ^cODliWWviy the Soviet UWopo IThflf Ziooirt; 
incespooaible ptoj^ganda .And «n(;cue i>uhSdtr A^oa^bcainwaAtliepoblM^lhat 
beause a cofflaby r<tonccoBed".by <he SovJet union necessarily prac&es yinteaun 
tiooal coffimuniam,'*i'€hali every country diMi practices ^^termUaocMil co mr m w iafea"^ 
is therefore "conocoDed'** by the Soviet Uskk^ which 4oes not «eceasacily IcdiOw. 
" The WteroaciboJI lOooix leadezahij^ wa^ ^'pv3i)£St «> believe Anft> Mi^ 
East countries are "controUed" by ao<altedrinte£Eiabooal communi&m'* foi one 
reason, ft is of v&J iaiportaoce*t»^2»fr Ziowst so-called "^sOveie^ ^ate"* in 
Palestine t^/etuOk^nitee any" {>0Blbaii7~ChtarAn(b' Middle SEastf countries' obtain 
United State* umed foccet to aid in lAietc dcjtnsei if need lor it agKb ^^^ 
against *."overt aflned aggre«ioa'\*y die'Z»on»i(t so^tafled "lOver^gn state" -in 
Wesclne. The,Zionwt #o<aned "sovewigojtate; uchieved an looportanc wcategic 
victory by smearifi\g Arab Middle Eaacounoriei as "controlled", by "intemaciona! 
oommumsm." Zionuts now need neva fight a^uiuk Untccd States anned ^Forces. 
If Arab ]^dle'Itt*Teountaeft-iJe ameawdTs *cor>rfOlfed^by so^CaMed 
^•intematiooal commitnisnfi.'', the ZUootst so-ctdled -"sovefeijein stote" m Palestine 
can ^mand United S&ter amied forces i<x dct"er»c ^agamst ovea aimed aggres- . 
Mton" ty Arab Middle tasc eooocriei. 2JKyu«y cla tfB Aat they are ^^ no^ "cootfotled" 
by so-r»^ied "inteHiaciooid'^onin'un'Ma-"^ ^be A«h Middle htx couocfies cannot 
request Uruted Statea armed iorces for defense against "overt armed aggression' 

hich -^rote Jtbe ^caf t of the 
resducioa WbttOffed »o ihe 5;pngtt^>^lfce>«W! iOf Ptes«M E^eohowet Presi- 
dent KscQbowa^s voice was the^^ice^.Tpf Jaco*^ buif <be draft of *he Middle' 
Efcaerft Security Kesolwion was wriaen'W none other tha^ the ,"hand'* of Esau. 
.'" Ppesidc6t Eisenhower seela great?ef power than was ever ^xassessed by any 
dictator ia the history of the woiid;"Jor the exptea putrpose ot defending the 
booty of die Zionists i»48 armed TOSUgwaJoa ia Palestine. la his draft of ha 
Sliddle fastwa Seconty AesolutfonryKa j deo t tisenhower asks Chat the resolutiqo 
anthofiiie and eropowtf him to employ tbc^iwacestiufmed totce m the histoty ci 
3ie woctd "as he deems neccssary.^rBut^titf is iiot what' Prestdcfit fcisenhower 
iiiud to the emare naoon ovw the radK> ind on' television on January % 1957. 

^. Ocriabnanr , V 3t^SZ ft a w £t * . y 'J*^ci^wialui4 •<> tfc* mat'fttn^ "W. -tftt^Mfy 
tOr^^]^(^and expectattocw • aifewtio^acosej^hichjcallcd for die wUaw apj^ 
cation of thepolicy which I asfc^ tXm^i^tO |i»in"^ ii pcodai&mg. {would, 
of Scourse. mam^kin hout^^toui! contact i*^ the' Congress i^ i were in sessuon. 
And if theC6ngces» were noc% sen^^ttid if Jche situation had gave imptic»>' 
tion^> I woutd at once ckJS ^ <;oo£reito jbt^^^edia ^esifion.* "That ts 90«iech&i£f 
altogether 44ereni than asldbg 'die Cobgrair* kt &K^tit (0 eeoploy United ^tts 

d^! armed IcMeriii (he Middle Eastern "krea rak be deeAis toecesnty/ Those four words 

W $p* fte»Jdd«,^iseoho*«ie^die jpow^iof ;l(he^^cesc dictasOr in att hiseiwy. 

The ^*i'." i.\^m ^su irv-^ii ^mn m i -^^ ■ va#n5* vTi.j. »■ 

-r Tf . \ . ,/ *-„:jr„. * ..^k, 's Middle ta^teetf Security Kesoli^aon is approved by 

pECiadeot £ise^bowe^ it authorize 
tutei States atroed torces on land. 



'nece»aiy"'in the' Middle fcastl without 
i Of tooaent oi^ the Conggesa.^ No dictate fethe hiatoty of the 

I ' l? f "!! ■' " " ' ■ ' ■ ' ■JIL ! !J! ' i '' '^"r. '''*'rr' JA ! .. J I Ji ■ y i "«; ii "3 [ii- * -i' j 

wodd evw tanrijolled "•^u'ciiL Witaiy y>w«.-> Why did ^ewdeot Jaeriiower " 
omit any reference to 'V he deems neciesaary";yjom his January 3y 1 OT 7 add«s^ 
but mcb<fe "as he deems necessary", jb .th* Aarft o<& the JMUddteJastern Kesolur, 
faoo matoduoft t i n Owgwayir jaaia^f y W^'Che vyy aMUe-day f *^ <^ i;g'y 
. Cookt « ^igftin be the ■^ice'»<>f jacot^ borthe "hand" of £sagV 

'UecaSSe tl^Z^ l^Si^itli'7Xo£^ empowered ^ cmplcy Che 
eoci^ Wwte^Jgcaeej acft)e4i«*as :>!t;kife«)!A jtwaSMUl?rjJK;ifoBows that Presi- 
dent EBenbow« Wfflbe The ^dy^ooe tty *i<^«.«*»?yJ*^- 'fKffl^«nt Ewnr 
howct wiS Iba^wle m^p<>i££3ixjfx7^^&ig^hea. uvTimaa « "c<»x(oQed" 
by^*^iaern«tiaiwtpnffli9n)^^ sole responaibO- 

jKf lot-decidkig^hai! <ooflt3t«ef^c«w*dDed^juad« ,die ;p»cJiatioa «*» iWKfct 
ioi:ei»tawoatl3aw^l:RSide&(4^i^e(dv6'<ve(^^ for 

defcidiA^,wh<OiO«f^«*op4jil<>«Wft Eisen-. 

howeftwiS\have^sol*,<esponBib«ldy>iof '«eckti^i->whedte^'»?f<Oo^ aw nation'* 
nea<yi-fttit^aK:^-'ir?>y;^^^^ as befcxe? 

jj ' Who wSDl advise ftesideiM ]fisgo4»6wer whedieir » counoy is "concfoBed" ty 
anyBodyoranjr'* ^'* *""'^- ^ " " 

inyth&ig outside i/j boundaries? Zs not every county in some manner 
"Oonttoued *" by ideologies whitAi }jse iidopted, and which are oot Xhe evoluttoa of 
tibe iodi^ous population ?'''tht wodd' kttowi that certain' ^ttrc^^ and AstcCa 
countries 1filce*'*rtuaBy "contttiBcd^ ^'ihe Soviet Uniwi, Ui ibaanner ud ^ a^ 
extent difficult 'to dctetibio^. but WverdideSs •'eootrolle^" % '& '<«rta&i' 'teose of 
that "ttwd: ' ME docs puitcha^ing:' Wii «i^d albimtinitioo^ ::ei»ecifieally mekA ' ^ 
Middle tatd coimcdes are "conbralSed" I^^Communi^ ^waixki^ because ,^i;hey puj^^ 
chase arms ftnd ammuoition J&ois yb^'counaries^^ilk thiL^M ^,^ ajtertoo?' 
',\ffbo win Advise President )Eisenhow«it,whaC "iatemationat Communism" hh 
k is weS known tibaC ideologic^ "-comahmiam." wtijb a smaS ."c" is not <he same 
aSjiXooMomcww" ySch a caprtatt;t^5 There are many 4»untdes in whitk "com-t 
munism*'*. is practiced 'wWch artftno^ "iCommunist*',. couoj^wu The New Yodt 
Sunday tunes lepdnted Pceatdcnt Eis^ihowec's dnf t of tbe Middle Eaiit Secunty 
XesoluCiott, in which di^ spell .^Commuoism" wkjh a capital "C," whereas dtf 
officii pcinoed copy prioced by j^ '^goveiSomenc f^peBsi'cocnmanism'* with * 
smaa %• The New Yorfc Timcj never printed a correctwo. \f^y should Presi- 
dent EiseiAowec have die sudia^ «o employ United States aoM forces ia die 
Mi«W!«. East 'as he deems necessw^CJwsed solely 's«)0o PtcsideoiC Elsenhowec'a 
ondeistanding of Che term "iotetwittowdcommum Th«e should be a better' 
/oediod dian i£a^ or it shotMbe c&e K^poo5i]t)4&7 of die Congress to answer 
die ^esDOOS tipon Vhid latWaftWSB 'die fate of die nadon jtoay soon depend, 

. What a meant in 'Presi^^iBenhOTwr*s Mi<iie Eastern SecuKily He^ijtioo 
by "jErOBft any w«3oo"'7"DK["&PSK>ioe*^of'ftcob"say 'by any nation" And die 
*'hand" of 3&*« w^ "from any natioo*'? Tb<7 have meaning as ditfeioot a^ 

I It 




itKKua f»«poay ■«*€ «oe ««» ^ ly •«*/ WMOtt^ ^ »« >j«»» wy t«iwiw?4^,M 
boOk lK>use» ot Jb< .CoQgiYsii( w4lt bccotac WuOucf M: Jttus 1>ooby-^«^.iCibc/ 

Mtd noc f'tfoia *ay ^acioo*^ JTiesKient iusennowef-rsuued eae !Umte4 ^ca<w tor- . 
eiga poticy i& yRicinaDe/ wki' Cbe MKklie fcasc*^' owt tfte ta<tioi and on tete- , 
VMiOOy oa Jftoimy V19>7. His '•tgomzmg f«ypi»isai' or utBteq toceiga ' 
pottcy Jft Vftksune, and the MKku!e iiast arta, impued <^>p06i£ioii to. wm ■!aiaeg 
iijawsHoa"^ tbete facsdy by ^e soviet UaKMy jccocwaiy ^y <:ouaiinw ■ <ut«cay 
'Ncomacolled ' fay fee ^oviec Catoa vhich ate<» aavt Conujauaisc goveanmeflt^ aad 
thupdly by couact^ea riicjgc^ily | '<:oDtioue<l ' fcy aw aoviw umofl but wnutcti' do doc '; 
have Coounuaiat goverameots m meaaifed fay a>e kaowa nandafdi now a toe faerfc - 

. Tbe fiApoM js «o ftjpjp*<«ol^y sa)* ^oetbio^ W'«& ic^^iaHv EDctuiif s<y(ned^^,«l5e^ 

tvw wJ^ilettuuK^ Uoite4 Scacet afme4 »oecet» t(|:h^«)cp«aic<tf «te*i)»M Ar«b« 
fecku\g:;«o^<ecOvc£'Xbeir Jb0oxs.-Tfa«-^aG«^'«3a»--lDy-«te-4xpe&94 i'ftleKiQiMk 

' . -4^W4l JVodie* Stms •«oe4 fowe* b? *sfltjby ^PwsSAaitJ&sepabo^ct «d jfi^ la 
Pjdwqpe»'«gaio« Jrtw/JtewiftWg -ej^wlle* yatedSs&a YA^ab*?ltf, iii *cce«ij)C'*> 
£ecove< icbe^ iKMnes^tcon i£he /.«oi«Btdi4ftif wcsuoe^i^ »wCkW^4toftllM')^£€iu<ieiA 
Swobower's Mi<t<^< £a^fiQi$ecw^ JK«scdutio$ aJMutl«kC5«ctiifj>y t^^^jE faetweea 
tb« Uoi^ Stater *M ibc ZUooiAi t^xtOlei ^«ovei«iga^tRKtcTJul^iS9iiCiii« ioC ibaC 
pw}H)6e>. WjJUt ^ Vmei States iue«»(»r loiiCtt iigbc a» JP|d<sCiA<r',k«4 ^; Mtd^jOe 
W lu^ea^ v> hiftdet ,iibe joecom <)lji^50,00a *xj>eI)k4,ftiIeati0Mi4. A»U *0 idiear 

Zjotusxsf \i/A tbe Uoieed Stata^oA ic >vef( aimtci i^gg^^ooCT MoiTf^xa uoy 
luiocNt?" > *certatt»ly ;*i4 Tioit:J>e^,1(W*^cW;»tt^"'l^;>0iy:''>(5<^^^ 
Middle JEaai «ove(e«ft comaje^ei'oW vat Howeveii; J* *ei»^tfo4, ks £iiW_o£^ 
- v.->wja A ^ly ja t b cpow ateecapfed 

' acaaed a gB regton.* ^ Ji he enoptoy Vmted Sctttf^acifted toccemo ptocwt the faoocy 
o^ the /JootfC i^4i^ aoae d ^^ ^ 
■ince 194»? IJ cbe' c tp dlo^ jPiteso^ 
Syria, Jocdan and l<tbaooi^ tbey, atuflc -^fl e cej ^^ 

aaaop," excc pcm g i'aieKjtae^lhe Jephaiadon ofc the'-jhitoftukaft Arab* <o-<lteuf 
ancieot hoaieiaady Jiom 6be AxaOt jwuthjcte jmsc coutkJict witete <gKiy afe-jpow' 
itviQg a dcsfacoooa, otnaoc fay the ytdcst acfetck ot anyooe'a -laaagiflaiaoo bfr 
■D gmanaed roverc anaed jg grwtioiv''^ the Otacial- ac» o t i fc e jovewig a^iwH^ 
ot >8 y pt^ ^fiftA, jocdftii or* tebtoodilbfr lOEerflaaooal Ztomsc ieadetaSip^w' 

t^ tpeootfig coufldtett gJuJUMxa -Qt-^dollaa 'jor cflcrtMEhlfot f^ufalKrity . <»-» 

sad eKpcrtence that the Utnted States Ttipartite Dedaratioa of May 23, 1950 Ad 
ttoc mcaa wfaat ic taK^ aod did aoc my what jc ineftau llx Afa»> MKkiie tast 
cobntfiCi can aever agaift be gapped ty diptoiBiuac _dec epciofl ot >oy flature. 

".tlve Ukite^ States Ti^aAite bodAcaeiOa ot May 29, %9^ stated Qmc Cbe 
Ua]{t<id.>tMev<'Jc«itC CviAisy tsA jtjattce woul<."jUiuueduuely take iCuoa" 4 <be 
jTrooctecs la «!» Middle tost, were vwUced^ jBccweea May it?, W><# aod Oc^obct 
2SV *^5l <bc Vftiwd States ortea.*iaiwed ii>e satw' «D*eaeeoing «o * waowduwiJiy 
Cau< accftML"^»^gU6fat Vtc AfiCO M^dduT t«X <Ou&£des tf ^ vwo tiMOied «bc 
ZtoniBC «xaii»d "lovew^ atar*"*f ?«t1hJC9CUoe.;At ^very poeiuble <if>jpo«viai7 
«o 40 sOk fbe lUijMCd ^taccs "jMc^-^^&e^aabce'y ttie Inptutite JueoMcaooa ot 
May 2>. ty>0^«9 Oiacowag^ "ovec ttSfnti wggccssiOflL ty Arab X^uddJe £ai>c couooue^ 

Oo Octobeic 29. 1.9>6 about <^00,qvX> ;6oqjsC scoops eo^aged W aixoed 
aggcesAioa a^aiesc Jcjypu Ziocubc aitoed toccct VKHaced ioe t>ot%tefc oc t£ypt aud' 
puucufhed MkO r^yph as jtac as tf^e ^uea Caoat xoae. Ibe uoiced Scaves 'Uid oot 
"tfomecukcely jcaKe acooa* agiuasc ttte uoom. «o-caAed "iovec^ rate" ja ihik§- 
CiAe, ' %ae vwtt^d dca^es "aom. iace| ivmA xim /u<u> Ji«ia4*e amm. <otuiuues» aiod 
wvA iJbe Asiafr aifid Atocaa 80^ ottbe i'Oii^ s tOuri pc^puuooo, wteo « iguoi^ed 
jit»«au£uuoo«%]tdeir 0e I'c^nuxu^ JDedaraaoa-'or ,MAy/;f>, 19>0> Ibe Ata^ 
Mmuuc m^ <;ouocciesri aod^M A^ia* aicHt A^puit •80<;4> of |^ wodUTi tout pop- 
vja^ioo^; >osc coDjUdeocf, vii tbc pofanKat '«mji;|^ .«^ Jute. ViQu^^Suucs jm ffM«A«a 
vntete (bellegikltc^ate tighg ot tae M b JM Ua<<te iaaf ^oanctigs 'Coi&e »ko cooiutt 
"'^icIgt'^^^^S^Qit,^'^ pf^cetuubof jua^* yh^UcK by ^ wieerfiaciooal S^toouc lead«nbi^, 

)(gQOWg tfaciX xe^iwKOX&t to>t!Ua»Bfe4bLatie!)y take acQKW^* Gceat jtV:iitaift aod 
f iKoce wpuoWd.^beu ob^giAjoof ^uu^< .ieb« iir^pa/qi« «,>edanKioa or tUf /X 
t9» tuf a«jcaciciD^ i^j)^' ttt.couUfiioa 4(^:1^ leu ;cjouibc «o<KU)ed -''«ovefe^ suue" 
ja»*tksocae><>te tgff*aaim cooq^i^ot Octobef"^^^ t976^^aJt.iQcea<tea co t«wg 
afawg;,tt»?>jiftd:^ouy wiWcad«j;Oc tgyjp^viiyaa* JhOKlafli at^^^baQoo ito Owat 
ZSpiicaua^ kgd ^niocc a^oowced ^adi ^ooTidoauic »o<alte<{ f loveceiga scace* h. Jf at 
«saoe^gypt;'>i|^Eia«'')oUiM^ aod a^OauOiX 'We*eWi>e vccu^te^ ii^«>u oy tbe ;caa^ 
taqt KatfXK oSLiGjwatJWiiau* JuW. >J[i(iljoe;.3tM:jti»c: ioioed. Joy Jtbc. ^uooisc so-cailcd 
"soveie^ikatx^ia' j^llescuM^JT^ fae caixied ouc aa drnc area 

U titcdoviee ilaioo CM« «oc* iKXCQcfrf^u^ wf uuecesc u tbe secunq^ 

ori0^ A«a)> M*da)CQl>tift'^ic<UiaibgC>^^ ft^lipcC^voked aod «d$u6ulied aoned 
' a^essioa t)f «»j««ac -jfwatf^^*»«n<:?, aii* we *d6»ouiJ»: so-caued vSove*ei^at staie" 
itt-a'aieiHStfiAr^Tbe^beAevotedt^&cefes^.ii^ ^'^oviec Ufiuoa in ti>e secucuy of 
tbe' Aiao^MiiWitf JtaAi;ouW«f la *iplf>ictoe4ted J^ a wocinc >wei ot petsuasioa" 
wAMUki^^uK(iyGi:^«eonowex OftoocMtoMtfiC^ ASMf^ 00 ooe else loould e^mc;. 

Tbe ^vei^btmeiAS^A JNdccb'iCOM^^^£«^<^eUub^ ai34 CM jooamlaQd ot Ouoa 
wece ^fjfMi^iiSiiit<t^^'fo»i»A^^ t/i> «t>06e ateas xOc t;oousatKtf of 

yeadE^AAe/^iv* ec<f»w«)Ou$ie»?(lMc s^^^antlftf ^ars, JLb< U£uMd :>uhes Das 
00c s^o,^dd£e4^jtd!^^« <»['^£aeaC'|fi^ Ui^lfeiMd dotea ute govejkuoieiiM u 
Noca^ vwo^e^'lAsif^be^daae;^ ai^^ '«u'ltak^kai^ ^ (jEusa do ikm. e)UBv aoy *u0i< 
V»ty^'ttn^6idt soocoetf '^soveieigo^ Aare'i'^ ratesoof exis<a eo jcg/p*. oyoa. 
Jfoi!da^^o(&> Ai^^%j»^ Ubaikui of Yetteof '^^Ilbi^ equal vo ^ aarnv coa&^ ate 
equMt «>^eac&'^et^!itt asM^tXAJtCiooMt adUits a| wett as la atacoefoacicat piroMuns. 

Tfae'"1uac^e 'big'i^t<^toiyai:ds''^^b^^ siaie" m 

yaiesQoe^ legatdrng oja Wi oc toe suea caoai,' is aaeaucat «> ate a**h.a<ie ot me 
i)fliEed S*iues jtowaats cae govecnmeats ot NocdBt Kotea, fcast oefmany and u>e% 
maioiand ot cama tegatdmg one juse ot'^e ranama Canai. tt>e Aiao Mjoait 

aiasc couosies Aave aevec 

fay aa Arab MKJdle taat aovepeiga state, l(5g geaaongrehat have feeeg pointed ouc! 

'^'jMideot fiSs^oSowcf 4 autbocoed'ly ^'UwkBe'iastec^ «cca«Jty SResolt*. 
ooow as ^ now xeads^ m exercise ijiii ^k»i»«wl jowec kiKstt^ mk» yteatdenc 
Iwseahowec m hia ow^ opmioa ' sbaa ocveiiwuQ \D*t aae peace aud secwiwy of 
tjbe fkaCiOQs ia the ^efieical ajcea cf <fae Mjfi^ ^East a^e seasooably assumed by 
jotecoatnooa^ COoditiow." .'OS^at vai( be the./ociiwSa /for f i«5idcot tiscpJioww's 
cofKlusioQ Aae dke ■>€«« *ft<l secwucy" ai^.^bac which be xegards as "xcasocably 
assured/" Vhac <k)cs ' teasooaWy assuiLed * meao/ fit o»y xmcma 0"« thing ^ooay 
and aooChe? <ht(ig lomocjeow to )pcesidcolO^(!^wct' Whalt',wai-"«»s<»ably 
u8»m^gx»tCv> ftesldeat liseobower'a fwice«)cs?; Whrfwill "Ireftsooafafy 
assured'^ «iea4 » aoodbe? l>ca)oaatK; jftfestdenf 1»m Maoy >. Ticwsjaai f lanidUtt 
XX Kooseyeh; Woodcow Wibon «Ad:ocbcr^Siw^ifooo^ of tfae Bun^ycaWbce? 

- tf *e p<jw<t gFafi*e<it to Pwsidctfe $iscii9w«r>Bdft( di^e ttmi oif ^' i^a^Ie 
£astcca SeoKdy kesotwio^ as k oow «Hdiit7\lu(Dt ea^^ire wbeA"<be*T)ceAtewr 
ahafll decea)aio<,^« meAaa «hac Hawed Sta^cfr aooea KhKVi may fcauuft n nies* 
tioe^ aad.J(be MUkDe JGa«>rea. loc & v«t loo^Jtiibe. Tbe 'geoeitat aiceit'^ 4be- 
Middle Easti^"^ MXOfdiog to o&ciat United Stuesjded[afatioo\.ex^«4^./^fi%Tei:-, 
]cey 10 PkkiisauCXt'pbssMy nay fae ceacurieii faeJEoce 6e "jpeace ioA secori^ of the' 
0atiooB,)A'<biK *gcD«al aiea of <dK M*ddIeSli«;"' lo die^^Bol* "opuwoo. o£ a 
JPwaideni of C»e Uwted Scate^-"afeKasonabty nswKd,' as k teeou <(>' ai»earA6*; 

If ^tesident Eisenbowec, oc bU successon, caa keep tfad»t State# acmed 
foicea j« jpalesttfte, and the Mtddle faua area^ unci tbie ' peaces and' seciu;jty,r} m 
tbetc sole opmiooa, "are teaaooably assuged" by's'Mwegaacioittai concSotms." IJtaced 
States afaflcd toKes may remam there tocever.'' What is aciiiatty The meaoiog <«' 
'"reasooably asstued" by "mceraactonat coodittonii V Fretideot ttsenhowers MiA- 
4le tastem Secuf «y Kesotvition, as it now geada^ yiea to ^'4ni:etaacioQat coodb^ 
ttons." > Wout^ ''interoationat con<Wns ' )tf iiatfope^ Asiay NocA or &outh Atoeff-' . 
Ka oc Austfaha give frwident JbiseahoweB,'^«»<Hy »* Jhw gaccesaon^' the power t» ^ 
keep United States armed forces ifr JhdeatiO^'and the Middle £a^ area^ that Jk>og? 

i/k^iffi^tk ]feW)4»wej'|7aowy 5/;^7'»|<ii;^ wcri4w'«dio^a^^ 
ttlevisioa, I'icesidcnt JEiseohow«'itaeei^*i* <be >oice^*^ Jacobs w foBowa^ 
If, cootraty to wy bope and ejcpectatao^, a situatioa «os^ w^(J^ called toe tbe 
fiuUtarf appUcatioo oftho po«cy wbicl X ^ tbe Congress, jo |wix flie la pto- 
claimk^ . , ."Xb* Middl* Jaat^iyjt Secw^iy; txKM3X>iKi3yt0MJi^i <^.Mm* k 
a kttfit (esolMtioA wbscb »steai,of^p'pcocI?un?ijag»%jty^oB(iesja^ ;taw,of tbc UnA 
wbea apotoved by botb bouBea <«bft Cop«e», «jq4 ^^goed b¥^]f«fade&t J^iwor, 
bower. It li not a ^«oclaouicioo ,of XJoited Sutes ^oreko, pc^ vt ^^ Ufii.'Siii 
JCast frcsidcot Eisenhow« spofce; witih (be "Vote* 'of Jacoot?'^ «faoi^ ^ptodaaiv 
iog** a United States foreign pobcy k ^afctaSne^ ao* J&« Mid4l«^ f as^'V Vhfcb' 
be leqoeste^ 6e Cobgresf^ '^' |oia.T Soi: cbe 1uifldV«f £m^ ivote'iQte' draft 
lesoltfpoa vhicfc will faeoocae tbfr'^a* of *e buid^'^^givaf ^tesideAP' B*seDr' 
bowci^ oc bis jMCcessocs, teoce powet tbah any AtSiffidteveif possessed fe W 
biistwy of tbe wodd. - Wbois it *'bo.waoftr?r<Sidei*;Efeeftbowe6<>f bik iucces^^ 
80r< to bave tbe' power to-. eafioy. United States aifloifd'foftjftrjMVipafcAaie/'or^ 
die Mtddle SEasc area? Tbe aoswe^ Is ^ ^oet^addoaL'^SooIrt: lea^em^^ 
Tbe AttJbTMiddle East <:oaotoe8.'have fade cotifidence ^glirt Fieskleot tAsea^ ^ 
iower's Middle Easteca Seotfity jtesolutioft means what at says^ oc says mJtat at 
jneans. The Atab Middle'^ hast JCOaaitfies have ^w»a^!ed »eaBoo><o>- teelt <heJ way ' 
they do. i'he Uaiced States did ^ot. faoooc icr ofahj^ia<His- iin<jec" <» Ictpamte 
Dedatatioa of May ly, x^VX. The Arab Middle iuat^oaottiesbave ieacned by ' 

eteigg state ~ in raicMaa^ 

tae exaLeaceof tbe /jOfnsc_ao<ajme<L^jaffl;- . _r - r 

ybcy aevw wta. lae Atab Midoie JMnst 

counccieff assesc chat tiie /jonist so-caited ' sov< 


B<aie m raiesuoe is noc a 

jKwe tetgg Kate,' ahAo uga wcogmaed as such by ctw Umced bca^es o aiiautes 
after jc wm /•ptodaimed." Ibe Arab Middle feast countries jcootaoue » Mgaid itoe ' 
ZioaiBt so-caned "sovetei^ state^itt yaJesqae as an aroied uisurreccK» waich 
has been temporarUy stabiioed by aa taceffntwtaooal coojsptracy, faut caaoot eoduge. 

As a coose^ococe <^ 1^ *«laitsChCio<t ot ^i3c aooeoc tioiQcland. and tbedt 
botnes tod other woddly poswssiocK'tbc W50,000 jpalesttmaDL A<ab^ bai^ilcss 
aad helplcsit innocent «aea» wotnea add cbildte(v were cootipctkd to oee tor tbetf 
ftvesv and became boofldess and J^M^csi outcasts. Tbe ancestoa ot <hcse l,>>0;- 
000 VkSescuuaa Arabs teec&^ed jtbe 9oa <rif Jralesone w«b cbeir sweat aod blood 
foe jnoce tiuuk 1700 yeais. Tb<y .wea dovca oat <i <bc« aocieat bocacland fay 
600.000 «caaEplaoted Ziooist ievolutkMitst% widh «be bclp of 13^.000.000.00 «» 
^ wodd i ttwsc flaodCikft ataas aatf a rq i j ( H»w .i o a> suppueg <o «iea> jtec oc CDarge, , 
by <he JU»ecoacio&at Ztooisc leadebh)^ aa ibe United States OKat tdtajuft ukd . \ 
. franco aodlotaanyyeat^ fay toe Sov^p^UftiOQatdoche«CoaalHm« | 

HypoQCiTO a« seekv^' '1^ ifti^'''a>peace wHb justice* k Pafcsooe, add | 
Ac Mrtdfc btw area, fay "eesetdibg^tbe eJcpeUed JPaleititufta Arab* in aaway' i, 
fotetga couoboes. WipMi^1^$^ «M otreica tso nuuce avauable to th< Zkku^ J 
50-caiacd "sovecei^ s^" in WtesCio*<be |5,6O0/)OO.00O.OO required to com- ^^ 
pco;tat9,^ enpeUed Psfc^SEuaSTAtsfc* toe tbe jwasooaMe va&w Of their property, 
ibe tax-pay«r, i» the Uftflcd State? y%,be w tbis bardeo. But tbe expcUed I'alcs- 
ti&uk»"Arab»Httifttse to -seS €beij! bomesC- They wish )to reMiA to ^14 aooeoit 
botioelaodt'ai^ JGO agaia occupy jS)«iis boooca. Xaj^eie aixStude Ia ibis ^eqpec^ Ybe 
l,350.W<X *^es(lu)Maa* Arab* havft^^tio<jiuiuhM suppon ot «0.vwo,wa; other 
Atabet and the total remaiodcf bi the Asiaa and Aincaix «o% of tbe wodd's 
total populacibts wh<>;'p&>3gedJJ««^1iupport la Ae Paoduxig Coofeteace, ! 
. Th«e is only oo«'soiutio*4a6 w^ttbcwg pettoaoent peac« ia Palestine. ' 
and'Ae M«JdIe, JEa* area^ P **' Wto boa.d<fflaads xewwUcflttcac ac once o<,(be, 4 
^^X.OO<^'eX|><^/«te»aoiah;'Afd>\i^^ Their aoacnt bororfsaMt and the ifewof ft 
^ ^iem <>f Aear boeaes 'and oebeu Worldly- posaesaiooa: Tha« is tbe sobciwt' 
which wjft b<iig pecoaaoeon! peace Jo hOeAaoe. and the Middle fcaiSt a«a. That 
Js also Che only sdutioa based upon "icace with jv»stice." f rcsideot Eisenhower 
ffpeats agaiiv and a^aia, aad agaia A* tbe solut^w to the aitoation m JPalcjrtine 
inust be bas<d Bpoo '^>eact wiib juBcicfc^li be is siocere. be WW ioows what to dow 
BesidO'«>e dahgers- xthereoC'tft tbeteMaciw^fk witt co« 6e tax-payers cf 
cbe Uoiced States kss^t^AOw-Msectte/^be'I^ateacbiaa Arabs ia ^« aocieot 
bcsDoeland,' aod resetde tiwf Zwoist* MPafcstioe ia tbeir Uxmet bomelandi^ or 
ift COtiotxies where <<bey wA be «a£ei4ad welcMQe. tbaa Wcontbue as we are 
^J^?^S^ji^, fe X^Jl^^ *!«J*;?««»'« *« out-paycn ia tbe Jor^g wo. 
i^fc it fee duty of ^tbe United S Mtoi to evacuate die Ziooist population aowv. 

jia Palesctoe, andresttde'dtiemjatbetf 4^^ horoelands, oT « countpes 

Aiey wii^ be safe and ye^ome. jbhlesi the iJaated Staceff mbaiks opoa that pco-j 
grata war la the Mid<^e JLaat is joevitable. War ja the Mi<ldle Jbaac wiU preapi-i 
tate tbe anpeadiog aU-oiU; and fuU^cale Jbasfe-Vest World War. Tbe Uaite^ 
States cannot be the Tictecm that war ajtaaae Che N>vietlfaa»o. supf^ feygfay 
Asian- aod Mtiaan SQ^ of fee world'i <ot«t poptaatioo.-^ I'aihM'e >ot the Uaiwd 
States to resettie the t,35Q,O00. J'alestiBiaa Arabs jtn their ancient iiomelaod, and 
to ieseede the 1450,000- Jrangptanted Zionists . elsewhere than i^alestine, wiil 
precipitate ithe impending aiUnit AiH^ale JEast-Weat Worli War, ic now seems 

i . '^*; 



t ?^- 


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m mu 

Sate Be'esivedVf 



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Complain I form 



Voipi Hpnd ptitiX names ^i^qibiyt Ifiandwrlttn^g .«aU»{aptQfy for.reraatft'det 

ect's aOme 

.ij iiiiiiiM f iiii»4 fij *<t Jua/' ' ai —*#t »j i'^ m i Lrc--r n -wruT i t -ii -ii f-- i l L^.JJ ^l»l■1 ^J w> ^. ■^ ^m-J * > iv. >» - >i » iii * * .t 





L __ jj perti<ile 


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A^dte^9 .Of aubJ-ofiL) 






Ohaf<XCte]f of.Mea»# 




BUth'datt and 0inhpiac^ 


VMAI. >/ V .1 l_ M* 



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■i,., ^ =* 



il!*''<*-<^'-*-N Tk**^^ 

Action B«<^o'mn9 ended 


I \' 



*TANOAftO FOftM NO, €4 

Ojfice MemorWndum 


SAC, WPO (100-0) 




"Pact for Pact"; 

Foundation for Advanced Research Analysis 

505 Fifth Avenue, New york City 

SM - C 

On February U^ 1957 1 

I ., . ^ phoned 

and informed that he had received In the raall that 
morning, unsolicited, a copy of the paper entitled "Pact 
for Fact^^ w hich paper he thought might be Communistic* 

I subsequently forwarded this paper to WPO^ The 


paper was put out by the Foundation for Advanced Research 
Analysis . 50^-5 th Avenue, New york City, and was sent to 

Jin an envelope bearing the return address of 

BENJAMIN H. FREEDMAN, 96o ^Park Avenue, New York City* 

The paper, which is the January issue, is 
critical of the EISENHOWER .plan in the Middle East* WPo 
files reflect that BENJAMIN H* .EREEDMAN has been quite 
active in antirZionist activities In N9W york, as well as 
active in connection with the anti-Sem#tic ipaper "Common 
Sense^, and with attacks upon ANNA M. ROSENBERG, former 
Assistant Secretary of the Department of Defense. , 

The paper and the envelope received by 

are. being furnished herewith to New york 


for information* 

2 - New york (End* 2)JLI(RM) 
1 - WPO 100-0 g 






Office Memorandm 






DATB; 2/26/57 

Pact for Pact 

Published Jby Foundation for 
Advanced Hesearch Analysis, 
5Q5 Fifth Avenue^ New York 17, 
New York, Mailed by 

maae T;ne encaosea avaiiapie t o sac thomas .t . nKABTV 3/Pfe/i^7 - 
The pamphlet was addressed to | | home residence 

and bore the return address of BKNJAMIN H. FREEDMAN^ $60 
Park Avenue, New York 28, New York. 

It is fuwlshed i'or the information of the New 
York Office. 

N^w York is requested to furnish any pertinent 
information from its indices concemiiig the publication or 
PREEDMAN. It is requested that this matter- be expedited. 

£NCIX)SURES: To New York - Pamphlet entitled, 
"Pact Sqv Fa ct" and Envelope 
addressed tol \ 

'21- New York j[Encs.:2)ty 
1 - -Butte U 







HBREIM ISUHCIASSIWi© , .5^ n,L >.. i 

jb'^^ J 





.■^.- "" f, 5-> 

( ' 



/ ^ f-.} 


f ^ 






Ojfice Memormdum • 




SAC,. New York * date.- 2-28-57 

SAC^ St. I^uls (105-0)*^ 

St. 1^1 

IS - X \/"'- "~ 

On 2-2'^-'^? bv letter Afj^t.f^A ^-91 -t;?! 

I furnished to ASAC HERBERT K. MOSS the January Issue 
or publication "Pant fnr T?flr*t:" . n^h^fi .T^n>^^^^flt^■^/^r. waft T»^/»^<tro 



in an envelope .postmarked' New york^ February 15^ 1957/ and 
bearing return address qUBEHIMJN H. PREEDMAN, q 6q Park Avenue 


New York ??8. New York, 

1fl, ftfifiorrilny tnl 

This office has no information concerning this 
organization or its publication and the January issue mentioned 
above is enclosed her^ywlth, tfOlgether with the envelope in which 

:fQr> such action as you deem 

I has been properly 

it was received by | 
appropriate. Its receipt from 


2-New York (End - 2) *4^ 
1-St. Louis (105-0) ^ 




■^ f^ ^ 


/^<f-r^^f^^- if 



Ointi Ohio , 


Edgar Soover 

Director F,B,T,- 

I received this publication thru the mail today - 
I have been taken in bv Red literature in the past and 
don^t intend to be a sucker any more* This may be some 
more Red - Froproganda* I don't know. 





F»S, 2Ir. Boover 

Tou are doing a great Job* Thankx a lot* 



f-*iM"-*^ i-fca f J 






m. m6t&limist cmitm ^ 


February Jj, jp^ 

/a.^^ 9^3 7;/ o^MV 



C c- 

.^„*-*"* \- 

'^y^3-A r$-W 

SumtngTotZ&Jt, ZlhU^"" ""^ court Bo'"e 

Sc ■>■- II 


Sincerely yours, 



-£l^£il£§_^iseiose one \ i 

\ ^^jy j io the Jdur^ Th^uZTtV^^FfT^^^^^^^ 








mt*s letien^ the 
entitled IWact for. . 

SnQlosure to cor res 

January issue of a 4-page paaphl 

^ota (FFF) published hy "Fhimaation for Advanced ^, ^ ,^ 
Resea rch Ana lysis , " (FFARAJ, ^0^ Fifth Avenue, /few Tork 1?, ; 

New York. -T^e t^Hor of the pamphlet is indicated by the 

caption "Whose Mlood Will Flow Next in Palestine Now 
Answered! president J^isenhower seeks consent of Congress ■. 

for United States Armed Forces to fight Middle Sast war: to protect 
booty of Zionist's 1948 armed insurrection Makes Impending 
Fast - West World - War More Imminent," 

v^ The New Tork Office should search office files 

] and contact established reliable sources and security informants 

Ijce FFF and FFAM, 

Results of investigation, lunder appropriate caption, 
together with recormendation as to whether additional 
investigation is vxirranted, should be promptly furnished the 
Bureau with reference being made to this communication* 

^ 2 " 





PII^ IIUIJBER, J.''..i.T/-?/.?.\^ 

SUBJECT. . . . 

am I. 

PILE ITUliBISl. . wlP.f rT7.?'.*?.t O 

SUBJECT r. ^1-X, .TIF?. (^ ,'Jr<Sf .T. 




i r,'? . - }?j:^?tF. .^y^.. isi, ^,:. > 3 ?^j 






m ^ ■! ■ iii—i y if ir- i rjM"* wT^rym U ^' ^^<^ 

: 195? 

JEBI — NEW Vu.>„ 




^rfih 4f 1.957 



*nelfl*««** ?r.^!****^ ^^*?'* ^*6nii<irV fe, Z9S7, with 
p»'aii?**ngf your n^i^nieaiUn iw nppraoiaiHil 


John adgar MQovar 

1 - BaltUore (Xn/crmUon) 

2,.»-Jt»» Tork (In/or mtion) 


if/^n/KA ^^^^^or^ a'i^ Qhioago are rsfarred iso Sui»^ 





i _ji*=Sl3! 


-^•ci>*-r ■:$-/! 










In current le-ttor, oorreapondenir^trananitied 
additional literature received by htvt^on RX* AI90, 
a pamphlet entitled "Fact /or Taot^^TFT), published by 
"foundation for Advances' BeaearoH Analyaia*' (FFARA), 
SVSnftH Avenue t ^ero Tork 1?, Jfeio York, which Vfaa 
apparently forwarded to correspondent by Mn^junin ^. 
Treedmanj 960 Park Avenue, 2/ev> Tork Pd, MioTork, who 
Tal.i8ted aa the author of the article in m. The 
tenor of Treedmn'a article in TFF ia indicated by the 
caption, ""mo ae Slood Will Flow Next in Paleatine Now 
Answered; President Eisenhower ieeka conaent of Congreaa 
for United Statea Arned Foreea to fight Middle Saat war 
to protect booty of Zioniat'a 1948 armed inaurreotion JMkea 
Impending Eaat-Weat World-War More Imminent," 

^filea denote Freedmn ia an unatable and 
violently anti-Zioniat individual* 

For information New Tork, RI ia anticowMuniat, 
anti-Semitic and pro white race* It appeara to be directed 
by one individual with no membership and ita principal 
activity ia the publication of anti-Semitic and pro ^shite 
race documenta* It waa 'the aubject of an IS-X inveatigation, 
Chicago Office origin* 

For information Baltimore and Chicago, FFF haa 
previously been brought to the attention of the Bureau and 
the New Tork Office haa been regueated to search office 
filea and contact eatabliahed reliable aourcea and aecurity 
informant a re FFF and FFABA. 

* 5? « 

^ f^ 


IS - X 



romltlltd SA fiOYCB B, COCHRAN OH V^'V^ 
tlon "f^t for Ftet* irtaeh h* 

ia«ii * eopgr or th« pabXloatlon 
liad rooolYod through tho n«iX» 

Vho abovo pabXioation im asporontly publtthed 
b7 BBMJrAIIXN K* 1WDSam»$ 90und«r \9W, Lmsuo for Foaoe 
with J^ttioo in P«Xottin«# imd lAio apparently has aomo 
oonnootion with "foun4atloa[ for Advaneod RaaoarOh Analyai8>^ 
50$ Hf tb Avanoo^ Maw irork| Maw York* 

l!ha rotum addraaa on tha anvalopa waa BBMJAMXK 
H, VRSSDHftX, 960 Park AvanU«« Maw York 28« Maw York, 

Tha pubUoatlon ''Vaot for Fact^ la andoaad for 
tha Information of tha Bora&u* 

jjt- Bureau (&)ol« l) 
( 1> MOW York 
1 • Aaohoraga 

i * 

r^' S 




IK'IHPTIOM CODE 2 S>C a -Miaan ) 
DATE 03™21-Z012 





ROM: SAC, NEW YORK (105-23983) 

! Too ' New York) 

But^t ■ to I [ ^ dated 

2/13/5Z* copies of vSrhich were furnished to Cincinnaii and NY7 

DATE: 3/22/57 

EXTEK \ /'^^zL±t^ 
Rmo. Y ... J\ I 
FCIM. ' A ^/^ ' 



Bulet dated 3/V57 ^o[ 

I copies of which were i-urnlshed to the Baltimore, Chicag 

and NY Offices. 

WPO let to NY dated 2/15/57* entitled, "BENJAMIN H, 
ANALYSIS, 505 FIFTH AVENUE, NYC. SM-C." which enolosed for 

the MYQ an PnvP>Tr»nft artrir*f*aaaA *-rA 

I, containing a copy of the 

January, i^f issue of the paper entitled, "Fact For Fact". 

Butte letter to NY dated 2/26/57, entitled"Fact for ?^ 
Fact, Published by Foundation for Advanced Research Analysis, v 
505 Fifth Avenue, NY 17, NY, Mailed by BENJAMIN H, PREEDMAN, to 
Information Concerning," which enclosed for the NYO the January, 
.1957 issue of the naper. "Baftf: te^r* T?aftt:". wh<aV. v>q/i ■ho/:>» ^,>^4 

wh<i»'iittu i-wueiveu aame through tn^ mail, s^id Butte le'tter 



requested that NY also furnish any 
indices concerning the publication, 

-Bureau (RM) 
1 - Baltimore (INFO) (mi) 
1 - Butte (INFO) (RM) 
1 - Cincinnati (INFO) (RM) 
1 - St. Louis (INFO) (RM) 
" ss^Washington Field (INFO) 

OJe w York (105- 2308^ ) 


nent information from its 
for Fact" or BENJAMIN 

/ (1-NY 105-17071) 



y^^^-^S 9f^ "0 «S;^ .'i 

NY 105-23983 

ii« ^ ^. ^^* ^^is letter to NY dated 2/28/57. entitled 
'JPoundation for Advanced Research AmlysW IS-X"rwhich 

tPflfit for Fact", top^ether wii-.b ^i^ envelope ft^r^r>As>.^ ^ to f T 

T^ne copy 01' said publication had been forwa2?ded tcA 

In ■iaTn'\^;c 



- lA - 


NY 105-23983 
Miscellane ous 


Rebulet, dated 2/13/57, Instructed that the NYO 
should search office files and contact established, reliable 
sources and security infomants regarding "Pact for Pact" 
(PPP), and regarding "Foundation for Advanced Research 
Analysis" (PPARA), and that a recoimaendation be made to 
the Bureau as to whether additional investigation is warranted 

Bebulet, 3/V57, indicated that Bureau files 
denote that BENJAMIN H. PliEEI^IAJI, 960 Park Avenue, I^ 28, 
NY, who is listed as the author of the article in PPP, is 
an unstable and violently anti-Zionist individual. 

On 2/18/57, there was received In the NYO, throu^ 
the mail, an envelope bearlncf the rfitnm nama and address 

I Which enclosed 

another 6nv6iojie be&i^ihg the return address, "BEIJJAI^IN H. 
PREEMAN, 960 Park Avenue, New York 28, New York". The 
second envelope which had been onened nrlor to Its raftftint at fchA 
NYQ. was addypjR<^pf! i:n\ J 



and contained a copy of the January, 195' 

xssue or rne puDJLication PPP, which publication Indicated on 
its face that it was published by the PPARA, 505 5th Avenue, 
NY 17, NY. 

The last two mentioned envelopes, together with thp 
copy of the January, 1957 issue of PPP forwarded by I 

by mail to the. NYO in said .envelopes, are being malht;ainea 
as an exhibit in the file on this case in the NYO. Accordingly, 
the enclosures forwarded in referenced letters of the WO, of 
the Butte Office and of the St. Louis Office to NY have beeA 

It is noted that rebulet dated 2/13/57 Indicates 
that the Bureau is already in possession of the January, I957 
issue of PPPi 

The files of the IJYO contain no pertinent information 
identifiable with publication PPP or with the organization PPARA 

The January, 1957 issue of PPP contains only one 
article, namely an article captioned, "^Jhose Blood Will Plow 
Next in Palestine Now Answered", and the article indicates 

jyi -2- 


NY 105-23983 

that the writer is BENJAI^IN H. FREEmAW. 

There have been many references to/ 



PREElDf-IAN in Bureau, files ajad in particular, 'attention is 
drawn to the case 'entitled, f'^ALLBGED MEMBERSHIP OP ANNA M, 
sone investigation, was conducted concerning BENJAIHN H. 
PREEDMAN and the latter* s fihsnsial background. 

Information froci iRfeferding 



PPP and PPARA QxidTBEnTm ni 

■ III. n ■■iw m iiii > iiaii »«ii— n III I I i m i m w fc. — .i i, , „u | i 

Further. infVe^aj 


d to BENJA!>IIN H. FREETX^AN, it is 




noted that | { (identity to be concealed), x^iio has 
furnished VfinnnTfi TrTrnrmf^hton in the past, on 12/28/56, 

advised SA I that BENJAMIN H. FREE:»IAN had, 

for many y^^S, been friendly with Arab officials in NYC 
and tersaod BENJAMIN H» FP.EE})MAN as a notorious anti-Semite 
who has been associated v;ith and supported the publication, 
"Common Sense" for many years. 

It is noted that "Common Sense",, published by the , 
Christian Educational Association of Union, New Jersey, was 
characterized in a report issued on 12/2.7/5^* by the Committee 
on Un-American Activities of the United States House of 
Representatives, as a "hate group" vehicle publishing"some 
of the most vitriolic hate propaganda ever to como to the 
att^tion of the committee". 

According to the report, "Coirason Sense" depicts 
Communism as "Judaism" end devotes its pages almost exclusively 
to attacks on the Jewish, and, to a lesser extent, the Negro 

£,dvised that so' 

On 2/20/57 J I I advised SA 
that he is aware of the publication PPP and £.dvised that so'Tarjas 
this source knows, the Janusry, 1957 issue of PPP has been the 
only issue published. This source said that inqui3:;y_alL_5Q5. 
5th Aven ue, NY, NY, had elicited information from 

of that building that the PPARA occupies deBix. space &t 
Tjna-c Duxlding in one room where several commercial companies 
also occupy desk s pace, and that this desk space for FFAR A 

had been rented by 





- 3 - 

NY 105-23983 

According to 

at this 

building ttysseaaefl nn fnyi-.b^T^ irJAnhif^Hv^;. ^r>f>^^>^ftt^■^/^r. 
I (ph onetic). 


npariher on 2/20/57 
K. PREEDI-aN/iHc in^tyidal te^ 
source said that\^OTanuary, 1957 

advised that 

tehindthe publication PPP. This 

issue of PPP consists only 
of one article, *naiaely that' by imNJAMIN H, PREEDTIAN. In' the 
past, according to this source, PREEJ^'J^N has -had this 
articles printed in the publication, "n^mi^i/M^ s^ns^"- rr,^y^Mnr>f>A 






However, according to this source, PREEDI^AN had 
written an article entitled. "Christians Beware", which 
had appeared in the 10/15/5b issue of "Common Sense". Said 
article had attacked the movls entitled, "'I'ho Ten Ccnraandmants", 
as Jewish and Zionist propaganda, but ha^ done so in a way that 

fco many ChylfsfciAns. pFh-ffi flr)nT>fif> AAlri 

was offensi ve also 
tiiereafter. I 




PRBEK'IAN t hen put out the Janusi?y, 1957, Issue 
1 advised, on 2/20/57, ;;hatl I 


On 3/12/57, I I advised SA JAIIES P, MARTIN 

that BENJATCN K. PREEDMAN has not put out anv ia&ue of PPP 
subsequent to the January. ^QJ^y Irkha. fmrW I 




sTV-tE j 

- 4 - 


NY 105-23983 

Confidential Sources and Security Informants 


b3 50 use 403-1 (i 





* ^w 

7he following, , sources sn^ security- 
infbtraant s,iClwhbHS^V€ ^ubnlsKed.-V.'Keli'a'bie information 
in the past, and. vrho are.-.faiailiay Arith scStoe .... •* ' 
phases of Commimist Party activity In the Hew York City 
area, were contacted by the agents shown on the indicated 
dates. They had no information to furnish regarding 
"Fact for Pact" or the Foundation for Advanced Research 
Analysis : 



♦ February 

^urs- — ^^ — ^PTT"''^'/ .February 

*; ^^IlQiB^fqJFebruary 

I 1 1^*^ » ^ February 


20, 1957 

21, 1957 
25, 1957 
25, 1957 
25, 1957 

19, 1957 

20, 1957 

25, 1957 

26, 1957 

20, 1957 

21, 1957 
25, 1957 
28, 1957 














- 5 


NY 105-23983 

On 2/JJ7/57> CSNY 1, who h as fumishad rf^linhle 
Infomation In the past, advised SA | 
that this source possessed no credit or i^acicgrounci information 
regarding PPP or FPARA. 




In View of t he informati on, sefc out above, 
particul^ly that from | | reg&t>^ns PPP, PPARA and 

BENJAl^IIN H. PREEK4A1I^ .aiid since It xjould apoeai* that ther( 


BENJAl^IIN H. PREEK4A1I, .aiid since It xjould appeal* that there 
will be no:' further publications of PPP, It is not believed 
that any further investigation should be conducted in 
captioned case, UACBt 

Accordingly, this case is being placed in a closed, 
status • 

A copy of this letter is being forwarded to the be 
PaXtlmore OffioetfQr their Infonr^ationt in view of the fact that ^70 

J who resides 

Wlthlrith6.te3?rltory of the Baltimore Office, had forwarded 
a copy of January, 1957 issue of PPP to the Bureau. 

A copy of this letter is being forwarded for the 
information of the Butte Office? in ansv;ej(? to the request 
of the Butte Office contained in re Butte letter 2/2b/57^ 
for the NYO to furnish any pertinent infomation concerning 
t;he publication PPP or EENJA^ilN H* PREmiAN, 

A copy of this letter is b^lng .'*rcn;arded to the 

iaai, that 

► had forwarded to the Bureau a copy tt the January, 195 

itjsub of PPP. 


A copy .of this letter is being forvrarded to St. 

Tjonlfl Offififi. for thftir infnrnf^tlnn. In vlf^v: o<^ tbp fptnt 



that b7c 

who resides within the tei*ritory of the St« Louis Office had 
been a recipient of a copy of the January, 1957 issue of PPP. 

: 6 - 

NY 105-23983 

A copy of this letter* is beir*S fortrardcd tron i'r\y% i-UA^y^ •iiM'r.rm^^^^A rsy\ ^^ iM ar.t /n^^ ¥^^t% i'l^ir^p that 


, had furnished to the WPO a copy 

nr r.i-ifi .iAnnny\r. 'ipg^^ ififitm r>f Pl^T?. tfhiY>h had been 

received by 


It is noted that any of the above officesj.j.^ 
may in the future need to know -che background of /puMication 
PPF since persons residing within their territories. ha^ rqcs^^iy^d 
copies of said publication. 

- 7 - 

i JAf4I>A«p FORM NO. M 

^ ^jfi^^ ^^"^omndum • united staRs government 





SAC, NEW HAVEN, J'^^-O-aTTli) 


DATE: 3-20-57 

"FACT FOR FACT" *«^^«-.TWflfi 


On 2-18-^7 




jturnished this omce wltlx a paB5)hlet entitled "I-'act iov 
Fact" lAiich he states he believes is xm-American in that 
it criticizes the .President and his policy towards the 
Middle East* 

It is noted that the publisher of this pamphlet is the 
Foundation for Advanced Research ;Analysis, $0$ Fifth 
Avenue, New York 17, New Yoiic. 

The indices of the Neur Haven Office contain no Information 
pertaining to "Fact For Fact" or the Foundation for Advanced 
Research Analysis* 

This pamphlet is being enclosed for the infomation of the New 
York Office for •»*iatever action is deemed necessary. 

2-New York (Encl.-lW(ra!) 
1-New Haven 




/^)<-z3 9^J-//' 


^of^ (^ 



DIRECTOR/ FBI 4/23/57 

SAC^ imw YORK (105-23983) i 

- '■ ' ■ '■ ' ' 'i 


IS - X 

Ra NY letter to Bureau 3/22/57^ irtilch set out 
Infiormation concerning the January, 1957 JLaaue of the 
paper entitled '!Fact for Jlact." 

On April 19# 1957,T 


] (identity to be 
Inf < 

eoneealed)^ who has furnished Teiiahle InforHatibn in 
the paeti adrlsed that this Bource had j^eoeired a copy of 
the March* 1957 l»8Ue of "Pact for Pact" and also Infoiaation 
cencemiag captioned publication from a source TAioue I 

jtdentitTl [did ttot desire to disclose, hut 

whom £ermed reUahle as folloirst 




2- Bureau (Ends. 2)(RM) 
!;■ New York (105-53903) 






^ N 



mr 105-23983 

I 1 fumi«h»d to SA JAHBS p. UAKOH 
on April 19, 1957 a ftow of the March > I957 is»ue <>' 
'fpact for J-act " wiiich | \ Jasi^ siecured JTrom the 
source described above. 

*Pii© Photostats of the March, I957 issue of 
"Pa6t Xor "Kict " art Taelng f ornarded as enclosures Irith 
this lettsr to the Bureau. 

In view of the inforaatlon oondeming "P^ct 
for Plaet" set -^ab in re letter> it Is not believed that 
further Investigation of eaytloned imblieatlon is warranted 
at the present tine. Accordingly, this oase will be 
maintained in a dosed status 4 

lSoirever# If the Bureau so requests^ this 
office will oake Atteaqpts to secure « i.n a discreet manner > 
future copies of oa9(tl<med publication In order to f onrard 
same to the Bureau for the ^Bureau's information. 


.i I 

'■ 1 

*>' V 

V/4 'v 

■ \f 

-** 2 •* 

* ^. '^ 


Office Me. 






jf^Acr fa A fAcT 



Q^ Pit' p-f^ 

, G A (FnT- 5< :'u) 











Alt IRFORIUIIOIf cewAi wp " 

HBKBIH IS WCLASSZf I© , v^ . / ^ ^ ) 

Ojfice NLemorandum • united states government 




SAC, NEW 70RK (10^.23983) 
SAC» CINCIIDI/ITI (10(M>.151U1() 


IS « Z 

00s NEir TOfiK 

DATE: U-2U-57 

On 2(*19^57* tlM Cincinnati Offie« r«e«lv«d via. aail bearing no return 
address the March Issue . of ' "Pact . For Fact," containing an article by 
BENJAMIN H* FBEEDMAM. Also enclosed with this iras an envelope postaaxiced 
U-12-$7* New Torkf bearing the return address BBNJAMIM B. PREEDMAN, 960 
Park Avenue* New York 28,. New Tork« A notati<m Is on this envelope 
indicating that the Individual nho forwarded it to the Cincinnati Office 
received it via mail "yesterday** 

The above itens are forwarded'^rewlth for your information* 

/^"T^ New York (10$-23983)(Encl8* - Z\ 
^"T- Cincinnati (100-0-1$1I»I|) ' 







KSMIN ISUKCtASSIPim , „^ ^ / , 

PAti;_^^Il^_B Y_ SF^ e^lfi^ pf(J 



-i, -f-'-^Y^^ 







April 19^.. 1957. 





The Federal Bureau of Investigation 

U. S, Dept. of Justice 

290 Broadway 

New York 22, N. Y. 

Dear Sir: 

The enclosed was delivered in our 
morning mail unsolicited. 

It reads very pro-Russian. 

Very truly voursa< 




t ■ 




201 iMt j69th JtVMt, 
Mew Toxk 21, V. Y* 

April 25, 1957 • 


9emt Siti 

I would lite to mekamiltdpi J^setipt of ^our letter 
of April 19, 1957, toget^r with the enelooure. 


\ < • 

Tour interest in fumiehiag infoisutioii to this 
offioe is Indeed epptoeieted* 


▼erjr, tml^ 

Special Agent in' Charge 



AW 3lW«0ttf tow «0«H1 Wd 

HBR2M xvsmminm. n^Jr^rj \ 

^ kilns' ^^ 

>T^N0A«O rC»M4 M0,.«4 

Ojfice Memorandum 

SAC, JNew York 

SAC, Minneapolis (100^0) 


DATE! July 7, 1958 

IS - X 

I an enclosing printed matter entitled, "Fact for Fact," 
which was given to our Resid ent Agent at Bismarck. North 
Dakota, on June 30. 1958. bv I 


t It was postmarked New York, 

New York, June 27, 1958, and bears the return address: 
BENJAMIN H. FREEDMAN, 960 Park Avenue, New York 28, New York. 

This is furnished for your information. 

(2)- NeBreYorKEnc. O^ (RM) 
1 - Minneapolis A 








* • $f >iJ<9A*0 '^^^^ **>» ♦* 

Office JS/iemorandum • united states government 




, M\^ 


'-TniFORMATIOl«s;C0NC£9l|lNa, = 



On 6/30/58 1 ^ _ 1 ^^^^^ 

turned over to SA JAMES V. KiNNANE an envelope received ^ 
by him which envelope bore the return address .BENJAMIN H. 
FREEDMAN, 960 Park Avenue, New York 28, N.. Y., and was 
postmarked at New York on 6/27/58. The envelope contained 
a four page printed pamphiet entitled "FACT .FOR FACT, " JLssued 
as a public service by the Foxu^dation for Advanced Research, 
Incorporated, 505 .Fifth Avenue^ Hew York 17., New York City. 
This envelope and ppamphlet are enclosed for your 

I ^lso turned over an Identical envelope and pamphle t 

addressed to l \ 

which is being maintained by the Pittsburgh Office. 

Pittsburgh Indices contain no information re BENJAMIN H. 
.PREEDMAN or Poxindation for Advanced Research, Inc. 

/|>- New York (End. 2) 
^I - Pittsburgh 


» for A( 









Office JMemor^ndum • .united states government 


SAC, New York 



League For Peace With Justice in Palestine 
SM - C 

DATE: July 25, 1958 

SAC, Savannah (100-0) 











a ' 


On 7/18/58, \ 

\ made available the attached letter and envelope* 

He stated that he does* not have any idea as to why the 
letter was sent to him and that he has never had any 
prior correspondence from PREEDMAN and is not acquainted 
with him« 

Letter received by I Ibeing forwarded your office 
whatever action de emeu ap propriate > 

New York (Encl.-l)(HM) 
1 - Savannah 






DAgs.3rS:-:^^ B Y :S P<fRJA7 A^ 

^^^ Office M.emorJmdum • united siA-mi governmen 

DATE: 7/28/58.^^ - 





SAC, New York 

SAC, Salt Lake City (lOO-O) 

sobject: benjamin H. PREEDMAlt) 


On 7/?.2/^^\ 

1 made available Volvune II of 

"Fact For Pact'^, a pamphlet ^published In New York City, 
New York, The envelope contalnlDg this pamphlet bore the 
return address "BENJAMIN H, FREEDMAN, 960 Park Avenue, New 
York 28, N,Y. " The envelope contained the notation In red 
"VERY PERSONAL and STRICTLY lllUlll l|i| III \\\\_ To be opened 
only by addressee — please ," I [ stated he received 
the envelope and pamphlet thro vigh the xnall and he did not 
have any Information as to why the pamphlet was sent to 
him,. He believed that possibly some person had access to 
a radio magazine which listed the names and addresses of 
managers of radio stations In the United States. 

The Indices of the Salt Lake City Office do not 
have any Information regarding FREEDMAN or the pamphlet 
"Fact For Pact". 

The pamphlet Is being forwarded to your office 
Xor any action deemed necessary. 

eg?- New York (Encls-2) REGISTERED) 
1 - Salt Lake City f.f 



^ DAI 2 .^-^-^^ BY 5f ^KJyV/A fiO 









201 East 59th Stt^eQt 
New York 21» New York 
December A, 1958 


1J p\tjtf^ 

SMS is to advise that your letter dated Uoveinber 
29j 1958 and its enclosure has been received, and they are 
being made part of the official rooorfls of this office, 

2?hank you for your eoopdration in jnaklns this 
information available. 

be ' 


Very truly yours. 


S]t>ecial Agent in Charge 


^^^ ^ ^t,^.v^\A^^^., 

... f\iis>Af,u 

I.,?// ' 

STANOAMD FOftM ^ e4 . 

^ ^ce NLemorandum ♦ united states government 






DATE: 11/17/58 

CED c^^^&^i. 



BERSIH IS USCIASSirm . fytfiUf:^ 

With reference/to the Bureau's program of "intensive 

inve stlgatlon concerning hate groups and racial extremists . 

I advised SAI [that onei I be 

r.t^ nnPRr.innflh i^ fiftf>niTi^nr.fl~!in 

[ ha 


had recently "been ais- 1=7 c 


btated he had obtained two of the docu-^ - 
tnents dl^triDutea py f "| one of these being a document be 
entitled "Fact for -Fac^T" — TF5Is publication states that it is fc^^c 
"issued as a public service by the Foundation Xor Advanced 3le- 
search* An advanced research summary of world wide developments 
with historic significance now exerting an influence upon the 
course of domestic and International affairs may be obfained 
:free of charge upon request. All advanced .research summaries 
f or ^ -full year will be sent to all voluntary contributors of 
nnt 'voluntary amount to the Foundation for Advanced Research, 
Incorporated, .505 Fifth Avenue, New York 17> U.S.A." The, 
heading of this publication notes that it Is a non profit member- 
ship incorporated foundation, incorporated In the State of 
Delav^are in June, 1958. 

I made available a photostatic copy be 

of the puD ilea won he had secured. The publication contained ^^^c 
four large pages, half newspaper size, in the form of an 
'article by .BENJAMIN H. FREEDMAN, described In the publication 

New York City (REG.) 

3 - Seattle^^ 








SE 62-:New 

as "Founder .19^6, League for Peace with Justice in Palestine." 
This publication describes "The most vicious hatemongers JLn 
the United States are ,B'nal -Bjrith, Anti-defamation Xeague of 
B'nai B*rlth, American Jewish Committee, American Jewish Con- 
gress, World Zionist Organisation and' all their affiliates 
and subsidiaries';:!''' 

This publication goes on with PREEDMAN's approach In 
somewhat of a personal nature to call others hatemongers while 
seeking to explain his association with CONDE McGINIEY of Union, 
New Jersey, .editor and publisher "Of "Common Sense" which PREEDMAN 
describes as a pub]ti<J£^tion "fighting to protect and preserve tiur 
sacred heritages," 

Inquiry wag madg NQvgpber 6, 19?^ Qf \ 


I as to the captioned foundation and PREEDMAN, | 
advised th* PREEDMAN, .himself, is a Jew who has been IcnCWri CO 
their organisation in_bhepast as a writer of literature such 
as this. However, | "A dvised that he had no information 
to characterize the Foundation for Advanced Research or the 
publication, "Pact Xor Pact." 

. New York is :requested to furnish Seattle with any 
information available Indicating the captioned organiization or 
the' pub^licatlon to be a "hate group" organization and whether 
or not anyone in this area disseminating such literature mi^t 
well bp in line for consideration as a suspect under the . 
Bureau's program captioned, "Bomfeings and Attempted Bombings." 


The literature is being routed to captioned file's 

- 2 - 

Xi><Jlc«» Search Slip 
rO-UO (Rev. 6-n*56) 






Pe^jt^^jiA, ? /f^^^ 

> Blrthp/ic* X X 


J"<7i- rx/MrA-. 




Blith Dot* 

McdliJ^rimlQca Case )rUe« O^ly 

act SbelUn^ 

I I Re 

All References t j crlttlnol References Only - 

Mom Si^bverstve Case Files Only I iMain $>9ibverslre (If jd^o Maln« list all Subversive References) 

Svbverslve References Only I fMgtn Ciininal (If &o Maln« list all Criminal References) 

strict to Locality of 

File & Serial Number 


File £ Serial Number 




r:?.>C-</t— ^ 



•5^«*'5>_ ^.w.«>» 



^> -^^ 

<? «^^A?.r>r<?. 

:P — r^^^jft'"^ — ..-^ 3 '^^^ ,? - 



ALL irrffOT?M{,TTflN (!{>!TT*1 ffltt 




pA t gj_£:ll-p^ ^=^ 






ConsoHd^ted by 




ailable reference 


File No. 


''<3'S' ^ 

Zodlc^s Search ^Up 
FD-160 (Rev. e-n-56) 




''FACT Pofl p^A-CT 



D.eyte^A4h^ :^ Jfsir. 




yw. /t4c^ jiA^ M y 



Exact l(peUl£L<9 
All References 

Malzx^Subverelve Case Tiles Only 
Subversive References Only 


Main Criminal Case Files Only 
Criminal Refereoces Only ' 

Main Subversive (If ©o Main, Ust all Subversive References) 
Main Criminal (If no Maln# list all Criminal References) 

Restrict to Locality of 

File & Serial Number 


File & Serial Number 


^ /^ <• - ^3 ^^^3 ^flZJr^:uj:6i:/A.^ J^ 





' ^fmilm' 



File No. 

/?r^- ' f% -> t C3 — 

S2ARCKE0.,.,,. tNPEXED, 






>^jr-^c?/X^ -;3^^ 


Office Memorandfim • united states government 

ro . SAC, NETf YORK (REG) datej 12/24/58 


SAC, SEATTLE (62^2188) 



"''-i'u'.k . V-^ i 

, *■ 





^^..y^ '.^R e ,- j? eittl^'3i:t-t<sr^^o New York dated 11/17^58. 
Additional information received concerning [ 

indicates sufficient actjlvity in the field of "hate group" 
literature to merit an individual case investigation in regard 
to him. In any correspondence with Seattle with i^garv! to 
referenced letter, include extra copy designated for ] 

advised 12/17^58 

xnax ne nas noi neard anyxnmg additional regarding captioned 
organization in response to his inquiry from his New York 
headquarters. He advised that he would follow this matter 


- New York 
1 - Seattle 







y^. ^- ^jf/'j -^r^ 









furnished the following information 

on 2A8/59f " 

He stated tMt BENJAMIN EREEDMAN maintains 
an office at .505 5th Ave., for an organization named 
IPoundation for Advanced Researjch> inc. He stated that 
this is a Delaware corporation, Khich was organi-zed hy 
PREEDMAN several years ago. He stated that it is strictly 
a one raan organization and that pRESDMAN maintains this 
office only for the purpose of ireceiving mail and to impress 
any individuals whom. he wishes to interview t)iere. This 
source stated that the paper "Fact for Fact" has been pub- 
lished on several .occasions under the name of this organl- 
j2ation> "but; it is. :not published on a regular basis and there 
is no regular literature published by this organization. 

He stated that 2?RESDMM has been active f^or 
many years in various anti-Jewish organizations in NYC 
and presently supports the organization "Common Sense" in 
Union, NJ. He stated that IfRiBEDMAN presently has a one ' . 
million dollar law suit pending against the "New York 
Daily Ne>fs" as a result of recent articles in that newspaper 
concerning the Arab countries- connection with so called 
hate groups in the US in which they referred to FREEDMAN 
as a "renegade Jew" . 

It would not appear that FREEDMAN'S organization 
could be referred to as a "hate group" inasmuch as. there , 
is no membership or organization and it consists only of 
FREEDMAN who is a notorious anti-sendte. 


,."iy llev} York i£2iil2QI5J (FOUNDATION OP ADVANCED RESEARCH) (#^12) ■' 

^ - New York I [ J. >V.^ 

EABaii -t^r^-mr^'^"''-^ 




y^cr'-^^fri^ir-'<^^^ i 

■AC, ;rATTIE (62^?m) ^.^. 


no r..attlo letters to Jm, York, dated lVi7/i?9 and 12/2V^. 

pertinent i*St3?J i!riiSctJon*^A?t^.?'„^^ ^^"^^^ ^ ^^^^ 
csptlotjod on^ardmi Jai *^'^'^°*^"^ ^*^ QSflJ/./TM H. FTJIKP? a;^ «nd iijo above!? 

IJ:;^^ nE'fj;/7vX fSSJ^jIIi"!^ *** dlaclose, advised ;/t 
mta Arab omci,a9 in '^wroi. -iKrt S^^f.'li^^f^^ 
»8 a notortoiw anti<3e«i to whohaa ilJ^ Jf ^? 1^ infor^iant terr»d mw \( 

States Hou9e%xP SpwLnt^wJL^ ^»*m^^^ ActlviUea of tlie Miod 
the most ^A^oU^fl^^^t'^fll^'f^ ^'"^ ^^ol<» PubliaUl,^ n^Tof 
conlttee." A?S^f^to*^S±J^,^ <«>^« *« i^ve ^ttettUon of il» 

and 1« a lee^r «cte^;lSiJ"^^S^^^^ **» ^*^«*« on the ,^m, 

of ttie PtthHcf4^f^i^^3?ftS. ;J^J:\^ 'mil that he raa m/are 

HegMTch-Analy^la; JS ft^fi^X^^th t1«%f f,^5^'**^^'» ^^»' Advanced 

I " _ ' o^t«« tuat iSSW at S? w^h^f,^ V^>n±ed uji witn that tiro. 

for Advanced nesearch /nal yals. ^O^wi^h >>J ,»L .Jl°S^ . !^ ^^^^ *^ FotindaWon 
at that Him ptt^Hahed "^a?? f5r ScS^L^SS^ *^ ^^"^ ^7* '^^ ^«*"fe* ^^ch 





m connection idtb CO'm mc niMIjiy, 
^ la (62^m^ 

3 " coattla J^-210aWinri 

JJ^tjje ^ 

Iff 62-12075 

on 2/20/^7, tomod ^T3 mrOM a Twtorious airti-^nlto. 

^otated that TK^" *1 VM 5tritt©a an articls cntltlod 

«C!irioti.ana l^ofviare", Wdi had aispoarcd In -^lo 10/15/^ Issuo of 
"Oon^n Sonee." paid ortlcla had attacted t^*e iMivie cntltlod "Tho 
Ten OoTajandjaMitrf'f ae Jenich and ^onlet isropaatmda, but lusd ttono oo 
in a 'u-ag/ that traa offenaivg also to saiiy Chriatiang* 'Ihld aoxarco 


According to 

7K^:M then pttt out the January 

19^7 18311& of "Fact for ract?*« out thg infoyanfe advlaod^ 





adviwd m JAlfS P. 
J/»JI!I H. rEEE3)"AN hai not put out amr isiaig of "Pact fcr Fad;* 
quent to the Januayya Igg? iosWj and| 

I'AIin!! ihat IE?*- 


By letter dated 3/U/$7, the Usireau sAvimA that Bureau fllea 
denote that BETIJA'l!! !!• FREED'AN ia an unstaTsle and vlolentay aitti- 
ZionLat iTidivldaal* 

on 2/23/$9l 

«., ,,_,^^ , It naa recontaoted by i:^^ 

and :the liifomant funuattea tne xoUatdng Infoxtsiiont 

UG'WtfthlU H. FRKCl'AII otlU ijaintalnd an office at ^$ nftli 
Avemks^ -im York« IfewlTork^ Xor an ox^cjilsatlon vait Jcnosm as the 
foundation for Advanced Ke«eardi^ Xno*|> \rhLch organization was inoor* 
poratod in the Btate of Delaimro and vao f ora orlv "knam ti e the Foundatloa 




tido o 

£ov Aavanood Reoearch Analyals* Accordiixj i<> 

tmaor tho latter mm, ^» oxsanii^od Iry lllt:SP!"A:i sow years aco< __^ 

adviisdd tiiat tl» Fouiidation for Advcnood Roooarch, lno#, io otMLctay -^^^ 


anisa 1Aoa> 

A o!^ rmn orcanlMtlon at»4 FRHE3)*.:^M it^tttailns Mo viSih hvmm office 
ortly Xor tlie purpose of recelvlTf)g i: ^SX and to I wresa exty inddvlctuals 
yibom hoTdalios to itrter\dew thoroii | "[ furtlior advised that iSiO 

^2 « 

m 62-52075 

naper ^T'^ct tor Tact" baa l>oen published on oovox^l occasions' under 
tlio tiaiae of the Fovmdatlon for Jidvanced 5«908avb, Inc., bu^ it i» 
not tniblished on a i^gular basis tod the« is no rogular 3itoraturo 

stated that VWW'IIU h&a b9m aotlvo for laany yetxta 

in vartt>u8anH?^5*ffah organisations in mt ITork aiy and pwoosUa. 

BuaWtfl th9 publioation "Cojanon SJenW* in tmion, tlow Jer«dy# I __ I 
|fttrth«»r stated that FREH>igi:i preaontaiy has a one xiUlon^Oir 

laFiult pending agalnet -Wja «HW Xork JMay :»vr^ as a restat jof 
recent artloles in that wms^ipw oonoomlne the Ar^ countries 
connection with so-called bate gro\:?»g in the tmlted States inuhiob 
they referred to nn3D''AU as a "renegade Jew^« 

inesmch as It does not appear that ttxe abovo-Gflq;)tioned o«b- 
anltation wets the standards of a hate oqng«nLsation» as set forth in 
.Section Iffi, ?»ntial of instructlone* VoXvm T9$ no further Investig- 
ation of this oJsaid.s»tion is being conducted by taie \m Xoric Office^ 

It is to be noted that Hbw Xorlc fll© 105-03736 is a raain 
$ase fUe on one ^^JJA!1?I FRFBDmN, posdbly AdontLcai idth wm^im, 
above^ and it has been tuntmdHtble for renrlev in this natter* A0 soon 
as it becomes avaUable for r0«ie«r» the ?;«attl0 Office idU lie advised 
of any pertinent infonation eontalned 'therein relating to the above- 
captioned »tter» P« 



3iVC, r.aVu'GR (^51B8) 


i?AC, .::iTf xoiiK <6?.JL207^) 

r.o ^scR7 tori: lottcr to toatlOo, dated 3/S/$9* 

A jrcviCTT of Vfftt 2ork file lQ^]l373i>» a ^aln c^do f aio «i J^r^iiVTi 

roforonced Oottoj*, :io««ror, iMa mo fails =td xofloct any acmiional InforraaUon 

pertdttmrii to tSio -alxwro-oaptioaod rattor* 

•ftfiicrTudi as It does not ayisoar fat ifco aT:ovo-captiomd oj*f53niaafci6n 
ftjeots tl-to tjtaiy'artlg of a iiato oPnaniaaiion, aa sot -forth in Poctioa 1?2, 'Soaal of 
Iiisl:inK:tio»5, 7ol«» 1V» no SvaetLiGS tmoaHmWin of thia orijai-sisation iahoixiQ 
coatiuctofl 1^ tho !!aff iwk Ofrico and iJiig <5a90 Is bolng sjlacod in a plosod atatufl* C» 




3 « ^-oattlo (gg-glSa) (Rjl) 
X- Itejj'YoriS (6?-12075) j 






NY 14 



PILE NUMBER.^?. r.^?.f.?/rr. , 

suBJECT./!=:<?^/vm TJAf^ , ./fS4« /k^fnc^c€:o^ Msp^^cH^XMc . 


PILE NUMBER /,^ 'fTT.^A fj^^, . » 


CONSOLIDATE.^ ::ir'(.'>.0 7 S^ ^dit^^ST- /^j:^a3ff^3 ^ ^ 



Mtfi im^nno'fi cow? aihso 


i , 


•f -^ffi^^ ^^^orandum • united states government 


;rOM : 


DATE: 7/9/5^ 

-"^ ') 


SAC, SANPIEPO (157-0) , ., ' f 





- / 

V '^ .^ 

. fs 

On .6/25/59 

I turned oyer to SA[ 

the JSan Diego Om'ce an envelope he reoeivea rnrougnTTTg 
Mails on 6/24/59 addressed to 

17. JS. 
bearing the retiirn address of : 




New York 17^ U.S.A." The envelope contained April 1959 edition 

of a publication entitled "FACT FOR FACT" . 

The publication contains propaganda against persons 
of Jewish descent and agitates for return of land occupied by 
Israel to the Arabs. 

and had no itxaa 

stated he had never heard of the corporation 
how they obtained his .address. He surmised 
that some organization representing the Arabian "nations was 
^responsible for distribution of the publication. 


The envelope and publication described above are 
enclosed herewith by Registered Mail for any action deemed 
advisable by the New York Office. 

a - HOW VO* (Enols zAoX^m 

1 - San -Diego 







JllIi'I»F0RlttTI05 C0NTAIHS3J 

1 ^''""'1 


DlRisCTOHi FBI *^^ "" 


SAC, Bte.AS (100-6-5863) 



-Rv letter dated 6/g6AQ. \ 

I h . 

i made avaixatiie tne enclosed magazine -iracT; yor yaot", be 
which Is listed as being connected with the Foundation for b7c 
Advanced Research, Inc*, 505 Fifth Avenue, New York 17* Nevi 

The Bureau may make such disposition of the enclosed 
as deemed desirable. 

f^ - Bureau (End.l) 
(It -Hew York (Info) 
ii - Pallas 





No Duplication Fees are charged for Deleted Page Information Sheet(s) 

Total Deleted Page(s) ~ 10 
Page 19 ■— Duplicate 
Page 20 ■— Duplicate 
Page 2 1 — ■ Duplicate 
Page 22 ~ Duplicate 
Page 3T ~ Duplicate 
Page 3S ~ Duplicate 
Page 39 ■— Duplicate 
Page 40 ■— Duplicate 
Page 79 -- Referral/Direct 
Page S2 ~ Referral/Direct